my pet is boss

Chapter 38 Guild Upsurge

Chapter 38 Guild Upsurge
Shen Fei was dizzy for a long time, alas, he even started to stagger when walking, he was a little drunk.In the end, I even forgot to go to the "Giant Wolf Crypt" to brush solo.

A little dizzy, walking on the road and looking at everything feels like two balls.

In the end, Shen Fei couldn't hold back and simply went offline.

Anyway, there is a six-hour rest period a day, which can be advanced or delayed.

Shen Fei went offline to rest, but the online players were still running around.


In the dark camp, there is an underground city full of corruption and Gothic style buildings. This is the territory of the apostles of the dark camp race.

The smell of dead matter, pungent sulfur, and scalding hot molten iron is disgusting.

However, the apostle players themselves are immune to this smell, and this corrupt smell is originally to resist the invasion of outsiders.

"Congratulations, the world's first purple epic weapon is finally released!" The necromancer next to him even knelt down on the ground.

"How much did you spend on creating epic equipment this time?" The chairman put away his staff in a leisurely manner. The equipment was shining brightly, but the difference from other players could be seen with the naked eye.

"Chairman, the manpower and material resources invested in building epic equipment this time is 1024 million credits in total."

Hearing this number, the chairman with the epic staff on his back didn't have any expression fluctuations on his face, and he ordered: "Arrange it, hurry up with the forging of legendary weapons, Shen Fei from the light camp, made two world announcements a day, Even the dungeon mission was opened by him first, I raised a group of people like you, I didn't ask you to eat dry food!"

"As the richest man, I still can't beat a little-known player. Whose problem do you think this is?"

The necromancer hurriedly knelt down on the ground, begging the chairman for forgiveness, and even issued a military order: "Chairman, don't worry, the guild of our Ma Group will be established today, and the first legendary weapon will definitely have your name engraved on it." .”

"I hope so."

The man called the chairman looked at the shining staff inlaid with diamonds in his hand, directly equipped the staff on his body, and chose the world announcement at the same time.

[Congratulations to the chaotic mage player of the dark camp for sloppyly obtaining the world's first purple epic weapon, hereby announce]

When this message appeared, all players were stunned.

When everyone was still equipped with blank slates, some players had already forged purple epic weapons!

The player gradually recovered from the shock, and then focused on the name of the player from the dark camp.

"Sloppy, isn't it the Chairman of the Ma Group who is sloppy?"

"It's very likely to be the richest man. Who else has such financial resources to get epic weapons on the second day after the game's server was launched."

"How much does it cost to forge an epic weapon? These rich people are really inhumane."

"You just wait, it is said that the exchange system will be opened after level 10, and then it will be the time when the real inhumanity is real, what is this now!"

While all the players were talking about sloppy and the first epic weapon, another world announcement suddenly appeared to attract their attention.

[Congratulations to the player from the dark camp for sloppily establishing the guild "Mar Group", becoming the first guild in the world to set up and serve as the president, hereby announce]

At this moment, all the players realized that the first player who had an epic weapon, Sloppy, was the richest man in Asia, the chairman of the Ma Group.

This is really inhumane, not only owning the first epic weapon, but also establishing a guild under the name of the company.

You must know that there are several 10 employees under the Ma Group, and the grand guild with these 10 people, Chairman Ma is known as No. 1 in the dark camp, and "Mar Group" has become the No. A large guild is already a certainty.

The Ma Group guild was established, and then monopolized the material circulation of the dark camp at an extremely fast speed. The more than 1000 million credit points spent on building epic weapons before can be earned back in minutes.

"System, contact the Federal Supreme Committee. I have more than 200 billion credit points that need to be exchanged into the game, which needs to be approved by the committee."

In the eyes of Chairman Ma, there has never been a distinction between virtual and reality, as long as there are people, there will be business and wealth!

As for the so-called exchange restrictions, they all restrict ordinary people.

In order to develop this game, so that Ark can successfully carry out interstellar travel, Sloppy invested more than one trillion credits and invested more than 20 manpower.

Now he just entered the game with his own tiny fortune, how could the Federal Council refuse?

The establishment of the "Ma Group" guild has fired the first shot of each group company's power to open the guild. This has also made many players reflect that the various organizational powers in the real world will definitely be projected and reproduced in the game again. The magic background "Big Times" will recombine with the relationship system of the real society in an incredible way.

Shen Fei directly missed this world announcement because he was offline.

In the next few hours, several guilds were established one after another, namely "TX" guild, "Xu's Real Estate" guild, "Rice Technology", "United Mining Group" guild and so on.

These well-known names were established one by one.

Although there are no world announcements, there are still announcements everywhere locally.

When Shen Fei woke up again, he finally felt less dizzy in front of his eyes, and everything looked normal.

Shen Fei has not realized that earth-shaking changes have taken place in the game.

The first thing to do was to go to the trading square, all the blueprints on the consignment booth had been sold, Shen Fei took out all the money and left the trading square.

Some guilds that were established first even started to recruit people, which made many guilds that had not yet been established feel a sense of crisis.

The method of contacting through offline and offline is really too loose, and if one is not careful, the other party will soon be pulled over by other big guilds.

What seems to be lost is an employee, but actually the resources for development are lost.

There are three arks, one for the white man, one for the black man, and one for the yellow man.

Each ark has a population of about one billion, and the cake is only such a big piece. If there are more others, you will naturally have less.

Everyone understands such a simple truth.

As a result, the "arms race" became more and more serious, and the root of everything was the association token.

Some players consulted the NPC, and the answer was that there was no guild establishment token in Novice Village, only nearby towns would have such a thing.

Then I found out that if I want to leave Novice Village, I need to receive the task of [Wolf King's Token] from the village chief. This task requires players to defeat the final boss of the "Giant Wolf Crypt", the Pale Wolf King, and get the token on him. Only then can you leave Novice Village.

Playing a dungeon naturally requires the support of levels and equipment, so starting from the afternoon, all kinds of blueprints on the market suddenly became in short supply, and became the target of competition among players.

(End of this chapter)

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