my pet is boss

Chapter 37 Sense of Participation

Chapter 37 Sense of Participation

"What kind of weapon is it? We are all confused by what you said. How about posting the weapon?"

The players around were anxious to death, Shen Fei himself said that the weapon was broken, it was a rubbish green staff with no attributes.In the end, when it was in Xiao Yin's hands, she said it was a top-quality magic staff, and the excited look did not seem to be fake, so what happened and who was telling the truth?
Xiao Yin recovered from the shock and posted the weapon directly. Only this time did the anxious crowd see such a controversial staff.

【Energy Saving Demodulator】

Rating: 8
Quality: Excellent
Physical attack power: 8-10
Conservation (Passive): Reduces the cost of all your spellcasting skills by 1

Durability: 30/30
Manufacturer: Shen Fei
As expected, this magic staff did not have any attribute bonuses as Shen Fei said.All the highlights are concentrated on the only passive skill.

First of all, high-quality weapons usually only have attributes. The most common one is a single attribute.But usually the special effect weapons are only available in the blue excellent quality weapons, the long swords and bows and arrows forged by Shen Fei are all like this.

However, the green staff forged this time has no attribute bonuses, but unexpectedly has a special weapon effect.

After seeing this special effect, some legal professions around the iron felt stage could only scream.

This special effect is simply too heaven-defying. Even if it is a more powerful blue excellent weapon, it is not as easy to use as this green staff.Especially for some legal professions that consume a lot of mana, this staff is completely life-saving!

For the healing profession, every treatment can save mana. How much mana can be saved in a dungeon, and how many skills can be used?
Xiao Yin is an elemental mage, and all skills consume mana. This staff is strong because of its special effects. As long as it is a spell-casting skill, it can enjoy passive reduction.

"It's a green staff, but this energy-saving special effect is an epic special effect!"

"It's totally a staff that is more effective than a sophisticated weapon."

Such a weapon, Shen Fei, you actually said it was broken?

I'll blow your head off!

Especially Xiao Yin's [Acanon Explosion] consumes quite a lot of mana. The existence of this staff solves the immediate task for Xiao Yin.

Agou was not stingy, and directly initiated a transaction with Shen Fei. When Shen Fei saw the amount in the transaction column, he immediately agreed without saying a word, for fear that Agou would go back on his word.

I collected 20 silver coins at one time, and the money was really as if blown by a strong wind.

"Shen Fei, next time I get a suitable blueprint, it's up to you to use the weapon." Agou saw that Xiao Yin couldn't put it down, so he equipped it on the spot.

"It's easy to talk about." After receiving so much money, Shen Fei was also satisfied.

Earn another day tomorrow, and you will be able to save up to 4 gold coins.

Although the number of 10 gold coins is still far away, Shen Fei believes that as players reach level 10, exchange channels will be opened, and the inflow of new capital will lead to an increase in the prices of all things on the market. As long as he can maintain his level advantage And information advantage, then money will be earned faster and faster.

This is why Shen Fei only stayed in Novice Village for two days.

If he stays longer, his level and information advantages will be gone, and it will be difficult to make money when he is on the same starting line as others or even lags behind.

When Shen Fei went to the trading market again, he found that two of the blueprints for the stall had been sold.This further confirms his idea that capital is also chasing profits.

Some people only regard "The Great Era" as a time-wasting game, but some far-sighted people regard it as a second human society.You must know that the exchange system can be exchanged in both directions. Credit points can be exchanged for game gold coins, and game gold coins can also be exchanged for credit points.

100 years in the game does not mean that the outside world has not developed. Everyone is on the same game platform, plundering more resources and mastering more power.After landing on the new earth, the proportion that can be allocated will be even higher!

Shen Fei wanted to try a single brush in the "Giant Wolf Crypt" dungeon, but received a message from Ayou.

"Where are you here?"

"I'm at the gate of the Exchange Square, what's the matter?"

Shen Fei was curious, why did Ayou contact him suddenly, could something be wrong?

"Stay where you are and don't move around, I'll come over right away."

After Ayou sent this message, Shen Fei sent any messages afterwards, but there was no reply.

What the hell is this?

Shen Fei had no choice but to obediently stay at the gate of the Exchange Square, waiting for Ayou to come over.

"Here, this is for you!" Just as Shen Fei was in a daze, someone suddenly initiated a transaction request, and the transaction object was Ayou, and the transaction item was a leather wristband.

"This wristband is made from the blueprint of the previous copy, and I made it myself."

Shen Fei glanced at the wristbands, they were ordinary wristbands, and the armor was 2 points more than the novice wristbands he wore.

Shen Fei was deeply afraid that there would be some kind of trap inside, such as taking away the wristbands, and Ayou would blackmail him for a sum of money, so the gain would outweigh the loss.

"You don't get paid for nothing, how can I want what you made for nothing?"

"You can take it as a gift. Remember to contact me when the leather-making blueprint is released in the next dungeon. I will also establish a good relationship with you first."

Ayou said very directly, this wristband was used to bribe Shen Fei.

Being able to speak so clearly without being pretentious made Shen Fei even more certain that she was a lady from a wealthy family, and she was straightforward in her work!
When Shen Fei heard the word "free of charge", he simply accepted the wristband, equipped it on the spot, and even felt flattered, something that doesn't cost money feels great.

Seeing this, Zhuifeng, who was hiding in the dark, covered his mouth tightly with his hands, for fear of making a sound.

Seeing this scene, Zhuifeng's heart was broken, and he took out his beloved notebook, tremblingly wrote a paragraph:

[The mood is as bad as a mudslide. The materials used for leather-making are volunteered to go to the trading market to buy. I heard from Ayou that she is going to give the wristband she made to a boy. Who else but me?I was already smiling in my heart at that time, and my long-term efforts finally paid off.But when the wristband was made, Ayou ran out of the leather shop happily, even ignoring me who ran up to celebrate.It turns out that the person she was talking about was Shen Fei...but I won't be left in a slump. I bought this leather-making material from the trading market. Although it was given to Shen Fei in the end, I also have a sense of participation. 】

Ayou didn't stop after delivering the things, but she had a kind of dizzying effect when she ran away, and she turned her head and waved to Shen Fei halfway, which made Shen Fei feel like first love, just a little dizzy!

PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket for the new book issue!
(End of this chapter)

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