my pet is boss

Chapter 336 The Law of the Dark Forest

Chapter 336 The Law of the Dark Forest
Shen Fei took a Kun-style fighter plane to the sky over Mithril City, and saw the evil energy spreading all over the Mithril City.

The city defense system of the entire city was completely destroyed, and there were ruins everywhere. Shen Fei even saw many large pits formed by the bombing, which were distributed around the city in a "regular" manner.

Shen Fei could already imagine the brutality of the battle at that time. Archmage Jordan or Vice President Edward set up protective shields in Mithral City, but there were too many attacking demons, and they even had fel gunboats. Mana drew an annihilation circle, which wiped out a large number of enemies, but it was still difficult to recover the defeat.

The Kun-type fighter plane landed on a small flat ground in the central square of Mithril City. Shen Fei jumped off the fighter plane and said: "Master, I have arrived at the location. Now you use the satellite and the equipment on the Kun-type fighter plane to start scanning. I need you to All mines and suspicious places on the ground are listed."

"Okay, I will start to make arrangements now, and you will get the complete information about Misil City in 10 minutes. Another reminder, please pay attention to safety. I feel that this planet is not as peaceful as I analyzed before."

Shen Fei frowned slightly, he knew that the mastermind generally wouldn't talk nonsense, and there must be a reason for saying it.

"Did you find something?"

"Well, I found something during the self-inspection process, and I can't tell you what it is for the time being. In short, you should be careful in Mithral City."

The mastermind's words made Shen Fei a little uneasy, but then the scanner on the Kun-type fighter jet started to work, and began to scan Mithral City in a blanket manner, and the drawn 3D map appeared in Shen Fei's system simultaneously.

Shen Fei checked near the central square, the war here was too tragic.

The offensive in just Mithral City is so fierce, it is conceivable that the battles in other more important places will be even more terrifying.

Thinking of this, Shen Fei's scalp became even more numb. How many demons were sent by Borderlands to sweep the new world.And what the mastermind said just now made Shen Fei quite uneasy.

Soon the mastermind sent Shen Fei the situation of Mithril City, and found Mithril veins around Mithril City.

The multi-functional robot on the Kun-type fighter automatically found its way and started to navigate. Shen Fei asked a few times in a sideways manner.

"I have already set up the procedures for the Mithril Mine. If it is cast according to the complete proportion of Shia, it will take three days to gather the materials. Three arks are parked in Frost Harbor, one is on the Daxue Mountain, and the other is on the mountainside. The ship is on the coast of Frost Harbor. After my scanning and detection just now, I found that there are primary ores in the mines of Frost Harbor. I collected some ores and found that this ore has good ductility and conductivity, and its molecular energy absorption is outstanding. Vibrating at a specific frequency will also release energy, I have used data to simulate, and the original ore of Shia's size can even resist the impact of absorbing nuclear bombs..."

"I suggest that the outer shell of Xia's body should be made of mithril, and the internal ore should be used. Nuclear fusion equipment can also be added inside. The vibration energy of the ore can be used to trigger a thermonuclear reaction, and the 'dragon's breath' can be realized in a disguised form. The same is true for the White Tiger God, Using primary ore and titanium alloy, with a power storage device inside, restore their abilities as much as possible."

Shen Fei didn't expect the mastermind to think so well, and couldn't help asking: "You know that Xi Ya and Fat Tiger's consciousness is loyal to me, and you designed them to be so powerful, won't you be afraid that I will stand on the mountain and become king by myself in the future?"

The mastermind was silent for a moment and said: "This is the optimal solution I obtained after simulating 14000605 solutions. If you can't succeed even this time, then it can only be said that this is the fate of human beings."

Shen Fei sneered, he didn't expect the mastermind to even say the fate of human beings: "I was just joking, you don't have to be so serious."

After the mastermind gave guidance, Shen Fei successfully found a mage's skeleton in the ruins of Mithral City.

Although part of the skeleton was buried, even not in the fel energy solution, Shen Fei recognized at a glance that this translucent skeleton was Archmage Jordan.

Taking out the bones from the wasteland, seeing the bones of his "old friend" randomly scattered on the ground, Shen Fei had mixed feelings in his heart.The only thing that comforted Shen Fei was that the skeleton of Archmage Jordan was intact, and these demons did not have the tradition of destroying corpses.This gave him a lot of confidence in his next search.

The skeleton of Archmage Jordan was directly transported back by the Quin-jet fighter, and Shen Fei continued to transfer to the southern human holy city.

When he was in the holy city, Shen Fei found the corpses of the legendary heroes who died in the royal area.

Lucian, Joshua, Edward, Ferdinand and many more.

This all depends on Shen Fei getting along with the legendary heroes day and night in the last month, knowing their body shape, appearance, dress, and habits like the back of his hand.

As more and more Kun-type fighters traveled between Frost Harbor and Holy City, good news continued to come from the rear.

The first was the news of Archmage Jordan's resurrection. Shen Fei also made a video call with Jordan through the communication system of the Quin-jet fighter.

It can be seen that Archmage Jordan was a little uncomfortable when he came into contact with technology all of a sudden.

The mastermind also told Shen Fei that after firmly occupying Frost Harbor and fully developing it, the federal government decided to disperse all human beings and search for legendary heroes everywhere.

