my pet is boss

Chapter 290 The real mastermind behind the scenes

Chapter 290 The real mastermind behind the scenes

The dragon scale's defense is extremely strong, and it is difficult for ordinary swords to hurt it.

Jax's weapon hit the dragon scale, except for the power transmitted to Frost Dusk Dragon's face, all damage was blocked by the tough dragon scale.

The Frost Dusk Dragon was slapped in the face by Jax, and then sent madly by Shen Fei from behind, and became furious.

The dragon's tail swept away suddenly, flying sand and rocks with it.

Fortunately, Shen Fei had been prepared for a long time, and shifted his position in advance, allowing Frost Dusk Dragon to sweep away.

Frost Dusk Dragon slowly turned its face, and there was endless anger in its two dragon eyes.

It is definitely a shame that the majestic Frost Dragon was slapped in the face by a human.

Just like a person, if he trips over an ant, he will definitely burn with anger and lose his temper.

Frost Dusk Dragon's evil fire was rising, staring straight at Jax.

Although Jax "resisted pressure" in the library every day and found a way to resist Longwei, but now he was a living Frost Dusk Dragon, and Jax could even feel the bitter breath from the other side's nostrils.

"Ant, you angered me!"

The Frost Dusk Dragon's dragon claws had already been raised, intending to trample Jax to death directly.

Arms Master loses his weapon and is nothing.

Not far away, Landos tied Ornn to the halberd.

Ornn looked flustered, his legs dangling in the air.

"Is this really good? I think I can just run over there."

Once the dwarf's feet left the ground, he felt a sense of unease.

"This is the fastest solution." Landos said firmly.

Ornn was still a little scared, the halberd pierced his back and passed through the chain mail.

"I always feel that this is a bit like a tied wild boar. You must tell me in advance when you throw it away later, so I can be mentally prepared." Aoun was still rambling.

Seeing this, Landos directly threw the halberd out, and by the time Aoun reacted, he had already flown out.

The Frost Dusk Dragon had raised its claws and stepped on Jax.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jax saw a white light flying from a distance, aimed at the Frost Dusk Dragon.

If you dodge, Frost Dusk Dragon will definitely chase after it, and the white light it shoots will miss.

Jax gritted his teeth, stood on the spot and clenched his fists, and rushed towards the dragon claw.

Everyone was shocked.

When Frost Dusk Dragon's claws come down, even Owendale's impenetrable city wall will collapse directly, let alone a body of flesh and blood.

At the critical moment, the Halberd of Destiny brought Aoun to kill him.

The Halberd of Fate turned into a stream of light at the last moment, slipped through Ornn's chain mail, and fell straight into Jax's hands.

Aoun held his warhammer in both hands and hit Frost Dusk Dragon directly in the face.

The rune of the earth is broken, this hammer has the potential to be powerful!
As a master of weapons, Jax naturally wields a halberd.

The most representative halberd of destiny among the white elves seems to have been used thousands of times in the hands of Jax. The halberd of destiny spun in Jax's hands and set off a strong wind. In an instant, Jax was wrapped in the whirlwind, faintly You can see the figure in the center of the whirlwind.

Ornn's Earth Hammer, which contains the power of the earth, and Jax's Whirlwind Halberd, all hit Frost Dusk Dragon at the same time.

hum! ! !
Ornn's hammer hit the Frost Dusk Dragon, and the warhammer hit the Frost Dusk Dragon severely under the wrapping of the power of the earth, and the dragon scales on the cheeks even appeared twisted and dented.

But in the next second, the hammer in Aoun's hand also turned into dust. Under the dual effects of the dragon scale's defense and the power of the earth, the internal structure directly collapsed, turning into loose sand and passing away with the wind.

At the same time, Jax's whirlwind halberd pierced Frost Dusk Dragon's claw.

Although there are dragon scales on the dragon claws, there is only a thick layer of calluses at the center of the claws, without the protection of hard dragon scales.

In addition, the Halberd of Destiny is one of the few famous weapons on Elven Island. It was originally the weapon of the priestess. Later, in order to commend Landosi's outstanding performance in the battle of protecting the country 94 years ago, this weapon can be changed at will. The weapon of the form was given to Landos, and he was also promoted to be the head maid.

This is a weapon once used by the leader of the elf clan. Forged and hammered by the moonlight, it is unparalleled.

A halberd pierced Frost Dusk Dragon's palm directly.

The face was severely injured, and the soles of the feet were pierced. Frost Dusk Dragon wailed in pain, his whole body shifted, and he fell to the ground on his side precariously.

Holding the staff in both hands, Tuktata began to cast the spider curse on the Frost Dusk Dragon.

Other highly poisonous tarantulas spit out venom and spider webs, trying to directly press the Frost Dusk Dragon to the ground.

