my pet is boss

Chapter 48 Maverick... Pig

Chapter 48 Maverick... Pig
Shen Fei returned to the Jasmine Hotel and told Sam not to run around.

Oh, it shouldn't be called Sam now, it should be called Fuman.

Shen Fei was not interested in these foreign names, especially the longer ones, he couldn't remember them at all.

So he gave the familiar NPC a Chinese name for easy memory.

For example, the lord of the Holy City, Lucien Hull, at his strong request, Shen Fei gave him an extremely crying and domineering name - Shangguan Ergou.

And his mentor and best friend, the dwarf king Nicholas Lane, Shen Fei called him Jianguo.

So for the convenience of addressing, Shen Fei "given the name" Fuman to Sam, implying full of blessings.

This name is so festive, if it wasn't for the convenience of reading, Shen Fei would have directly asked Sam to change his name to "Zhaocaijinbao".

Shen Fei is now used to the feeling of falling into a bottomless black hole when going offline.

In the dungeon of [Giant Wolf Crypt] in Xinshou Village, Leng Qingqiu and the other five struggled to kill the final boss.Even with Shen Fei's clearance strategy, when facing the demonized Pale Wolf King in person, this team still exposed many problems.

Demonized Pale Wolf King's [Culling] skill is stronger. Before culling, tentacles will be drilled from the ground to restrain the target. Only by cutting off the tentacles within three seconds can they escape.

But this chopper team is all short-legged melee fighters, and by the time they got to the tentacle, it was too late to cut off the tentacle, and the pale wolf king had already prepared to kill with all his power.

Fortunately, Leng Qingqiu is a Templar knight, and has the [Blessing of Protection] skill, which can make teammates immune to physical damage within 2 seconds.

However, the cooling time of this skill is a full 1 minute, and it cannot guarantee all teammates.

So at the end of the battle, the remaining four were all to blame, and only Leng Qingqiu was left to fight the boss alone.

Relying on his own healing skills and the special effects of weapons to restore blood, he killed the boss abruptly.

It happened that the BOSS dropped a Templar level 10 skill book "Redemption" to revive the dead teammates.Leng Qingqiu immediately learned the skill book to rescue the dead teammates, so that they don't have to run around in the state of souls.

A blueprint of the musket used by the lunatic and the head of the Pale Wolf King, a quest item, were left.

In addition to the two blueprints released by the previous two bosses, this trip can be said to be quite fruitful. The butler Guan Shu and the remaining two cronies have also been promoted to level 8.

Back in Xinshou Village, Leng Qingqiu directly mailed the 5 silver coins obtained from the dungeon to Shen Fei, and said thank you in a private message, but there was no response from Shen Fei.

Everyone made preparations and hung the unusable blueprints on the booths in the Exchange Square.

After Leng Qingqiu handed in the task, he did not follow the instructions of the village head to find the coachman.

Now she is the only one in the team who has reached level 10, and the travel expenses of five people riding the giant eagle need 15 silver coins.

"Let's strike while the iron is hot, brush up the [Rise of the Human Race] copy again, and then seize all the time to practice leveling, hoping to reach level 10 before the day after tomorrow, and save enough travel expenses to Tuke County."

Leng Qingqiu's thinking is also very clear. Now this team can be counted as her last strength in the company. It must be firmly in her hands, so that she can compete with the power of the vice president, so that the business inherited by her parents will not be fragmented. .

When I closed my eyes and opened them, six hours passed.

After Shen Fei logged into the game, it happened to be dusk in the afternoon.

The afterglow sprinkled on Touk County, and everything was covered with a layer of gold.It's just that under this splendor, there are people's indifferent and stiff faces and hurried footsteps.

The afterglow gradually fell from the church spire, followed by darkness and evil spirits.

"Sir, you are back!"

Fuman's enthusiastic voice came from behind Shen Fei, and this guy changed into a brand new chef's clothes at some point, with an iron pan and shovel in his hand.

"Why are you dressed like this all of a sudden?"