After Shen Fei left, human beings came out of the dormant chamber, unable to accept the facts all of a sudden.But after the mastermind broadcast the current situation, people chose to accept the reality after silence.After all, this is no longer the earth, but a new homeland. Now that disaster is imminent, we must unite to win.

Fortunately, the mastermind introduced the resurrection mechanism to everyone, which really calmed down everyone's emotions, and by the way, made them even more emotional.

With Reiki, the life span of human beings has been greatly improved.Now it can be resurrected with memory, which completely solves the worries of human beings.It's just that after hearing that the resurrection needs energy, these humans rushed out with the miner's pickaxe and the herbal pickaxe without saying a word.

What kind of energy does the mastermind need? You only need to issue an order through the satellite, and players will grab the order online.

Coupled with the Aura system panel, this makes humans feel no different from the game.

After stabilizing for a period of time, the federal government decided to disperse the collection of resources, send players from the major racial forces to familiar response areas, collect energy and occupy areas on a large scale.

Shen Fei smiled knowingly when he heard these interesting stories. Before this period of time, many friends also sent messages through the chat system to ask about Shen Fei's situation. Shen Fei has been busy collecting the bones of legendary heroes and did not reply.

"Shen Fei, the containers of Xi Ya and Fat Tiger have been completed, and they are preparing to inject their souls. The heroes of the Human Empire have also been excavated. You have completed the task brilliantly. Now it's time to come back and take a look at your new home. "

Shen Fei tidied up his messy hair. After a month and a half outside, he finally put together all the bones of the legendary human heroes, including the shadow that came and went without a trace.

This is the information Shen Fei got when chatting with Shadow before.

Shen Fei jokingly asked him, what choice would he make if he was seriously injured during a mission in the future, and it was incurable, and there were many pursuers behind him.

Shadow laughed and said: "With my latent image technique, there must be a way to get rid of the pursuers."

"No, I mean if, you put yourself into the situation and give me an answer that best suits your intention."

The shadow thought for a while and said: "Then I will definitely run to a place with water, let my body rush into the water, and go down the river. I have spent most of my life in the shadows, and I don't want to be buried in the water after I die. Dark and damp underground. It is best to float along the water, and you can still see the sun in the sky and the stars at night..."

According to his memory, Shen Fei walked all the way out of the Holy City, and finally found Shadow's body in the Green Tooth Peak area.

"Nimma, your feelings are romantic, but it's easy for me to find."

So far, all the remains of human legendary heroes have been found by Shen Fei.The only regret is that the body of this guy Shadow has been soaked in the water for too long, and part of the leg bones may have been taken away by fish, but they were not found.

The king of legendary agents of a generation, the shadow who is good at latent image and speed, lost a leg, do you think this is funny?

Shen Fei returned to Shuanggang in a Kun-style fighter plane, and saw the legendary heroes who had "haven't seen each other for a long time" as soon as they landed.

Shen Fei looked at the crowd, with a bright smile on his face: "Should I say it's been a while, or that I'm glad to meet you?"

It's just that just as Shen Fei said it, Lucien rushed up unexpectedly and gave him a bear hug.

Shen Fei came to the large laboratory through the main brain, and just entered the laboratory, through the giant glass, he saw the dragon's body made of mithril and primordial ore.

"Mithril is a magic-friendly material, so we tried to use magic coatings and invisible materials of human technology to achieve signal shielding, which means that even the Star Destroyer of the Demon Legion cannot be locked by sonic signals and magic Shea's position. And we carved a lot of defensive magic circles on Shea's body."

"It's the same with Fat Tiger. Primordial ore, mithril, titanium alloy and superconducting materials can make it fly freely in the air..."

All in all, Shia and Fat Tiger are the most powerful products after the master brain after the combination of magic and technology.

Shen Fei looked at the "data cable" wrapped in huge rubber, which was directly connected to the bodies of Xi Ya and Fat Hu.

The consciousness data is extremely huge. If there is not such a fusion of technology and magic as the Master Brain, it may be impossible to upload and store the consciousness of billions of people.The main reason is that the jade plate's magic storage ability is too buggy, which directly increases the storage ability of human beings by hundreds or thousands of times, otherwise there would be no mastermind born.

"You called me back this time, I'm afraid it's not just as simple as letting me visit Shia and Fat Tiger to regain consciousness? I thought about it, and you don't seem to have mentioned the problems discovered by the self-inspection system when you just landed, so I guess You probably want to take advantage of the rebirth of Fat Tiger and Xi Ya, and then tell me the truth, am I right?"

The main brain fell into silence, and said after a while: "You guessed it right, I checked out this news a month and a half ago when I logged in, but I haven't told you. If I said that at that time, I'm afraid it would cause panic and panic. Chaos. But now humans have legendary heroes, legendary creatures like Fat Tiger and Xiya, and super powerful humans like you and Chu Sheng. The remains of legendary heroes from other races are also being continuously transported to various arks. This time we can The probability of resisting the attack is greatly increased!"

"Attack? Is it the demon army? Why did they come back?"

Shen Fei can already be sure that the demon legion is coming again, but the new world has been wiped out, why does the demon legion go and come back?
"We were culling the redundant memory together last time. Before the last redundant memory was strangled, he had calculated that he was hopeless, so at the last moment he used the ark to send out a signal for human landing. After the landing self-check , I found that this signal was successfully captured. According to the time, in less than a month, the demon army will attack again..."

(End of this chapter)

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