Jax and Ornn both fell from mid-air and were caught by a web made of venomous tarantulas.

Landos reached out her hand, and the halberd of fate turned into a stream of light and returned to her hand.

Shen Fei stood in the distance and began to shoot, and Frost Dusk Dragon kept jumping up with high damage.

Inspired by the Heart of the Holy Light, the exhausted soldiers stood up from the spot and rushed towards the position of the Frost Dusk Dragon.

Shen Fei watched from a distance just now, Aoun's strength is unquestionable, after all, he is a rune warrior with Nicholas' blood in his body, a legendary hero.

But Jax's progress made Shen Fei speechless.

It was originally a lv20 armory boss, but he was suppressed by the administrator's dragon language when he was in the library.

Unexpectedly, in just half a year, Jax has grown to the point where he is now, fully bearing the dragon's power, and his strength is not weaker than the new dwarf king Aoun.

Frost Dusk Dragon fell to the ground and howled, and was entangled in spider webs again.

The dragon scales isolated the venom sprayed by the venomous tarantula, but Tuktata was smart enough to let the venomous tarantula aim at the injured forefoot wound and spray venom continuously.

Seeing the dragon's blood dripping down, Shen Fei felt distressed.

The chief alchemist ran to the feet of the Frost Dusk Dragon at some point and collected the dragon's blood with a crystal bottle.

"This thing is too rare, don't let it go to waste."

Seeing that Frost Twilight Dragon was bleeding less, the chief alchemist even sprinkled some blood-activating powder on the wound, the effect was to prevent the wound from coagulating, so that a steady stream of dragon blood could flow out.

Frost Dusk Dragon was so humiliated that he was pushed to the ground by a group of ants.

There was numbness and pain from the wound on the sole of the foot, and Frost Dusk Dragon twisted its huge body, trying to break free from the shackles of the spider web.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, several heroes climbed directly along the torso to the back of Frost Dusk Dragon.

Frost Dusk Dragon got up in a panic, staggered and ran for a few steps before flying into the air, and all the people on the ground were thrown into the air.

But the attack did not end with the Frost Dusk Dragon flying into the air. Shen Fei, Landos, Ornn and Jax had all appeared on the Frost Dusk Dragon's back.

The white elf archers on the ground regrouped and output in an orderly manner.

The remaining air units of the Frostbite Orcs, Blood Crows, Two-headed Dragons, etc. also came out of Doom Mountain, and the humans also sent Griffin troops and helicopter teams.

The Frost Dusk Dragon was struggling, and tried its best to shake off the four of them in the air, but Landos had already used the elven rope to trap the raised dragon scales. No matter how the Frost Dusk Dragon struggled, the four of them would not fall off their backs .

Four legendary heroes smashed a Frost Dusk Dragon with 1500 million blood points.

At the last moment, Frost Dusk Dragon wanted to go crazy, but the ground troops had already started to avoid danger, coupled with the harassment from behind, Frost Dusk Dragon did not perform the final madness, and swooped from the clouds and directly hit the plain.

The chief alchemist rushed forward with the instrument without saying a word, muttering: "Don't waste these dragon blood."

The last air unit of the Orcs was completely dispersed under the siege of white elf archers, human griffin riders, and helicopters, and none of them escaped.

The marching army of frost and cold orcs saw the fall of the frost dusk dragon, and they all looked at the chief, waiting for his order.

Great Chief Eugene hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and waved to move on.

Losing a Frost Dusk Dragon and air troops, and consuming a wave of enemy strength, bought a lot of time for the march of one's own army.

There are still twenty miles left, and we will reach the forefront of the frontal battlefield.

Shen Fei and the others jumped off Frost Dusk Dragon's back, looked at the Frost Dusk Dragon who had lost its vitality, and let out a long sigh of relief.

This time the four joined forces to kill the dragon, saving a lot of time.

As soon as Shen Fei jumped down, he saw the chief alchemist rushing over to collect dragon blood.

Seeing this, Shen Fei was secretly happy.

Coincidentally, no one is better at collecting dragon blood than Merovingia, so let him collect it, and requisition it himself after he has collected it all.

After the Frost Dusk Dragon has been dealt with, all we need to do now is to kill the remaining Frost Orc troops in one go, and all the frontal battlefield matters will be resolved.

Shen Fei took a look at the Frost and Cold Beast Army not far away, and it was about half an hour before they could reach the front line.

It was daylight now, and the fight lasted all night.

Facing the arrival of the dawn, as long as they win the final battle, they will be able to completely fight back the frost orcs.

"The boys in the Holy City should be able to hold on?" Shen Fei muttered to himself.

When Shen Fei returned to the coalition army, all the soldiers felt the recovery effect brought by the Heart of Light.

