my pet is boss

Chapter 50: Counterfeit Drugs Harm People!

Chapter 50: Counterfeit Drugs Harm People!

Test drug?

Shen Fei instinctively smelled a sense of coquettishness...ah no, the smell of conspiracy.

"Is there any danger in this test medicine?" Shen Fei locked his eyes on the chief alchemist, with a trace of torture, wanting to see something from the other's eyes.

But it's a bit difficult, the chief alchemist is getting old, his eyelids and bags under the eyes are drooping weakly, and there is only a slit in his eyes, not to mention that Shen Fei can see something, probably the chief alchemist himself can't see clearly.

Mentioning this chief alchemist made me furious: "I am the royal alchemist of the Holy City, the chief alchemist of Tuk County! What could be wrong with the potion I made?"

Shen Fei thinks about it too, to become a royal alchemist, the level is at least above the expert level.

"Fuman, I'll go in here and test the medicine with the chief alchemist. If there are any troubles, you immediately go to the city hall to find Lord Reed, the consul, and say that the chief alchemist poisoned the chief guard. A reminder."

The face of the chief alchemist standing at the door turned green. This person is too shameless. The respected chief alchemist poisoned someone to death. How can he gain a foothold in Tuk County in the future?This guy is not willing to suffer at all!
Fuman seriously took out the paper and pen, wrote down everything Shen Fei said, and repeated it.

Shen Fei bent down and walked into the tree hanging building, and handed all the poison sacs to the chief alchemist. The alchemist poured out a small bottle of the medicine he had just refined and handed it to Shen Fei.

Shen Fei glanced at it, and it actually said that the efficacy of the medicine was unknown, so he couldn't help but ask, "What kind of medicine is this newly made by you, and what is its effect?"

Being questioned by Shen Fei, the chief alchemist was a little flustered, and turned his back to smash the poison sac with a pestle, avoiding the embarrassment of confronting Shen Fei.

"The potion I developed this time is called the Lucky Potion. After taking it, a lucky state will take effect randomly. Because I am an alchemist, the resulting lucky state will be harmful to the next refining potion. Accidental factors, but this is not conducive to the development of the formula, you know that..."

Regarding his quick-witted explanation, the chief alchemist himself felt that it was perfect.

Shen Fei felt that what the chief alchemist said was very reasonable, this is the spirit of craftsmanship, down-to-earth and no adulteration is tolerated, and the rigorous spirit is admirable.

"Then give me a few more bottles of this lucky potion." The potion in a random lucky state comes from the hands of the royal pharmacist, and its value is extremely high.

Seeing that the chief alchemist hadn't moved, Shen Fei simply filled five servings in a crystal bottle by himself.

Shen Fei's familiarity and shamelessness made the corner of the chief alchemist's mouth twitch, unable to utter a word.

For the royal alchemist, the primary potion [antidote potion] is simply within reach.After handing the potion to Shen Fei, the alchemist picked up his quill pen and parchment, and prepared to record what kind of effect the lucky potion that was destroyed due to excessive life and death water would produce.

Shen Fei opened a bottle of azure blue lucky potion and took a good sniff. The potion exuded a faint mint smell.

The alchemist's words and the pleasant smell of the potion made Shen Fei's vigilance drop to the minimum.

After drinking the potion in one gulp, there was a hint of coolness from the mouth to the esophagus, and even the breath that came out was filled with white mist.

The alchemist frowned, and frantically recorded Shen Fei's situation truthfully.

"This seems to be a good feeling!"

After the medicine entered his stomach, a faint cooling sensation flowed through his whole body, and Shen Fei felt as if his whole body was going to fly lightly.

The alchemist is still observing and writing something: Excessive water of life and death has caused a qualitative change in the potion. Now the target's whole person is gradually becoming transparent, and the emptiness is still going on. No other side effects have been found for the time being.

Shen Fei found that his vision gradually began to change, and the alchemist in front of him exuded a gray aura.

Looking down at his hands, they turned green and translucent, Shen Fei could even see the wooden floor through his hands.

"I, what's wrong with me?" Shen Fei was shocked, and wanted to grab the alchemist to ask what happened, but just as his hand was stretched out in front of him, he passed through the alchemist directly.

The alchemist continued to bow his head and record: After 3 minutes, the target showed a light green semi-emptiness and gradually stabilized, and could penetrate real objects...

Now this state is very similar to the soul state, except that one is light blue and the other is light green.

Shen Fei saw that there was an additional state in himself - nothingness.

Void: Enter the void state of the soul, increase the movement speed by 100%, can be immune to all physical and magical damage, and can only cause damage to the soul body.

Duration: 24 hours
Shen Fei realized now that this is definitely not a lucky potion, who knows what the alchemist gave him to drink!
At this moment, the unknown potion in the backpack has also changed its name, becoming [Unstable Potion], and there is a line of small text introduction below it.

[Unstable potion]: The product of the chief alchemist's hand shaking and the wrong formula ratio. The specific effect is unknown. After drinking, the effect will randomly occur and last for one day.

"You are a bad old man, I believe you are a ghost!"

Shen Fei angrily went out the door directly, only to find that he didn't even need to walk the wooden ladder, and could directly float in the air.

"Fuman, let's go!"

Shen Fei was so angry that he was almost invincible in this state of nothingness, but he was also unable to cause damage, so he couldn't do anything now, wasting a day in vain.

Fuman set up a big pot at the door, and was making all the seized spider legs into [Spicy Spider Legs].

He suddenly heard an adult behind him calling him, and immediately turned around, and was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

"My lord, what's the matter with you, my lord!" Fuman slumped on the ground, seeing the ghostly Shen Fei, his tears immediately poured out like a dam that opened its gates.

Immediately afterwards, Fuman got up from the ground and rushed over to give Shen Fei a hug, but in the end he passed directly in front of the nihilistic Shen Fei.

Fuman sobbed with despair on his face, and sat on the ground sprawled on the ground: "The chief alchemist killed someone, my lord, you are wronged!"

"Okay, don't cry, I'm not dead, it's just that I have to stay in this state for a day."

However, Shen Fei's words are useless, in Fuman's view, this is clearly the comfort of adults who are afraid of his excessive sadness.

"Your Excellency is really too kind. Even though he died in an accident, his soul still wanted to comfort Fuman, so that Fuman would not be too sad..."

Shen Fei has black lines all over his head, this guy's brains are too scattered!
Subconsciously, he kicked Fuman's ass, and directly passed through his fat body.

Shen Fei was speechless.

It would definitely be inconvenient to stay in Tuk County in this state, and everyone must not be scared to death after entering the city.In this case, taking advantage of the damage immunity and movement speed bonus of the soul state, Shen Fei wanted to explore the land west of Tuk County.

This is the direction the raven flew away, and it is also the direction the night watchman appeared.

Shen Fei had a feeling that the night crisis in Tuk County seemed to be the night watchman and the poisonous tarantula, but there was actually something deeper behind it.

When he came back to his senses, Fuman was still sobbing, making Shen Fei speechless.

"Have you cried enough? Cry enough and lead the way!"

PS: Everyone, remember to vote for recommendations every day, it’s so pitiful that there are so few recommendation votes!


(End of this chapter)

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