my pet is boss

Chapter 289 Frost Twilight Dragon

Chapter 289 Frost Twilight Dragon
【Heart of Light】(Orange)
Type: Jewelry

Level: lv60
Effect 150: +[-] all attributes

Effect 1000: For the holder of the Holy Light entity, the recovery effect of allies within [-] meters is doubled.

Effect 0: [Blessing of the Heart of the Holy Light] can revive you (1/0, the number of times is refreshed at [-]:[-] every day)
Effect [-]: When Son of Light wears this item, Effect [-] and Effect [-] will increase tenfold.

At the same time, the system also reminded Shen Fei that this piece of equipment had successfully ranked second in the [Asian Top Ten Equipment Ranking].

It just so happened that Shen Fei's Howling Longbow was sacrificed in the enchantment, and the appearance of this piece of equipment occupied the second place to fill the vacancy, allowing Shen Fei to continue to dominate the list.

Shen Fei only released Effect [-] and Effect [-], while hiding all the others.

Many players in Owendale have seen Shen Fei and Ornn forging equipment with the Void Anvil, and when Shen Fei wears the equipment, the surrounding friendly forces also have the effect of doubling the recovery.

So this piece of equipment has no hidden value. Players present can guess that [Holy Light Heart] is Shen Fei's equipment, so Shen Fei just hides the most important effects three and four.

The most powerful part of this piece of equipment is that it can be resurrected once.

Shen Fei also saw the two lines of small notes on the bottom of the equipment.

1. After resurrection, the cooling time of all skills and items will be reset to zero.

2. The phylactery of Undead Emperor Aiken
Shen Fei was wearing [Heart of Holy Light], and everyone around felt bathed in the holy light, and the recovery effect was twice as fast as before.

The Undead Emperor held his head in his hands, feeling strange changes in his body.

Aiken's Memoirs is the material for making Aiken's Necklace. Now the Aiken Necklace and other three videos are synthesized into the Heart of Light, and the memoirs of Aiken's phylactery have also become part of the Heart of Light.

The two blue will-o'-the-wisps in the eye sockets of the Undead Emperor gradually intertwined and turned into holy light gold.

His phylactery and the Holy Light merged into one, and he saw the essence of the Holy Light with incomparable clarity.

Under the bath of the Heart of Light, Archbishop Mailer's flesh and blood are gradually recovering.

At the same time, he also felt a change in his body.

Mailer's phylactery is the skeleton of the undead emperor Aiken. The undead emperor felt the true meaning of the holy light, and Mailer also indirectly felt part of the fluctuation of the holy light.

Mailer's pupils also gradually turned golden.

His understanding of the holy light is deeper than that of Aiken. After getting a glimpse of the origin of the holy light, his bones gradually turned golden.

"Golden bones are perfect, a sign of sanctification."

The Undead Emperor took a deep breath, and the bones of his mentor, Mailer, began to transform from white bones to golden bones. If all the more than 200 bones in his body were transformed into golden bones, he would surpass all the believers of the Holy Light in the past and become the holy light of the Holy Light in the world. Spokesperson, the Holy Light sect will give birth to a true god!
The Heart of Light had a very wide range of effects, and many soldiers' faces became rosy visible to the naked eye, and they had the strength to get up from the ground.

Shen Fei looked at the soldiers from Tuk County and the poisonous tarantula rushing forward without hesitation, and followed them without saying a word.

If he remembered correctly, this guy Jax was in the copy of the library before, but he was firmly determined by Longwei.

Based on Shen Fei's understanding of giant dragons, this is a giant frost dragon that is approaching its twilight years.

Lan Duosi sat cross-legged on the ground to rest, saw Shen Fei rushing up, and quickly called him to stop.

"This bow and arrow is for you!"

Shen Fei turned around with a sassy smile and said, "I, Shen Fei, slays the dragon, when do I need to rely on the power of my weapon?"

Shen Fei said this once 93 years ago.

That time, the evil dragon Kersu, who made the entire northern continent fearful, was executed.

This time, Shen Fei picked up a poplar bow and arrow on the battlefield, which can also kill the Frost Dragon.

With the Heart of Light, Shen Fei's confidence greatly increased.

Although the current environment is an endless plain, it is difficult to fight against the frost dragon, but he is not the little hunter who can only stab poisonous snakes 93 years ago.

The Frost Dragon approached the battlefield and saw a group of people running towards it.

The dragon is inherently arrogant, seeing a group of ants-like guys waving their flags and shouting, wanting to subdue it, they don't take them to heart at all.

It only needs to breathe out, and it can calm these ants down.

In the doom mountain camp, people from the warlock council are manipulating the brain of the frost dragon to complete all operations.

This is also thanks to the Frostbite Orc Grand Warlock Zorak.

Frost dragons are difficult to tame, and it is absolutely impossible for a proud dragon to crawl against a "low" creature.

So Zorak used the soul of the frost dragon to make a fuss, used the top black magic to deprive part of the dragon's soul, and then delicately grafted some orcs to it, and made up a frost dragon with a soul that looked like a dragon but not a dragon. , a monster that looks like a human but is not human.

Therefore, the Warlock Council can control the souls of the orcs to create spiritual hints for the Frost Dragon, making it think that everything is its own behavior, but it is actually the result of interference behind it.

The Frost Wyrm swooped down, seeing its throat wriggling at the same time.

