my pet is boss

Chapter 49 Reagents

Chapter 49 Reagents
Raven, in the ancient history of the human race, is a symbol of death.

It is the same as the blood moon, every time it appears, it means that there will be a killing.More importantly, the appearance of the raven is usually accompanied by a more powerful existence, which means to receive and extradite.

Now the raven is flying away, representing that the guardian of the night is preparing to leave Touk County.

With the night watchman gone, no one will be a match for the vast number of poisonous tarantulas.

Shen Fei still remembered that last night, as soon as the night watchmen left, highly poisonous tarantulas appeared from everywhere, completely treating Tuk County as a secluded forest in the wind and cloud hills, and they would not leave until ten o'clock in the morning.

Rushing out now is no different from dying.

Within a few seconds of stopping Fuman, Shen Fei heard a heart-stirring rustling sound.

This is the dense sound made by countless venomous tarantulas moving quickly on the ground, which can send chills down everyone's spine.

Fuman's whole body was trembling, and the voluminous chef's robe couldn't even conceal the shaking fat.

"My lord, let's go back, it's too scary here."

Shen Fei looked up and down the pigsty, and found that apart from the steel grid, the pigsty was solid and airtight.

There is another point that can support Shen Fei's idea. After several months of invasion by highly poisonous tarantulas, these pigs are still alive, which shows that the protective measures in this pigsty are still in place.

"You see, this pig is not afraid, you are afraid, are you worse than a pig?" Shen Fei pointed to the maverick pig, and when the other pigs heard the footsteps of the poisonous tarantula, they all panicked Bury your head in a corner.Only the maverick pig still maintains the demeanor of a celebrity who sits and watches the stormy waves crashing against the shore.

Fuman's tone was a little aggrieved: "But that's a pig who sees through the world of mortals, I haven't looked down on life and death yet!"

Shen Fei was speechless to Fuman's answer, and pointed to the vacant seat next to the pigs piled up in the corner: "Here, all the seats are reserved for you."

Fuman tightened the backpack on his body without twitching at all. He walked over and lay on the ground with his head in his hands, his buttocks pouted, and he blended perfectly into the pigs without any sense of disobedience.

Dense venomous tarantulas rushed in, directly covering Tuk County, and there were many venomous spiders crawling outside the pigsty, wanting to rush in to taste fresh flesh and blood.

Shen Fei couldn't see the situation outside, because the iron net of the pigsty had been completely covered by the highly poisonous tarantula, making a "hissing" sound, and its sharp jaws were constantly gnawing at the steel bars, trying to bite them and rush in.Shen Fei felt that the steel bars in the entire pigsty were shaking.

He took out his own bow and arrow and shot an arrow at the poisonous tarantula on the iron net, followed by the heart-piercing screams of the poisonous tarantula, and the even more crazy desire to break the iron net and rush in .

Seeing the more ferocious and highly poisonous tarantula, and the green light emanating from its jaws, Shen Fei suddenly had a bold idea.

Now this pigsty is a barrier, he can attack the poisonous tarantula, but the poisonous tarantula cannot attack him, doesn't that mean he can spawn monsters without taking damage?
Shen Fei was not stingy, soaked in the rain and dew, and slapped all the tarantulas on the iron net with [Venomous Snake Sting].

The highly poisonous tarantula has 650 points of health. Shen Fei relies on [Venomous Snake Sting] and flame arrows for continuous damage effects. As for the general attack of bows and arrows, don’t even think about it. After all, arrows are bought with money, and mana can be slowly and automatically restored of.

Anyway, Shen Fei was not in a hurry, he had a whole night to squander.

Shen Fei even counted it out of boredom, and there were fifteen tarantulas crawling across the entire iron net.

With Shen Fei's current experience bar, basically two iron web tarantulas can make him upgrade to a level.The only thing that limits Shen Fei's upgrade speed is the mana value, 330 mana points plus the battle recovery part, just enough to release two rounds of [Viper Sting], you have to ask what to do next?
What else can I do, wait!

