my pet is boss

Chapter 287 None of us are winners

Chapter 287 None of us are winners

Mailer's other hand was also slowly raised, and a majestic energy of holy light poured into the sky of holy light.

Because the energy of the holy light in his body was completely released, Mailer could no longer generate flesh and blood to maintain a human body. The skin, tissues and muscles on his body fell off in pieces, gradually revealing the real body of a lich.

The Undead Emperor's eyes were filled with tears, and his throat was choked.

"Stop, you stop!"

Undead liches are heterogeneous after all, and are not tolerated by the world.

Mailer is now revealing his undead body in front of 10,000+ coalition troops, so what should he do when he returns to the holy city?Can anyone else accept a dead soul as an archbishop?
I am a necromancer in the first place, and I don't plan to return to the holy city in the future. Since I bear the stigma, it doesn't matter.

However, Mailer is an archbishop admired by thousands of people. Although this battle saved 10,000+ people, it couldn't stop the crowd of tens of millions of people. The reputation of his life was ruined. I'm afraid I can't avoid the place that hides the "filth and evil people and practices", let alone come to study.

All Aiken's regretful emotions turned into tears.

Even his biological father couldn't do what Mailer did, exchanging his life for his life.

Abandoning everything about himself just to give Aiken a chance.

All the flesh and blood on Mailer's body turned into ashes in an instant, completely turning into a lich.

Out of the corner of his eye, Aiken glanced at the coalition soldiers around him, many of them opened their mouths wide in astonishment, and many disciples of the Holy Light Cathedral had astonishment and disbelief written on their faces.

They couldn't believe that the archbishop who had been teaching them carefully all this time turned out to be a Necromancer Lich.

Undead, that is the most disgusting thing for all apprentices who study holy light magic.

Aiken was heartbroken to see everyone cast such eyes on his mentor Mailer.

However, Mailer laughed wantonly and said: "Among my disciples in my life, you and the Holy Son can understand the true mystery of the Holy Light, so I have no regrets!"

The holy light energy of Mailer and Aiken is getting stronger and stronger, but the holy light sky above their heads is getting weaker and weaker.

This meteorite with a diameter of more than ten kilometers is still in a stalemate, and there are countless meteorites falling on the huge meteorite behind it, constantly creating pressure on the two of them.

The formation ceremony of Shen Fei and the three of them still has one final point to complete.

The Shadow Moon Wheel, the Mithril Hammer, and the Howling Longbow have all been sacrificed to the end, and only the last bit is left to completely seal the Great Demon God and expel him from this world.

However, the Great Demon God was laughing wildly, completely ignoring that he was already trapped to death by the barrier.

"Hahaha, struggle, mortals, you can't resist the rain of chaos, your efforts will be in vain, and will be crushed by meteors into strands of unworthy dust!"

The frost and cold orcs who fled in all directions have been smashed by the chaotic rain and their bones are gone.

Eugene, the great chief of the frost orcs, was also sent away by Zorak and disappeared.

Now on the entire battlefield, apart from the Great Demon God, there was only the frost-cold orc strategist, the old warlock Zorak, who collapsed and knelt on the ground.

"Still farting after being sealed? Fat Tiger!"

Shen Fei was still unable to move in the sealing barrier, but he could make Fat Tiger attack.

Fat Tiger received Shen Fei's order, and immediately knew to show this guy some flair.

He jumped directly to the top of the barrier, and then sat down on his fat and round buttocks, blocking the last connection between the barrier and the outside world.

"You are very arrogant, aren't you? I'll let you taste the power of a wisp of worthless dust!"

The Great Demon God suddenly had a bad premonition.

But Fat Tiger's position is very high, he is now trapped in the enchantment, the height is no more than his arm, he has nothing to do with Fat Tiger.

"You fat, hairy pig, what do you want!?"

The Great Demon God panicked and questioned.

Fat Tiger was stunned for a moment, and then became distraught.

Not only did this great devil speak loudly, but he was also blind!

Fat Tiger brewed for a while, his stomach suddenly made a gurgling sound, and then a silent fart slowly emerged from his buttocks, the dark green gas comparable to evil energy.

"The top-quality Celia ham is fermented, you are lucky, Great Demon God."

When people outside the barrier saw this gas, they couldn't help but frown, and felt empathy for the Great Demon God.

The most powerful man in the majestic chaotic land, who commands tens of thousands of demons under his command, stumbled today and suffered such insults.

The turbid dark green gas gradually sank, getting closer to the Great Demon God.

Fat Tiger's butt was firmly stuck at the entrance of the barrier, wagging its tail leisurely.

"Aren't you very powerful? Are you hiding? Let me see if you can hide from these worthless dust."

The barrier seals not only the entity of the Great Demon God, but also his abilities.

