my pet is boss

Chapter 288 Orange Jewelry

Chapter 288 Orange Jewelry
Everyone's attention was drawn back from Mount Doom, which was eighty miles away.

The mountain shook, provoking everyone's nerves.

"Damn it, please spare us!"

Ornn slumped on the ground.

At this moment, the lingering human coalition forces are all terrified, for fear that the mountain wall of Xishan will suddenly shatter, and a giant rock-breaking worm and countless blood orcs will be killed from it again.

Originally thought that if the Great Demon God was expelled, the war would end.

As a result, Zorak's words before he left poured cold water on everyone. It turned out that the frost orcs were not fighting alone this time.

The apostles of the southern continent have launched a general attack on the holy city of mankind with their armada.

To make matters worse, after the human coalition forces were exhausted, the last force of the frost orcs hidden in Mount Doom began to march, and even dispatched such things as giant dragons.

Shen Fei guessed that Eugene who was teleported away must also be in this surprise army.

Now the mountain body of Xishan began to shake, and the giant rock-breaking worms inside led the orc troops to launch a surprise attack, which undoubtedly strangled the throat of the coalition forces.

Everyone's heart was shocked and their hearts were heavy.

In the fierce battle just now, everyone has exhausted all their strength, and they no longer have the strength to raise the sword in their hands.

Before they even had time to celebrate the joy of victory, these ensuing "bad news" became the last straw that crushed everyone.

Ferdinand put his hands on the hilt of his sword and stood up with difficulty.

The night wind blew his hair away, and no one could see any hope on their faces.

Even if they won the current vicious battle, but some of their "remnants and defeated generals", what can they use to compete with the apostles' invincible fleet?
When they returned to the holy city, what greeted them was not the celebration after the great victory, but the ruined walls and corpses all over the mountains and plains.

But this battle still has to be fought, is it necessary to sit and wait for death, and kill at the first glance?
Ferdinand raised his long sword with both hands, and walked in the direction of the vibration of Xishan.

Shen Fei returned the glazed bow to Landuosi, picked up a bow and arrow on the ground, and followed closely.

Aoun got up from the ground, patted the dirt on his buttocks, picked up a dwarf warhammer from the nearby dead body, raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry, and suddenly a thunder force penetrated his whole body, and two runes spun around his body.

I used a few runes to fight Frost and Cold Chief Eugene before, and the remaining two runes should be no problem to deal with these miscellaneous soldiers...

The glazed bow in Lan Duosi's hand turned into a halberd, and followed the footsteps of several people up.

Then, the fifth, the sixth.

Gradually, other powerful soldiers stood up and gathered towards the foot of the west mountain.

Shen Fei slowly overtook Ferdinand, and when passing by, Shen Fei even patted his shoulder.

The mountain body of Xishan did not explode directly through and rupture, but gravel continued to fall, and the mountain wall became thinner.

Then a stone fell, revealing a gaping hole.

This gap seems to be the key to open the mountain, the stones next to it gradually fall off, and the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

Shen Fei frowned.

He has also dealt with the giant rock-breaking worm twice. If it were the giant rock-breaking worm, it would directly break through the mountain and rush out, and there would be no scene of "nibbling" rocks bit by bit.

The rocks of the mountain peeled off bit by bit, and everyone became more and more nervous, preparing for a new battle.

When all the rocks peeled off, the flying dust instantly covered the hole.

Shen Fei stood at the front, beside Ornn, Landos and Ferdinand.

The Earthquake and Mountain Shake did not appear, but there was a sudden rush of "rustling" in everyone's ears.

This voice was inexplicably familiar to Shen Fei, and he suddenly put down the vine-wood sword in his hand, with a happy expression on his face.

A large number of ghost forest tarantulas came out of the cave, densely packed.

Aoun gasped and said, "This is a big trouble!"

Dwarves are good at digging mountains, so they often encounter some strange creatures in the mountains, among which groups of spiders are the biggest trouble.

Spiders have always lived in groups, and there are a large number of them. Moreover, the spider webs they eject are very tough, and their fangs are extremely poisonous. They are extremely difficult creatures.

Even dwarves with rough skin and thick flesh who are resistant to severe poisons are also afraid of being bitten by such creatures.

Moreover, this army of tarantulas actually has a tarantula priest in clothes, which means that they have already opened up their spiritual intelligence and even mastered some black magic, which is even more difficult to deal with.

Just when everyone was vigilantly confronting each other, Shen Fei rushed up quickly, hugging the tarantula to sacrifice Tuktata.

"I thought it was the enemy coming."

Tuktata looked around the battlefield with eight eyeballs, and said: "After receiving the news from you, the great lord, I immediately led all the forest tarantulas to support me, and went all the way from the Daxue Mountain in Tuk County through the mountains to come here, but Now it looks like it's too late."

"It's just in time, the enemy still has the last army, and they are rushing over."

Tuktata picked up the staff in his hand, and said excitedly: "Then let our ghost forest tarantula appear on the stage, so that the enemy can feel our horror!"

Everyone standing not far away was stunned.

Creatures like tarantulas and undead are classified as outright terrifying creatures.

At first, everyone thought that these tarantulas were another army of the enemy's trump card, but now seeing Shen Fei and the leader of the tarantulas talking in spider language, and seeing how these tarantulas dared not cross in front of Shen Fei, all No one could speak.

