my pet is boss

Chapter 335 Landing in the Garden of Eden, resurrecting heroes!

Chapter 335 Landing in the Garden of Eden, resurrecting heroes!

When a player from the dark camp tried it out and found that he had come to the ultimate lair of the ancient gods in the Strait as Shen Fei said, the players who were still on guard couldn't hold back anymore and rushed in in droves.

Originally, some people had suffered from Shen Fei's loss and were ready to grit their teeth and resist.

As a result, seeing the players around rushing in like crazy, they no longer cared about it.

Even the system released version 2.0 [Ancient God's Wrath], is this fake?And what Shen Fei said is indeed correct, the last version of Empire Afterglow was a battle between two factions, and now the new version is two factions working together to fight against the threat of the entire world - the ancient gods.

The Frost and Cold Beastman had been miserably tricked by the ancient gods before.If there were no ancient gods behind the instigation, how could the frost orcs have suffered such a disastrous defeat?Now they are the worst among the six major races.Owendale fought head-on, lost to humans, and was robbed by dwarves and elves in the rear. Frost Fortress was burned and became a joke for all players.

This time there is a chance to kill the Old God, all the orc players are gearing up.

When I arrived at the lair of the ancient gods rising from the sea, I found that there were many portals in this lair of the ancient gods, and behind each portal was a lair of the ancient gods.

The Alliance of Light was the first to come, and the portals of several lair portals had already posted the logo of the Alliance of Light, indicating that they had sent people in.

Now, the players from the dark camp were not happy at first sight, and quickly organized their forces to start land reclamation.

As a result, when they entered the lairs of the ancient gods, they discovered that the ancient gods in the various lairs were only a part.

The Incomplete Body of the Old God has only two skills, [Mind Control] and [Whiplash].

Mind control is to enslave the player for a certain period of time, making them fight for the old gods.

Lash is the lashing of the Old God's tentacles.

The skill is simple, but the battle is very troublesome, because you can never guess who the old god's mind control will choose.

It's just that the incomplete ancient god is the opponent of the successive players. No matter how thick the blood volume is, it will be polished by the players.

Just when all the players saw that the blood volume of the ancient god was worn down to the last 1%, Shen Fei suddenly teleported to an inconspicuous corner.

The arrow cut from the branch of the world tree shot out from the corner, and hit the ancient god. After succeeding, Shen Fei didn't stop, and directly opened a portal to slip away.With a wave of your sleeves, you will not take away a single cloud except your head and experience.

Such scenes were constantly being staged in the lairs of the ancient gods, and Shen Fei was like a jumping rabbit, constantly shuttling through various caves of the ancient gods.

In particular, Chuangshishen also created various conveniences for Shen Fei in order to make it easier for Shen Fei to make up his sword.

The teleportation technique has no cooling time, and the fast single-player teleportation does not give other players time to react.

Shia, Fat Tiger, Yang, and Ali are in a team of four, the legendary heroes of humans, dwarves, and white elves are in a team, and the players of the League of Light are in a team. The three parties attack at the same time.

Shen Fei snatched the heads of Xi Ya and the legendary hero. Everyone had no objection. Seeing that Shen Fei came and went without a trace, he only came to hit him one last time, knowing that he must have a reason for doing so.

But the team composed of players from the Light Alliance, as well as the team from the dark camp, seeing Shen Fei come and go without a trace to make up for the head, all of them were blown up!

"Shen Fei is a beast! We fought for so long and suffered countless casualties, but in the end he took his head!"

"This guy went to harm the dark camp, and he actually attacked his own people!"

"Fuck, this day we finally realized what it's like to be in the dark camp."

Similarly, the dark camp on the other side has scolded Shen Fei bloody.

After entering the new burrow, players from both camps were cautious, especially when the Ancient God's blood volume was around 5%, all players would stop and look around to make sure that there was no sign of Shen Fei before starting to output with all their strength.But every time at the last 1%, Shen Fei would appear accurately and make up for it to the end.

After the fight, the players from the two camps were all ashamed, and Shen Fei seemed to have become a public enemy of the whole people.

Players from the light camp and the dark camp came out of the ultimate lair. Both sides saw the same helplessness, pain and anger in each other's eyes, and they almost hugged each other after talking to each other.

