my pet is boss

Chapter 47 What kind of treasure is this

Chapter 47 What kind of treasure is this

Only after Shen Fei read the description of the antidote did he understand the purpose of the consul Reed asking him to come to the chief pharmacist.

I have to say that this antidote is too powerful!

[Detox Potion]: After drinking, the player can be immune to the paralyzing and poisonous effect of the highly poisonous tarantula, which lasts for 5 hours, and the effect remains after death.

The poisonous tarantula's basic attack damage is not high, and it only relies on a [paralyzing poisonous] effect to hurt disgusting people.Now as long as you use the [antidote], you can be immune to this annoying effect, and the difficulty of the highly poisonous tarantula has suddenly been reduced to that of a roadside wolf.Shen Fei's recovery passive skill can continue to take effect, and the efficiency of spawning monsters will also increase a lot.

The City Hall had already been visited, and then Shen Fei and Sam came to the cathedral.

Before the night fell last night, Shen Fei saw that all the buildings in Touk County were being reinforced with wooden boards to block all the weak points. Only the pointed arch of the cathedral was open, and one could even vaguely see the flickering lights inside. Candlelight, without taking any defensive measures.

When Shen Fei came out of the Jasmine Hotel in the morning, he saw that the pointed arches of the cathedral were still open, and did not dismantle the defenses.

So Shen Fei was very curious about the cathedral, and wanted to know the reason why they resisted the invasion of darkness, and see if they could find a solution to this crisis.

Just as he arrived at the entrance of the cathedral, he was stopped by the Holy Light Cultists.

Even after Shen Fei revealed his identity, he was still blocked outside the door, and the reason was that the bishop resisted the darkness at night and was ill, making it inconvenient for him to receive guests.

Shen Fei was rejected, and then walked around the town again under the leadership of Sam, to see if he could collect some clues, but what he heard was still those remarks. From the mouth of the guide Sam, you can hear all kinds of discussions in the streets and alleys.

In the last hour before going offline, Shen Fei simply came to the secluded forest of Fengyun Hill again, and continued to brush poisonous spiders.

"Even if I, Chen Fei, were poisoned to death, killed by a highly poisonous tarantula, I would not drink this antidote if I jumped from here!"

After a while, Shen Fei's hand still stretched out towards the backpack involuntarily.

With trembling hands, Shen Fei took out a bottle of [antidote], still comforting himself in his heart.

When the cork was pulled out, there was a faint scent of hibiscus flower from the glass bottle.

"Could it be that this potion is so ugly that it makes my sense of smell confused?" Shen Fei would not believe that the potion mixed with poison sacs, mouse tails, geckos, dried centipedes and bullfrog saliva would emit a fragrance .

Shen Fei called Sam over to smell it again, and unexpectedly got the same answer.

The potion must be so smelly that even Sam's sense of smell was affected.

Shen Fei took a mouthful of the clear and emerald-green potion, but there was a pungent and irritating feeling in his throat, as if countless small bubbles burst in his throat.

This taste, this bursting version of spiciness, is clearly - cool to the heart, and the heart is soaring!

After drinking one bottle, Shen Fei looked at the cork with great reluctance, but it was a pity that there was no word on it that there would be another bottle.

This alchemy can be so miraculous, so many foul-smelling and strange things are mixed together, and after eating it, it tastes like the summer drink Rebi.

Shen Fei resisted the urge to get another bottle, he had already seen the business opportunity of [antidote].

Players who come to Touk County will definitely face creatures like poisonous tarantulas, and it is even possible that there will be such creatures in the dungeons that will be opened at that time.At this time, a bottle of antidote can instantly simplify the difficult dungeon, and its value is self-evident.

When players came to Touk County in large numbers, the market for the antidote was completely opened.

Shen Fei tried to pull a highly poisonous tarantula, the jaws and teeth of the poisonous tarantula glowed green, and the [Paralyzing Poison] biting on Shen Fei had no effect, only normal attack damage.

Completely immune to the poisonous effect, Shen Fei killed a highly poisonous tarantula three times, five times and two times. Because of the passive recovery and blood recovery effect, the loss of HP was not much, so he could continue to hit the second one.

Shen Fei was just about to bend down and lower his head to touch the dead body of the poisonous tarantula, when Sam hurried over from behind: "My lord, just leave the work of picking up things to me."

Sam said, skillfully removing the spider legs and poison sacs from the corpse.

"This spider leg is a good thing. It is first fried in oil and then stir-fried with chili. It tastes really good!"

After Sam picked up all the things, Shen Fei was surprised to find that there was a new backpack next to his backpack interface, with the same profile picture as Sam.

I tried to click, and a new thirty-slot backpack appeared. The contents in it were the poison sac and spider legs that Sam picked up just now.

According to this setting...

Didn't Sam become an automatic pick-up plus mobile backpack?
Once you accept this setting, it seems pretty cool.

And what did he just say that spider legs can be made into food?

"Spider legs can also be made into food? Can you show it now?"

As soon as Shen Fei finished speaking, Sam took out a pot, various spices, and flint from his backpack. He dug a hole to ignite the hot oil, and the speed was done in one go.

Cut the spider legs into sections, stick them with egg liquid, wrap them in bread crumbs, fry them in hot oil until golden and crispy, remove the spider legs and add chili slices, stir-fry and roll over high heat, adults and children love it, even the children next door love it Crying.

Finally, use bamboo skewers to string the peppers and spider legs together, and the delicious spicy spider legs are ready.

Shen Fei took the spicy spider legs from Sam and saw the instructions.

[Spicy Spider Legs]: Sam's secret spicy spider legs can restore a total of 30 health points within 200 seconds. You must keep a sitting position when eating.If you spend at least 10 seconds eating, your Stamina and Spirit are increased by 2 for 10 minutes.

No wonder the alchemist said that Sam is a treasure, this guy is really a big treasure house, and it is not in vain for him to treat him with all his heart and soul.

Shen Fei put the [Spicy Spider Leg] into his backpack, walked over to hug Sam with a smile.

"Sam, what do you say in good conscience to me?"

Sam's eyes were a little cramped, and his whole body was nervous: "Is there something I didn't do well to make my lord angry, my lord, please don't drive me away."

"Don't think wildly, answer my question." Shen Fei pretended to have a sullen face.

"My lord is very kind to Sam. No one has ever bought such good new clothes for Sam. Sam swears his allegiance to the Lord Guard to the death!"

With his right hand close to his heart, Sam knelt on one knee. This is a standard oath of allegiance, and an oath is an unbreakable word, and if it is broken, it will be cursed.

"I know that Tuke County is just a foothold for adults, but if adults don't dislike it, you can take me with you on the road in the future."

"From now on, follow me to eat and drink hot food, and new clothes are absolutely indispensable."

What kind of treasure is this? It automatically picks up and moves the backpack, and it also assists in skill cooking!
From Shen Fei's point of view, Sam is completely a mobile treasure house!

Sam's allegiance seemed absurd, but who would have thought that Shen Fei would be moved with compassion the first time he saw him, and took him to a tailor shop to change into a new suit.

Maybe it's because Sam has the same background experience as him.

Even Shen Fei himself felt a little unbelievable. He originally thought that he might have to do a little bit of strategy to get Sam to recognize him as the master.

Unexpectedly, just by mentioning a word, this guy actually agreed to it, making Shen Fei's words all useless.

There is not much time left, Shen Fei calculated, after six hours of rest, the time to go online should be in the afternoon, just in time for the dark night of the second night.

There should be no clues in Touk County during the day, and it seems that if you want to find clues, you can only dispatch at night.

PS: Happy New Year everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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