Now the whole body is in the enchantment, all abilities are temporarily blocked, and even the most basic moves and spells cannot be released.

Seeing the "stinky" gas gradually approaching, the Great Demon God was in a state of confusion.

Even if he was expelled, he would only return to the Land of Chaos.

But to be insulted like this now is really deceiving!
The Great Demon God opened his mouth and blew vigorously, trying to blow the air away, but after he opened his mouth and blew, the air flow accelerated, and in an instant the entire enchantment was filled with old rancid smell and some indescribable breath.


"Aren't you the great demon god? Aren't you the ultimate lord who controls thousands of demons? Why can't you even dodge me now?"

Fat Tiger has mastered Shen Fei's true biography. During the days with Shen Fei, he has learned the essence of Shen Fei's acrimony from bickering.

The Great Demon God struggled frantically in the barrier, but when he touched the barrier with a slight movement, he would let out a scream of pain, and then he took a big breath, but was smoked to suspect that the demon was alive.

At such a moment of life and death crisis, Fat Tiger's behavior made everyone smile and eased a little tension and despair.

Perhaps, seeing the Great Demon God in such a mess before he died, his life was not in vain.

Shen Fei looked up and saw the sky of holy light in the sky, the color gradually faded, and even some meteorites had penetrated the holy light, bit by bit tearing apart the last hope of protecting everyone.

The Great Demon God struggling in the barrier, and the coalition forces with their faces full of despair, are the last portrayals on the battlefield at this moment.

Zorak looked at the scene in front of him and laughed wildly.

The human coalition army will eventually perish, and the great chief Eugene leads the remaining [-] elites, who will be able to drive straight into the human territory the next day.

All the human armies are already here, and the rest of the towns are unarmed old and weak women and children. Ten thousand elites can conquer dozens of such towns in a day.

The entire human empire will eventually fall under the iron cavalry of the frost orcs.

Zorak's laughter was particularly piercing on the battlefield.

This is a sneer.

Shen Fei raised his head and glanced at the meteorite, more places have been torn apart, and one-third of it has penetrated the Holy Light Dome.

Now the distance has fallen, and the only thing missing is time.

Both Mailer and Aiken were exhausted, and even Shengguang had restrained a lot, and it was no longer as magnificent as it was just now.

"You are very happy to see that we are going to die, aren't you?" Shen Fei's tone was flat, like the wind in early summer, without the coldness of spring, nor the sadness of autumn, just like a glass of white water.

Zorak was still laughing wildly, "In the end, the humans still lost, and the dwarves and white elves had to be dragged along. I want to tell you, this time you lost completely."

"Although your idea is very good, I'm sorry, with me, Shen Fei, here, humans will not lose."

Others only thought that Shen Fei was making the final justification for human dignity.

No matter how you look at the situation in front of you, you know that there is no life, no hope.

"Holy light can't even protect you, no matter how brave you are, you can't change the outcome of human beings."

All the weapons hanging above the heads of the three disappeared, and the enchantment ceremony was completed.

The Great Demon God was completely sealed in the barrier, and then Landos began the final steps.

During a period of difficult and incomprehensible ancient elf incantation, the enchantment began to produce strange changes, and a terrifying scene of a chaotic land appeared on the three-sided face.

The Great Demon God was dragged forcibly, disappeared from the barrier bit by bit, and was dragged back to the land of chaos.

The first thing that disappeared was his two hooves, and then his legs slowly disappeared...

Seeing this, the Great Demon God cursed viciously: "You all have to die, none of you can escape!"

Then the Great Demon God focused his attention on Zorak.

He all listened to the magician's nonsense, and he came here because of his lust for profit.

Now that he has been humiliated in his life, and even forced to fight back to the land of chaos, he can't make Zorak feel comfortable when he leaves.

"Zorak, don't forget your oath!"

The Great Demon God stretched out a hand and forcibly tore the barrier.

In the next second, his arm began to be corroded and disappeared, but the unbreakable oath also began to take effect. Zorak was directly pulled by the void and pinched by the Great Demon God.

Zorak sacrificed his complete soul, and only then did the Great Demon God descend.

Now the Great Demon God is being beaten back to the land of chaos, and before he leaves, he wants to take away his spoils.

Shen Fei didn't stand still and watched. He snatched Landuosi's Glazed Stars Bow, and the moonlight condensed into an arrow and put it on the string, and shot directly at the falling meteor.

The moonlight arrow looked like a cow's hair in front of the huge meteorite, and even under the shining of the holy light, it was almost impossible to see this ray of moonlight clearly.

Zorak sneered, was this arrow a resistance and accusation against the injustice of fate?

Unfortunately it didn't work.

But in the next second, the arrow of the moon suddenly exploded, turning the whole world into daylight.