Shen Fei was a little surprised, he had only been offline for six hours, and this Fuman was working as a cook again?
"When you're not here, my lord, I'll be temporarily working as a cook in the Jasmine Hotel. This is my salary for today." Fuman said and handed over the 20 copper coins he earned from part-time work to Shen Fei.

Shen Fei was a little surprised, the name Fuman was really changed correctly, what kind of treasure boy is this!He can continue to make money while he is offline.

Shen Fei looked at the copper coin in Fuman's hand, although he liked money and making money, he couldn't take this money because he was holding burning hands.

"You just collect the money you earn from working, and you don't need to give it to me."

However, Fuman said solemnly: "Since I, Fuman, have sworn an oath of allegiance to the adults, my whole body belongs to the adults, and the money I earn naturally belongs to the adults."

Seeing that he and Fuman couldn't make any sense at all, Shen Fei waved his hands and said, "Then I'll order you to pack the money, and I'll ask you for it when I need it."

Fuman nodded happily and carefully put the wages into his backpack.

The fat boss started to work again, ordering wooden boards for the windows and the door of the hotel.

The darkness was getting closer, and when the bell tower of the city hall struck eight o'clock, the crow's voice echoed, and the sound of flapping wings was clearly visible.

The people at the wine table had dispersed, even the fat boss hugged a blanket and went upstairs to sleep, only Shen Fei and Fuman were left in the entire Jasmine Hotel lobby.

"Master guard also go to bed earlier, good night." The fat boss put on his pajamas, said good night and closed the door.

Although the wooden board is fixed on the door, the sound from outside is immersive, as if it is by your side.

Shen Fei looked around in the hotel to see if he could find the exit.

The chimney connected to the fireplace was not lit because it was summer.

Shen Fei probed in and took a look. The chimney passage was narrow, and there was no way to spread out his hands and feet, and he couldn't climb to the top vent.

The entire hall was searched and no loopholes were found.

"Fuman, do you know of any way to get out?"

As soon as Shen Fei finished speaking, Fu Man said in horror: "My lord, now the filth is haunting outside, so you can't go out!"

"Listen to you, do you know the way out? Then I order you to take me there now."

Fuman struggled for a long time, with Shen Fei's order on the one hand, and the safety of the adults on the other, finally brought Shen Fei to the kitchen.

In the corner of the kitchen of the Jasmine Hotel, there is a half-person-high door with an old iron lock still hanging on the door.

Shen Fei frowned slightly, there is actually a locked secret passage behind the kitchen, it seems that the background of this Jasmine Hotel is not simple!

Fuman took out an old key from his pocket, inserted it into the lock cylinder and twisted it, and the lock bounced off with a crisp click.

Following Fuman's careful opening of the wooden door, Shen Fei bent down and took a look inside, his head suddenly covered with black lines.

Where is the secret passage of the Jasmine Hotel? Behind this half-person-high door is clearly connected to a pigsty.

Shen Fei even saw a few flustered pigs, pacing back and forth non-stop.One of them caught Shen Fei's attention. It was a maverick pig lying in a corner with its front elbows crossed. It looked like a noble lady in the middle ages. .

His eyes were locked outside the iron cage, and there seemed to be endless melancholy, which was completely different from other coquettish Jian pigs.

Shen Fei bent down and entered the pigsty, and found that the pigsty had been reinforced with steel bars, the steel bars criss-crossed, and the gap formed by the intersection was less than the size of a palm.

Facing the arrival of the stranger Shen Fei, all the other pigs hid aside in fright, only the maverick pig was still staring at the moonless and deep night sky.

In the pig's memory, whenever such creatures come in, one is to feed them, and the other is to kill the fattest one among them.

Fuman also squeezed into the pigsty through the wooden door with difficulty, and there was no sense of disobedience in the pigsty!

The pigsty made of steel bars also had a locked iron door. Fuman was about to unlock it, but was grabbed by Shen Fei.

"Don't open it yet!"

Shen Fei saw groups of crows on the roof, all flapping their wings and flying towards the west.

And those who landed on the roof were not crows, but ravens!

(End of this chapter)

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