It wasn't until the night was cut open and a faint white light appeared at dawn that these highly poisonous tarantulas retreated unwillingly, leaving behind a field of hideous corpses around the pigsty.

In one night, Shen Fei was promoted two levels.

If it weren't for his stinginess and unwillingness to give up arrows, he would be able to upgrade to three levels in one night.

Shen Fei continued to add all the free attributes to endurance. As an authentic level 14 survival master, he now has a terrifying 620 health points.

He kicked Fuman who was lying on the corner of the wall and fell asleep with a pig in his arms.

Fuman was startled awake from his sleep, and jumped up with the pig in his hands, with a frightened expression on his face: "Spider, spider came in???"

When I came back to my senses, I saw that there were quite a few spiders, but they were all corpses that died outside the pigsty.

Fuman skillfully opened the pigsty, and began to collect the poisonous sacs and legs of the spiders, as well as some tough spider silk, which are excellent materials for tailors!
The one-night investigation was quite fruitful. I saw a maverick pig and seized a lot of trophies.

After closing the back door of Jasmine Hotel's kitchen without showing any expression, Shen Fei and Fuman went to the lower city to find the eccentric chief alchemist to make [antidote potion].

[Antidote Potion] As a product of the alchemy skill branch, as the player enters Touk County, he must be able to learn it through the formula blueprint, but the difficulty is definitely not small.

Shen Fei is now using his identity as the head of the bodyguard to make more [antidote potions], which will definitely make a fortune for the players in the early stage of entering Tuke County.

"Chief alchemist, you must be bored and lonely here by yourself, I brought a poison bag to see you!"

The alchemist who was preparing the potion in the hanging tree building heard this, and the hand holding the test tube potion shook slightly, and the gray-black liquid actually dripped a little more.

"The damned brat is at it again!"

The alchemist glanced at the color of the potion in the container, and there seemed to be nothing unusual.However, according to the formula, a slight error in the dosage of the medicine will lead to a catastrophe.

When I was in the Holy City, there was an alchemist who refined [Dream Potion], which is a potion that can make people fall asleep immediately. There is a material of life and death flower in it, but when it is prepared, an extra petal of life and death flower is added, causing The effect of the potion changed, and the alchemist never woke up after taking it.

Using the cork to close the potion bottle, the alchemist made a big jio at the wooden door. This time, the strength was too strong and the wooden door came out directly, flying straight to the stinky ditch.

The flesh on the alchemist's face twitched slightly.

Shen Fei looked at the wooden door floating above the black water of the smelly ditch, and finally understood why the chief alchemist lived on the old locust tree for so many years.Touk County pays salaries to civil servants every month, and the alchemist's salary is likely to be used to buy a door.

"What are you doing here again!" The alchemist's throat cracked a bit.

Shen Fei looked innocent: "Shen Fei is the chief guard of Tuke County, the captain of the security brigade, and it is my duty to maintain the law and order of this county and love the people under the rule. You are immersed in the ocean of alchemy, so that you will not hurt the spring and the autumn, I didn't expect you to be ungrateful..."

On the skinny face of the alchemist, the few flesh was twitching wildly, and he was able to describe the [antidote potion] so high-soundingly, and this shameless aura was no different from that of His Majesty the King.

If it wasn't for the fact that this guy was the head of the guard, the old alchemist would have wiped out Shen Fei if he really raised his hand.

Hold back!Hold back!
It is not appropriate to lose your temper when you are old.

"It's not impossible to ask me to make [antidote potion], but I just developed a new potion, and I just need someone to test it..."

The gray-black liquid that the alchemist added just now is the water of life and death soaked with life and death flowers.However, due to Shen Fei's interference, the chief alchemist did not dare to try his new formula.

Since Shen Fei has something to ask for, it is just right to let him come to test the medicine.

PS: There will be more in the evening, and please ask for recommendation tickets for the new book, there are so few recommendation tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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