Chapter 53

No matter what, Shen Fei never thought that this matter was related to the bishop?

Originally, he thought that the reason why the church didn't close at night was because of the protection of the holy light. These evil spirits were naturally afraid of the holy light, so they didn't dare to invade the church.Went to meet with the bishop during the day, and was told that the bishop was recuperating due to overdrawn body because of resisting the dark power, Shen Fei didn't think much about it.

Shen Fei didn't think Xiao En would lie to him, after all his son was still in his hands.

"If you want to know more clues, I suggest you go to Fengyunding to take a look. Just a few days before the evil spirits invaded, weird things happened there."

Are there still melons to eat on Fengyunding?

Although Shen Fei was surprised, he also wrote it down.After deciding to finish the work in the cemetery, he took advantage of his emptiness to travel through the secluded forest and went to Fengyunding to see what happened.

Now, looking back and carefully savoring the words of the chief alchemist praising Sam as a treasure, it seems that there are many things contained in it.

"Sean, take the liberty to ask your real identity."

Shen Fei saw the night watchmen next to him, they were either brave soldiers, or the militia captains from Tuk County, they were all ruthless characters.To be their boss, Sean's status must be extraordinary.

Xiao En didn't speak, but just handed Shen Fei a roll of parchment.This roll of parchment is the state of the soul, and Shen Fei can't bring it into the real world after reading it, so it can ensure that Xiao En's secret will not be known by more people.

"Open it after you leave. My identity is a secret. Once it is announced, it will bring disaster to my family. Since you are the person Sam is loyal to now, I hope you can take good care of him in the future."

"I have never fulfilled my duties as a father. Other children have a beautiful childhood, but he has become an orphan since he was a child..."

The dark clouds in the sky gradually thinned, and the entire cemetery gradually began to brighten.

The gravekeeper appeared behind him at some point, the silver stable lantern in his hand shone slightly, the undead who couldn't stand the sunlight wailed, and the azure blue soul left the decayed body and returned to the lamp.The body fell straight into the coffin, and as the coffin closed, it fell into an underground sleep again.

Xiao En's soul became thinner, Shen Fei could see that he was trying his best to endure the sting of the sun.

"All I bring to Sam is misery but no happiness. I hope you can treat Sam kindly in the future."

No need for Xiao En to say that Shen Fei will treat him well, not to mention that the two of them are also self-reliant and have grown up with ridicule and white eyes, but it is said that Fuman's ability is really priceless.

"I will give you a big gift as a reward for helping me take care of Sam. You must keep the words I will say next firmly in your heart, and combine them with the parchment I gave you."

"Tigers, roses and guns."

"Please keep these seven words in your heart..."

Before Xiao En finished speaking, his whole body turned into a cloud of blue light and floated back to the lamp.

The entire body and armor also fell into the wooden coffin with a clatter, and slowly sank into the ground.

Shen Fei glanced at the grave guard to make sure that the old man wouldn't peek, and then slowly opened the parchment.

The first thing that catches the eye is a sentence.

[Sean Stein, dagger-level assassin of the Human Empire MI[-], deputy director of MI[-], intelligence master. 】

Shen Fei finally understood why Xiao En said that revealing his identity would bring disaster to his family.The deputy leader of an intelligence organization, once this identity is disclosed, there will definitely be enemies who will follow the clues to find Fuman.

Slowly unfolding the sheepskin scroll, when the entire sheepskin scroll was unfolded, Shen Fei was stunned.

As the parchment was fully unfolded, it gradually faded under the sunlight, and finally disappeared into nothingness. All the evidence had disappeared with the wind, and it was all engraved in Shen Fei's mind.

It's just that when he saw the sickle and hammer pattern, Shen Fei was in a daze.

My thoughts went back to the eve of the Sanshan Council.

Humans, dwarves, and white elves negotiate an alliance, and the issue of the dark race has been put on the table. The three major races of humans, dwarves, and white elves can only deal with the crisis by working together to help each other.

Er Gouzi chatted with Shen Fei on the eve of the parliament. Humans have excellent adaptability and social skills, dwarves' height and white elves' excellent ability to hide in the dark, so they want to set up an intelligence organization mainly composed of three races. As a sharp knife, Eve performs special tasks such as stealing intelligence and assassinating.

Shen Fei naturally agreed with both hands, and also said that as a survival master, he could train intelligence personnel.

The two hit it off and immediately confirmed the matter. Er Gouzi expressed that he wanted Shen Fei to be the leader of the intelligence organization. After all, Shen Fei, the dwarves and the white elves were close friends, and as the leader of an organization, his prestige was enough to lead the three clans.

At that time, Shen Fei had a bad taste and told Er Gouzi that the name of the intelligence organization was MI[-], and the pattern was a sickle and a hammer.

It's just that Shen Fei didn't wait for the establishment of the Sanshan Council, nor did he wait for the establishment of MI[-], he was kicked offline by the mastermind and returned to the cold and loneliness.

Seeing this word and pattern again now, Shen Fei suddenly felt a sense of trance.

MI[-] was still established, and Fuman's father was the deputy director...

If I hadn't given that child the vine-wood sword at that time, he would not have become the guardian of Xinshou Village after re-entering the game, and he would not have been able to clear the dungeon so quickly. Naturally, the chief guard would not know Fuman, and if he didn't know Fuman, he wouldn't see the SI[-] icon...

All the causal connections made Shen Fei feel dazed.

In the first five years of entering the game, some careless actions have brought such a big impact to the present.

Shen Fei laughed suddenly, and said to himself: "I have planted the cause for 100 years, but I don't know what kind of fruit it will bear."

In 100 years, Er Gouzi didn't have the blessing of the Moon Goddess, and his hair must be gray now. I don't know if he will be surprised to see me still so handsome and suave.

As for the inexplicable "tiger, rose and gun", Shen Fei also kept it in his heart, maybe it will come in handy at any time.

Since this is Sean's expression of gratitude for taking care of his son, it must not be something ordinary.

You said that the good things left by the deputy director of the National Intelligence Agency will be very cheap?
If it was less, Shen Fei would, just buy less clothes for the fat man Fuman.

It just made Shen Fei sigh a little, don't look at Fuman being chubby and stupid, he didn't expect to be a second-generation official?

So... the people you meet after entering the game are either young and promising business owners, or rich second-generation officials with mines in their families, or are they civilians who are at the bottom of society?
Mindset Ultimate Explosion!
Before leaving, Shen Fei stared at the tomb guard for a long time, and suddenly asked: "Old man, do you have any sons or daughters?"

The keeper of the tomb looked confused, why did this man talk and pour salt into his wounds!
"Look, you have no children. If you get bumped and die at such an old age, the work of ferrying souls will be lost! Look at me, young and strong, I can live for at least 80 years Yes, or you will leave this lamp of yours to me for safekeeping~"

As soon as Shen Fei finished speaking, his back foot slipped away.

The grave guard directly held his crutches, and chased after him, making a gesture to beat Shen Fei violently.

"This person is stubborn when he's old, why doesn't he understand my good intentions at all..."

 I have to repeat the three words of recommendation ticket several times every day, so that you can deepen your impression hehe


(End of this chapter)

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