my pet is boss

Chapter 51 The Three-Color Viola in front of the Grave

Chapter 51 The Pansy in front of the Grave (Please recommend a ticket)


Fuman got up from the ground aggrieved, patted the dirt on his buttocks, obediently put away the pots and pans, and walked in front with his big luggage on his back.

Although the lord is dead, his soul and spirit are still there!

I should pave the way for adults!
Fuman had just taken two steps, then suddenly turned back, took out a few strands of white paper from his backpack, drew a circle on the ground with a branch, set fire to the white paper, and said plausibly: "My lord, you go all the way, and you have nothing to worry about." There is no paper money now, so burn some white paper, at least you can wrap your body on Huangquan Road to make do with it..."

Shen Fei was so angry that he couldn't speak, this account is on the chief alchemist's head, and he will get it back sooner or later.

After Fuman finished burning the paper, he got up and followed behind Shen Fei.

Fuman knew Tooke County well, but he knew little about the outside world of Tooke County.Tuk County is surrounded by mountains on three sides. There are two passages, one is to cross the Fengyun Hills and reach the Fengyunding at the top of the snow mountain; the other is to leave along the canal by boat.

The secluded forest is full of unknown dangers. According to Fuman's words, the farthest place he has been out of the city is the cemetery outside the city, because there are his parents' tombstones here, and he has never set foot in any place farther away.

Shen Fei only knew that the night watchman came from the west, but he didn't know where exactly.

"Fuman, do you know where there are ravens nearby?"

Shen Fei in the state of soul emptiness, looking at the surrounding scenery, everything has an aura, some are white, some are gray, and some are rich black.

Along the way, Shen Fei probably could tell that these auras represented vitality.The white breath on the top of the head represents vigorous vitality, the gray breath represents stability, and the black breath is death.

"I don't know about other places, but there are ravens in the cemetery."

Fuman brought Shen Fei to the cemetery. From a distance, the entire cemetery exuded a strong black atmosphere. This dead silence seemed to infect the surrounding vegetation. The weeds on the ground were withered yellow, and even the trees were rotten. .

There is a stone road leading to the cemetery, and both sides of the stone road are full of locust trees.The old locust trees on both sides do not have any leaves, and the branches are slanted and intertwined from both sides, as if two people holding hands together, forming a natural arch.

But in Shen Fei's eyes, thick black death energy gushed out from the arched door continuously. This death energy was different from the death and corruption he had seen along the way. Human faces could be vaguely seen while ascending!
"Fuman, where does this road lead to?"

Along the way, the lifeless and dead Shen Fei saw a lot, but this was the first time such a spectacle spewing out.

Fuman scratched his head and said, "That road leads to the gravekeeper's hut. There are gravekeepers in the cemetery, who usually clean the cemetery and take care of the cemetery."

After Fuman finished speaking, he lowered his head, hesitated for a moment and suddenly said, "My lord, can I go to the cemetery? My parents are buried here. I'll go in and take a look."

"It's human nature, let me go in with you."

Entering the cemetery, Shen Fei made another discovery in the soul state.

The land where the coffin is placed behind each tombstone is filled with black dead air.But Shen Fei also found that there was no black air rising behind some individual tombstones, and they were extremely conspicuous alone.

"Maybe it's a tomb without a corpse."

The body could not be found, so when he was buried, the coffin was filled with clothes worn during his lifetime.This situation is also very common.

Fuman picked some pansies in a corner of the cemetery and made a bundle, and came to his parents' tombstone.This is what he routinely does every year.

Because he couldn't afford a bouquet of flowers in the city, every time Fuman came, he would pick some wild flowers on both sides of the path to the cemetery and put them gently next to the tombstone.

The pansy was specially selected by Fuman from wild flowers, and the language of flowers is yearning.

"Father, mother, I'm doing well now. I'm with the guard, and he treats me very well and even bought me new clothes..." Fuman seemed to be talking, pulling the weeds beside him , while talking about what happened recently.

Shen Fei stood aside in a daze, Fuman somehow knew who his parents were, but he only knew that his surname was Shen, other than that he knew nothing about his parents.

Perhaps the pair of heartless people who abandoned him are already dead, buried on the desolate earth with exhausted resources, and everything can be drowned in dust in 100 years.Or maybe they're on this ark, among a billion people.

Shen Fei came back to his senses, looked at the cemetery of Fuman's parents, suddenly frowned and his eyes became sharp.

"Fuman, when your parents were buried, it wasn't in the Clothes Tomb, right?"

Fuman was still talking to his parents about what he experienced with Shen Fei yesterday, but he was suddenly dumbfounded by Shen Fei's question.

"It's not the Clothes Tomb, why do you ask such a question?"

Shen Fei didn't know how to answer Fuman, because now there was only a wisp of black death in the tomb of the joint burial, which meant that only one person was buried inside.

According to Fuman's words, the coffins of his parents were buried together at that time, and the two coffins shared one tombstone.

What about the other body?

Looking back at the tombstones that were not black and dead just now, it seems that these cemeteries without corpses are not as simple as cloaked tombs.

"Fuman, do you know the owner of this tombstone?"

Shen Fei brought Fuman to a tombstone without black dead air.

As a know-it-all in Touk County, there are few things Fuman doesn't know.

"I know, this is the former militia captain of Touk County."

Shen Fei walked to another tombstone, and Fuman recognized it for a while and replied: "This is a guard who died in battle in Tuke County."

Next, Shen Fei took Fuman to identify several tombstones, and came to roughly the same conclusion.

Either the guards of Touk County, or veterans or soldiers, not a single civilian.

"Fuman, what did your father do when he was alive?"

Shen Fei asked twice about his father, and then dragged himself around the cemetery. Although Fuman didn't know what happened, he also guessed that it was related to him.

"My lord, what happened, can you tell Fuman?"

Shen Fei didn't dare to tell Fuman the truth, if he knew that his father's body was not inside the coffin, he would probably go crazy...

"It's not something important, it has nothing to do with your father, it's just that I found some interesting things in this cemetery, I need to confirm..."

Afterwards, Shen Fei learned that Fuman's parents were both merchants in Tuk County, and they lived on the business lines between the Holy City and Tuk County.

This is strange.

Among a group of soldiers, suddenly there was a traveling merchant.

There are many doubts here, and things don't seem to be simple.

"Fuman, take me to the place where the cemetery guard lives on the pagoda tree line."

(End of this chapter)

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