The last two camps decided to rest for the time being today, not giving Shen Fei any chance to make up the knife, and then go to the dark camp to rest at the nearest port of the apostles, and the light camp to rest at the nearest Green Tooth Peak camp.

But Xi Ya and the legendary heroes continued. In one night, they cleared all the crypts and pulled out all the ancient gods.

After all the ancient gods were cleared, the main brain immediately gave Shen Fei feedback, saying that he no longer felt the existence of redundant memory, and its internal problems had been completely resolved.

All the players were kept in the dark, and they were all brainstorming and discussing how to deal with Shen Fei robbing monsters tomorrow.

Today, all the players turned into "ultimate wage earners" and gave Shen Fei a day of free work. They are the player friends that Shen Fei knew, and they all shut up. Now who dares to say that they know Shen Fei? It is against all players!

At this time, Shen Fei had already used teleportation to come to Tianshen Palace, entered the back door and found the mastermind.

"There will be no more troubles from the ancient gods in the future. You can tell me your previous plan now, maybe I can help you."

Because of the matter of clearing the redundant memory first, the mastermind now trusts Shen Fei very much, and without any consideration, he confessed his previous plan and preparations.

"When I confirmed that the Garden of Eden was razed by evil energy and there was no sign of life on the planet, I started calling various biological instruments on the Ark, trying to apply the resurrection mechanism in the game to the real world, so that even if humans Real death can also be revived to fight again. After many attempts, I finally found a way."

Shen Fei was overwhelmed, shocked by the whimsy of the main brain.

What made Shen Fei even more unexpected was that the main brain was actually made out!

"The difficulty of this technology lies in the soul. As long as the body is not reduced to ashes, as long as a little tissue DNA remains, the petri dish can be used to accelerate the catalysis, and the body can be rebuilt within a day. I have thought about the problem of the soul for a long time, and finally found that The most rigid solution, because all human beings have cultivated aura now, so there will be no rejection reaction to the combination of soul and body, the difficulty lies in how to keep their own consciousness to continue to exist."

"Later, I thought of the most stupid and most effective method, which is to upload the consciousness of all players to the terminal, and combine the cultivated body with the terminal consciousness to achieve the effect of rebirth."

After listening to the mastermind's explanation, Shen Fei gasped, this method is too strong!The most important thing is that it is completely feasible!
Once human beings can be reborn, they will not be afraid of any threats on the new planet!
"It's just that whether it is accelerating embryo cultivation or importing data, it consumes a lot of energy, so the landing site I chose is near the Frost Harbor of the Human Empire. There are rich mineral resources here, and the geographical location is close to the sea. There are rivers and water power can be used. and tidal power."

"In order to keep everyone's consciousness up-to-date, I spent a year using the materials on the ark to make 30 billion nano-receivers and inject them into your body through the nutrient solution pipeline in the dormant cabin. When you arrive at the new planet, Everyone can use the Reiki system to choose to upload their own consciousness at any time, and you can understand it as an archive."

Only now did Shen Fei realize the power of the main brain, and he had already arranged everything properly, but due to the rebellion of redundant data, he didn't make arrangements for it.

By the way, the main brain cannot simply be understood as the crystallization of human wisdom. The main brain is actually a product of the combination of supercomputers and jade plates, bringing together human technological wisdom and magic from another world.

"Thank you for your help this time, humans and the federal government will remember your contribution."

Shen Fei waved his hands and said: "You don't need to remember it, wait until the new world and give me a little more realistic thanks!"

Now that he knew there was danger, Shen Fei had to make preparations early.

Shen Fei also told Guixianren about the resurrection and landing with the main brain. After all, as the most powerful human being, he is qualified to know more truths.

"This is a good thing. Our ability to deal with danger has improved a lot. If the people who destroy the planet are demons from the land of no man, then we must prepare early. This month may be our last chance."

Guixian also saw that after humans landed, a lot of manpower was needed to collect ores and resources, and the entire planet was already a "dead star", and there were no living things for them to cultivate and improve.

For the next month, Guixianren, Yang and A Li devoted themselves to training hard.

Shen Fei used the excuse of "for human beings" to get ten drops of blood essence from Yang's body, and finally fully upgraded his dragon blood.

Shen Fei knew that this kind of effect could only be found in the game, and he tried his best to improve it just to remember this feeling.But after being promoted, Shen Fei didn't immerse himself in cultivation anymore, instead he went to chat with Fat Tiger, Xi Ya, and the legendary heroes from the Alliance of Light.