Ferdinand and Landos are arranging troops and directing the soldiers to stand ready to fight the orc army.

Under Shen Fei's instruction, Tuktata led the poisonous tarantula to dig some trenches in front and used spider webs to create some obstacles.

The enemy's wolf cavalry were very deterrent, and Shen Fei absolutely did not allow any impact on the infantry and archers on the frontal battlefield.

The cavalry of the human coalition army had torn apart the enemy army several times in previous battles, causing heavy casualties.

In addition, the horses fought all night, and now they are powerless.

Just when the two sides were making final preparations for the confrontation, suddenly the whole earth began to tremble violently.

The mountains on both sides of the battlefield were suddenly blasted through, and countless tentacles emerged from it.

The ground in the middle of the battlefield was directly torn apart, forming a large rift valley about 50 meters wide, directly isolating the two sides who were preparing to fight.

The earth trembled, magma spewed out, and the Doomsday Volcano in the distance erupted directly, and the volcanic ash that was thrown up was thousands of meters high.

The sound of the explosion even affected everyone, as if a thunderbolt exploded in their ears.

"What, what's the situation?"

Aoun asked nervously.

The earth is splitting, which is not a good sign.

"Is there any trump card for being an orc?" Ferdinand frowned.

Shen Fei saw the crazy tentacles on the two mountains, and thought of the bloodthirsty wolf in the instance of [Lava Crypt] in Novice Village.

The wolf boss was infected by this kind of tentacles.

Unexpectedly, this kind of tentacles appeared again today.

What shocked Shen Fei even more was that the Novice Village is more than 2000 miles away from Owendale, and there are tentacles appearing underground. What the hell is this?

Eugene immediately raised his hand to signal the troops to stop.

What is this disgusting thing that popped up out of nowhere?
Countless tentacles squirmed among the mountains, as if they were integrated with the mountains.

When the rock-crusher giant worm was drilling and digging the hole before, it didn't find this thing either.

And Eugene was sure that this thing was definitely not made by the Frost Orcs, nor was it made by Zorak.

Now there was a crack tens of meters wide in front of everyone, directly separating the two sides.

Looking down, you can even see hot magma.

Without air transportation equipment, there is no way to go there.

"The frost orcs really disappointed me, since you guys failed, then I'll do it myself..."

A treacherous whisper came from the depths of the earth, pointing directly at the depths of everyone's hearts.

It feels like someone is whispering something in your ear.

Landos frowned, and silently chanted the moonlight spell in his mouth, trying to expel the sound from his body.

But no matter how she read it, she couldn't perceive the Moonlight Goddess, and couldn't drive the voice out of her mind.

Ornn trembled all over. He had seen similar records in the ancient books of the dwarves.

[Looking down into the abyss, you can hear the whispers of the ancient evil gods.It's greedy, bewitching, mind-wrenching, crazy. 】

This is the classic book left by the ancestor of Nicholas, which records the "close contact" between the dwarves and the ancient evil gods.

"This, this voice is the ancient evil god." Ornn's voice was trembling.

There is no mistake in the description in the book, the tentacles, whispers and confusion, both in appearance and feeling, are the same as described in the book.

"Ancient evil god?"

"Goddess of Moonlight!" Landosi gasped. The elves with a history of thousands of years naturally had records of ancient evil gods.

It's just that according to the records that Landos saw, wasn't this thing sealed thousands of years ago at the place where the world was created?

Could it be that the seal was weakened, and the ancient evil god was able to see the light of day again?

Seeing the incomparably dignified expressions of Ao En and Landosi, Shen Fei immediately had a bad premonition.

In his earliest mission in Novice Village, the words Ancient God appeared.

It's just that when I went all the way to the Holy City, I forgot about it.

"It is said that the ancient evil god resides in the core of this planet. In order to allow the spread of life to survive, the God of Creation sealed the evil ancient evil god deep underground, so that it will never see the light of day."

"So, we are now facing the ancient evil god who lifted the seal of the Creator God?"

Landos looked at the huge tentacles on the two mountains for a while, then shook his head after a while and said: "No, the seal is only weakened, but not completely lifted, otherwise it will not only be the tentacles of Owendale's generation, but all the places on the planet. , all have evil god tentacles."

"So, only part of the seal is loose, we still have a chance!"

"Also, what the ancient god said just now meant that the war between the Frost-cold orcs and humans was provoked by him from behind the scenes?" Shen Fei suddenly wondered, is there any benefit for it to let the Frost-cold orcs fight humans? ?

Just when Shen Fei was puzzled and everyone was shocked, another voice came from the Doomsday Volcano in the distance.

"Pain, suffering, my hatred burns in the abyss..."

(End of this chapter)

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