Shen Fei saw the actions of the Frost Dragon, and then glanced at Jax who was rushing forward, feeling extremely anxious.

The Frost Dragon was about to unleash Longwei, Jax was locked in place, and he would definitely be trampled by the Frost Dragon and die.

This frost dragon is approaching its twilight years, but its strength is extremely strong.

Shen Fei knows the dragon language of the evil dragon Kersu, but it is still impossible to completely suppress the frost dragon. His dragon language can counter the frost dragon, but it cannot form a complete suppression.

What's more, Shen Fei has used dragon language several times before, and some powerful words have been used.

In the blink of an eye, Shen Fei thought of a good way to arouse hatred.

"Suffer to death, ants!"

The Frost Dragon opened its mouth, and everyone couldn't breathe under the heavy dragon power.

The soldiers of the Tuk County Security Brigade and the manor nobles who came voluntarily were all immobilized.

Even most of the human coalition forces on the battlefield were all fixed in place.

The dragon power of the old frost dragon is extremely heavy, it feels like the heart is being pinched in the hands of others, and it will be crushed if it moves a little.

Shen Fei directly used [Phantom Flash] when the Frost Dragon was emitting its might, and the short flash allowed him to completely avoid the effect of the dragon's might.

Then use [Phantom Flash] to shorten the distance between him and the Frost Dragon.

When Shen Fei rushed to the first row, he found that everyone except Jax was intimidated by the dragon's prestige, and fell to the ground unable to move. On the other hand, Jax was not affected at all, holding two two-handed swords and continued to attack heroically.

Shen Fei was dumbfounded, he could even stuff an egg into his mouth.

"Why does Longwei have no effect on you?"

Shen Fei chased after him and asked.

The corner of Jax's mouth raised a smile and said: "I go to the library every day to find the administrator, and exercise myself under the power of the dragon. This level of power of the dragon has no effect on me."

Shen Fei had nothing to say.

Jax is a tough guy too.

After he left Tuk County, this guy was so worried about being locked in the dragon language last time, he went to the library dungeon to practice alone every day.

After half a year of training, he can now control his body [-]% and is no longer afraid of Longwei.

Frost Dusk Dragon saw that most of the people had been immobilized, and felt quite proud.

These ants-like creatures should worship themselves and surrender under their own wings.

But when it continued to dive, it saw that there were two people at the front of the battlefield who were not affected at all.

Frost Dusk Dragon was furious.

"You dare to despise me and give you death!"

The lungs of the Frost Dusk Dragon began to expand, releasing azure blue magical energy.

Shen Fei turned his head and glanced at everyone on the battlefield.

The entire human coalition army is behind them. If the two of them rush up like this, and the Frost Dusk Dragon breathes out, although they can escape, the human coalition forces behind them will all be frozen into ice sculptures.

"Jax, we must get its head out of its current position, or everyone behind us will be buried with the dragon's breath."

"We left and right!"

In the days when Shen Fei left, Jax worked diligently at his post every day, and did not relax his requirements on himself. He tempered himself every day and made progress every day.

When he learned that Shen Fei became the Supreme Elder of the Wu Monk Temple, and later became the regent king, he had only one thought in his mind: he must catch up with Shen Fei.

The two had a tacit understanding, one left and one right ran away.

Frost Dusk Dragon saw the two fleeing from left to right, glanced at them and subconsciously glided to the left, chasing Jax.

The lungs of the Frost Dusk Dragon are getting bigger and bigger, and the frost magic of the Dragon Clan can be vaguely seen.

If this mouthful is sprayed out, it is guaranteed that half of the battlefield will become a place of frost.

Jax kept his eye on the Frost Dusk Dragon's head as he ran.

Although this was the first time he had seen a real dragon, he was no longer Wuxia Amon.

Shen Fei found that Frost Dusk Dragon didn't pursue him, so he simply turned around and sent out an output, taking advantage of the opportunity, he also saw Frost Dusk Dragon's data.

【Frost Dusk Dragon】

Type: Dragon

grade:? ? ?
HP: 5
Attack: 10
Skills: Frost Breath, Dragon's Pressure, Frost Magic...

Description: The Frost Empire discovered the most powerful Frost Dragon, which has been completely reduced to a Frost Orc war machine after being captured.Remember!Don't provoke a dragon.

"This is completely a BOSS..."

500 million points of blood, [-] points of attack.

But now that Shen Fei has the Heart of Light, even if he is fighting in the wilderness, he still has the confidence to kill the dragon.

What's more, there are many legendary heroes on the scene, and the dragon must be killed as soon as possible. After all, in a few ten minutes, they will face the last orc army.

As for the Holy City of Humanity, if the Owendale battlefield can be successfully won, Shen Fei still has a hole card, maybe he can try to turn the tide.

Frost Dusk Dragon raised its head slightly, which was a sign that it was about to open its mouth to breathe.

Seeing this, Jax's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he made a leap of faith directly at the face of Frost Dusk Dragon, and then jumped and slashed.

The battle ax in his hand hit the Frost Dragon's mouth directly, and the huge force knocked Frost Dusk Dragon's cheek aside.

At the same moment, the Frost Dusk Dragon spit out ice crystals, spraying an ice belt about two to three kilometers long on the ground, freezing the soil and the corpses on the ground.

"so close."

Jax fell to the ground, the ax shattering in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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