This pull is a whole month.

When Shen Fei came out of the Moon God Temple in Silver Moon City again, he suddenly felt powerless and his eyes went dark...

When people opened their eyes again and woke up, they found that all the dormant chambers had been opened. People cheered and greeted each other, celebrating the opening of the dormant chambers for the first time.

But when people excitedly came to the cabin of the ark and wanted to have a glimpse of the universe, they were shocked and dumbfounded.

The scene outside the window is not the universe, but a gloomy land with the word "decay" written everywhere.

Some people saw the dark green fluorescence on the ground that hadn't dissipated, and they were stunned for a while and shouted: "Evil energy, this is the evil energy of the devil!"

Then all the radio signals sounded, and there was the sound of the Federal Government Announcement.

After Shen Fei woke up, he didn't stay with these people who hadn't reacted yet, but called out the system with ease, and quickly walked out of the ark according to the map provided to him by the mastermind.

"All your consciousness can be uploaded at any time, but there are a few places where the radiation energy is too high and satellite signals cannot penetrate. I have marked it on the map in advance. You need to pay special attention when you go to these places. In addition, before I control the ark to land , Twelve signal satellites have been placed around the new world, and the new map can be updated synchronously. In addition, I have backed up and saved the consciousness of the NPC in the game, I wish you good luck along the way."

The main brain communicates with him through the nano-communication pole injected into Shen Fei's body.

Shen Fei was stunned for a moment and said: "Do you know what I want to do?"

The main brain said: "In the last month, I observed your behavior and found that you have been communicating with the legendary heroes of the light camp to grasp the details. I speculate that you are probably looking for the remains of the legendary heroes who died in battle in the new world. My system As long as the remains can be improved, they can also be resurrected, and even their abilities in life can be perfectly preserved."

"So I analyzed the preferences and thinking of all legendary heroes, and obtained a probability report by analyzing the map. You can go to the places I specially marked to find them, and you may gain something."

Shen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly: "Because of the legendary nature of these heroes, there must be fights when demons invade. These people can cause large-scale damage and cause irreversible impacts on the surface, so you have obtained some information by analyzing the details of the map. Could it be a probability map of the battlefield at that time?"

Shen Fei received the probability map sent to him by the mastermind, and saw the situation on the map.

"I need to go to the ruins of Mithril City first. The map shows that there are traces of the giant annihilation circle outside Mithril City. It is either Jordan or Edward."

"As soon as the hibernation was lifted, I submitted a request to the Federation and applied for a Quinjet fighter for you, which can arrive at Mithral City within an hour. Now the Quinjet fighter is outside, and I have set it up for you. Good luck, good luck."

Shen Fei laughed, and could vaguely hear the unbelievable exclamation of everyone in the ark, and said to the main brain: "Now it is the real world, and I am not an anti-virus software now, why are there such good treatment?"

"Because we are still in danger, and you are the most hopeful person to solve the danger. Your rating has been adjusted to S by me. As long as you have needs, I will provide you with services as soon as possible."

"Well, I need you to make the best plan and sequence for the next itinerary, and arrange ten more small transport planes for me."

Shen Fei rubbed his hands, looked at Shuanggang which had been polluted by evil energy, and smiled confidently at the corner of his mouth: "Next, we are going to revive the heroes!"

Shen Fei boarded the Kun-type fighter jet, the mastermind activated the autopilot, and flew to the ruined Mithral City.

"By the way, as long as I can find relevant materials, it is possible for me to revive Fat Tiger, Fu Man and Xi Ya, right?"

"In other words, this shouldn't be called resurrection, it's more appropriate to call it the resurrection of the dead."

"Provide something of the corresponding level, and I can reload the consciousness, but only the consciousness. I can't provide a huge amount of spiritual power here, so the strength after resurrecting the corpse will depend on the level of the item you provide."

After confirming that Fat Tiger, Fu Man and Xi Ya can be "resurrected", the smile on Shen Fei's face became even brighter.

"Mithril City is rich in mithril, what do you think of a giant earth guardian dragon made of pure mithril?"

The mastermind was silent for a moment, and finally knew the second reason why Shen Fei chose Secret Silver City.

"A giant dragon made of pure mithril will undoubtedly be very strong!"

(End of this chapter)

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