Before doing it, everyone's brains would probably shut down directly.

But there are too many shocking things today. If the tarantula is here to help them, everyone can completely accept it...

Fighting against frost and cold orcs, sealing the great demon god, the undead will use holy light magic, the archbishop of the holy light cathedral is a lich, and the apostolic armada launched an attack on the holy city.

Compared with these, it is really not a big deal for tarantulas to help humans.

"Guess who else I brought with me."

Tuktata's eight eyes flickered, and her two fangs, which were like pincers, were also shaking.

Shen Fei was stunned, besides this group of highly poisonous tarantulas, there are other foreign aids?

Shen Fei didn't remember that the poisonous tarantula had any allies in Daxue Mountain.

Tuktata stepped aside, and the poisonous tarantulas behind him all moved out of the way.

A well-equipped human army of hundreds of people came out of the cave, and Shen Fei saw the faces of many old acquaintances.

The security brigade of Tuk County and the militia troops were all present, and the crazy and weird chief alchemist was also in the team.

There are also several wealthy merchants in Tuk County, leading their servants and servants, who look quite formal in armor.

Shen Fei even saw the uncle owner of the Jasmine Hotel, with bloated fat squeezed out from the gaps in the chain mail, holding two large kitchen knives in his hands.

Shen Fei's eyeballs fell out of shock, he clearly let all the poisonous tarantulas enter the Daxue Mountain, and stopped harassing Tuke County.Why are the residents of Touk County, who are afraid of the poisonous tarantula, hang out with the poisonous tarantula?

Tuktata's eight eyes keenly caught the doubt in Shen Fei's eyes, and said: "Sometimes don't underestimate the wisdom of the poisonous tarantula."

Tuktata's words were spoken in the common language.

Shen Fei was stunned for a moment and his scalp became numb. He didn't expect Tuktata to have learned the common language.

The poisonous tarantula was originally under the spider queen, but after the spider queen was killed, the poisonous tarantula was also restless.

Later, Shen Fei took over the highly poisonous tarantulas, allowing them to migrate to the interior of the Daxue Mountain, where they no longer threatened the survival of human beings, and there was no conflict between the two.

Tuktata's management of highly poisonous tarantulas became more and more proficient. Later, in order to expand the area of ​​activity, he simply dug tunnels in Daxue Mountain, dug all the way to Frost Harbor, and stopped when he encountered a crack in the fire element.

At first, there were still thorns every day, but later all the poisonous tarantulas were very obedient. Tuktata learned the common language when he had nothing to do, and it turned out to be really good.

After communicating through the soul stone, Tuktata discovered that the humans in Tuk County also wanted to help Owendale, so she simply came forward to communicate with them and rushed to the front line from the tunnel together, which led to the current scene.

woohoo hoo...

A gust of wind howled in the distance, which was formed by the giant frost dragons in the sky beating the air with both hands.

This is a real dragon.

The Frost and Cold Beast Clan racked their brains to tame it, and it became a weapon of war.

The dragon blood of the giant rock-breaking worm also came from this giant frost dragon.

Jax, the security captain of Tuk County, walked up to Tuktata: "Hurry up and rest, this dragon is handed over to us!"

"This is a giant dragon..."

Jax stopped Shen Fei and said with a smile: "Then let us buy you some time to recover."

Tuktata's double pincers trembled quickly, and said: "Although it may not be able to solve the Frost Dragon, it can still be done for a period of time."

Saying that, Jax and Tuktata led the crowd to rush forward.

The chief alchemist came over and took out a lot of potions from the box behind him: "Distributing these potions can increase everyone's recovery speed."

Shen Fei was quite uncomfortable watching the crazy alchemist become serious.

After a while, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "Chief alchemist, I need a Merovingian stabilizer."

The chief alchemist glanced at Shen Fei, and took out a crystal bottle filled with golden yellow solution from his arms.

"For the sake of you being the regent now, this bottle of potion is free."

Shen Fei was also serious: "If you dare to take money, I will exile you to a farther place."

After speaking, both of them laughed.

"Aoun, do you have an anvil for forging now?"

Shen Fei has gathered all the materials of [The Wealth of the Holy Light Sect], and now he can directly make necklaces, amulets and rings.

"Put the things you need to synthesize in the rune circle. I can summon the Void Anvil across space."

Shen Fei quickly sorted and arranged the materials, and Aoun and several other dwarf patriarchs began to activate the rune circle.

After a while, a huge divine anvil and hammer suddenly appeared in the night sky.

The material was automatically suspended on the divine anvil, and then the void hammer as high as the mountain was smashed down, bursting out with a burst of bright light.

The second hammer, the third hammer!

After three strokes, Aoun and several Patriarchs collapsed to the ground exhausted.

"Although I don't know why you want to build something at this moment, we believe there must be your reason."

Shen Fei put away the finished product and immediately appraised it.

The royal seal ring, the blessing amulet, and the Aiken necklace were all identified as purple quality.

But when Shen Fei equipped all three items, a strange scene happened.

Three pieces of lv60 purple equipment were fused together to form an orange quality necklace - the heart of the holy light.

PS: And...

(End of this chapter)

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