The dark clouds in the sky were all dispersed by the light, and the meteor hanging above them turned into dark shadows hanging above everyone's heads.

Zorak opened his mouth wide, dumbfounded.

All the people on the ground were dazzled by Dasheng's light, and subconsciously stretched out their hands to cover their eyes.

Only Shen Fei looked up at the sky, watching the arrow of the moon erupt, piercing through the entire meteorite.

Not only meteorites, but also meteorites that fall behind meteorites.

A small arrow exploded with incomparably powerful force and flew directly into the sky.

The Holy Light Firmament had been completely destroyed, but the falling speed of the meteorite was getting slower and slower, until it was finally suspended in the air, followed by a violent tremor.

Boom boom boom...

Everyone can feel the vibration of the air, and the meteor is trembling.

In the next second, the meteor turned away and seemed to be taken away by the arrow wind of the moon's arrow.

Then the speed became faster and faster, shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the last moment before the Great Demon God and Zorak were exiled, they both saw the scene of the retrograde meteor.

Zorak's face was full of unwillingness, and he roared "No...".

"Do you think you are the real victors? When you return to the holy city triumphantly, you will find that the whole holy city has been razed to the ground by the apostles and turned into ruins."

"Orcs and humans are not the last winners..."

It's just that before Zorak finished his last words, he was dragged into the chaotic land in the next second, his body turned into a skeleton, and his soul was taken away by the Great Demon God.

The sky returned to normal, and the meteorite had been completely driven away, but Shen Fei also consumed all the Moon God's favorability points.

From then on, he never had any gifts from the Moon Goddess.

The remaining frost-cold orcs in Mount Doom saw the meteor go retrograde, and everything returned to calm.

Great Chief Eugene Howling immediately beckoned, assembled orc adventurers and elite troops, and launched a final attack on Owendale.

The warlocks of the Warlock Council also untied the restriction and released the dragon.

The giant dragon broke free from its restraints, and with a long roar, it flapped its wings and flew up.

The warlock used secret techniques to control the dragon's mind and flew directly to the frontal battlefield.

Everyone survived, but everyone was not lucky because they survived.

Because what Zorak said at the end was extremely terrifying.

At the same time that Owendale was fighting, the apostles led the army across the ocean, directly to the city of lions, and launched a full blow against the holy capital of mankind.

All human troops have assembled in Owendale. Other towns, including the holy city, are currently defenseless. Facing the fully armed apostles' invincible fleet, they have no resistance at all.

Ferdinand sat down on the ground. If something happened to Joshua and the blood of the royal family withered, human beings would completely lose hope.

But now that there is no one in the Holy City, if Zorak's words are true, then the army of apostles cannot be stopped.

At this time, Landos also stood up and said: "On our way out of Elven Island to rescue, we also encountered obstacles from the elf rebels. What Zorak said is likely to be true..."

Shen Fei glanced at the Human Alliance Army.

After a night of hard work, everyone was exhausted.

Everyone has no strength to fight anymore, not to mention that it will take at least five or six days to return to the Holy City from Owendale, and the Holy City may have already fallen by then.

The mage troops were seriously injured, and the disciples of the Holy Light had overdrawn all the Holy Light just now in order to stop the meteor, and now they fell to the ground exhausted, and they were also confused about their pursuit of the Holy Light when they learned that the archbishop was a lich.

At this moment, a dragon's roar came from Doom Mountain, shaking everyone on the battlefield again.

A crazy dragon flew out from Mount Doom and moved quickly towards the battlefield.

At the same time, another orc troop appeared at the main gate of Doom Mountain, rushing towards the frontal battlefield.


Shen Fei took a deep breath. Although the naked eye could see that there were not many enemies, the opponent still had creatures like giant dragons, which directly formed a crushing situation.

Archmage Jordan was lying on the console of the mage tower, and he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand.

The will-o'-the-wisps in Aiken's eyes flickered, and he waved his hand: "All the undead obey orders, stand on the front line, and prepare to fight!"

The human coalition has no strength, only the remaining undead troops still have the power to fight.

It's just that most of the undead have been routed on the battlefield, and their souls have returned to Aiken. There are no spell-casting materials on the battlefield for him to recall these combat powers.

And the remaining undead troops are only three or four thousand.

Shen Fei got up slowly, and under everyone's gaze, released all the bone fragments and flesh fragments collected on his body, and summoned a sea of ​​skeletons and steel puppets.

"Now, it's up to us."

Shen Fei smiled bitterly.

On the frontal battlefield, when the undead controlled by Aiken and Shen Fei opened the battle line, the mountain to the west suddenly made a dull sound, as if something was about to break through the mountain and suddenly appeared...

(End of this chapter)

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