my pet is boss

Chapter 54 The Spirit of Vengeance

Chapter 54 The Spirit of Vengeance
Shen Fei came out of the locust forest where the grave guards lived. Fuman had finished making all the spicy spider legs, and stood obediently at the gate of the cemetery.

"My lord, the spicy spider legs are all ready, where shall we go next?"

As for the weird things that happened in the cemetery just now, he didn't ask a word.

"Don't call me an adult from now on, it sounds weird." Taking advantage of Xiao En, Shen Fei naturally wanted to treat Fuman better, and he really couldn't get used to calling him an adult.

Fuman was stunned all of a sudden, thinking that Shen Fei disliked him and didn't want him anymore, tears almost burst into tears.

Shen Fei didn't think it was funny at all. He lost his parents and stumbled all by himself since he was a child. He tried every means to survive, and he did all kinds of humble and tiring jobs.In this regard, he is the same as Fuman.

Now that I finally have an emotional support, I am naturally timid and cautious.

After Shen Fei explained, Fuman wiped away the tears from his eyes, thought for a moment and said: "Don't call me a master, then call me a young master!"


Shen Fei was immediately happy when he heard it. This title seems to be good, but it sounds like a second-generation dude with a background.

From his own visit and Xiao En's words, Shen Fei can basically confirm that the dark night crisis in Touk County is inextricably related to the reclusive bishop.

It's just that the Sect of the Holy Light is very powerful, and Shen Fei is still not sure whether this incident is caused by the bishop alone, or whether the Sect of the Holy Light in Tuk County is involved.

In order not to startle the enemy, the matter of exposing the bishop's conspiracy still needs to be discussed in the long term, and it is necessary to reveal the tone with the consul first.

It's just that it's not easy to enter the city in the empty state of the soul, so Shen Fei decided to go to Fengyunding to eat a melon first.

"Fuman, you go back to the city and continue to work at the Jasmine Hotel. The place I'm going to next is more dangerous, so it's inconvenient to take you with me."

The expression on Fuman's face was a little aggrieved, and he stared at Shen Fei eagerly.

"I'm going through the Fengyun hills and secluded forest, and climb all the way to Fengyunding. Are you sure you want to come together?"

Upon hearing the words Fengyunding, Fuman's expression changed suddenly and he began to shake his head frantically.You must know that the dark forest is full of poisonous tarantulas that Fuman fears most. In this case, it is better to obediently earn extra money in the Jasmine Hotel.

"Master, go all the way, go early and return early."

This guy changed his face very quickly.

Shen Fei pretended to kick up, and directly passed through Fuman's body. This guy threw himself on the ground with a wink, as if he was really kicked by Shen Fei.

"This guy..." Shen Fei shook his head speechlessly, and waved him to go back quickly.

The Necropolis and Weathertop happen to be two poles in the ring of County Took hills.Fortunately, Shen Fei's movement speed increased by 100% in the soul state, and in the soul state, he could ignore the terrain and directly cross obstacles.

This kind of experience is very novel, when Shen Fei passed through the boulder, he could actually feel the chill inside the boulder in his soul state.If it is an old pagoda tree, passing through the trunk, a wave of moist vitality will blow your face.

In the wind, cloud, hills and secluded forest, Shen Fei went deep into a place that he had never set foot in before spawning monsters.The spiders here are of a higher level, and they are all level 13 and level 14 poisonous tarantulas, which are much larger than those outside.

Passing through the secluded forest, in front of Shen Fei is an abandoned path that has been desolate for many years, winding and winding to the top of Fengyun Snow Mountain.

No one has been here since it was taken over by a highly poisonous tarantula.The masonry road through the secluded forest has been abandoned for many years, and the ferocious weeds and bushes overturned the masonry, stuck their heads out from the ground stubbornly, and pressed the masonry under their bodies.

The abandoned path leading to Fengyunding is covered by snow all year round, leaving only the iron handrails on both sides, leading the way for explorers who are not afraid of death.

In Sean's description, Weathertop was once covered by dark clouds a few months ago, and the manic lightning awakened the night watchman who was buried deep underground.

The thunder and lightning struck Fengyunding fiercely, and the light emitted reflected the figure of a monster.

Lightning and thunder rang throughout the night, and ended with a mournful wail resounding throughout Tuk County. The dark clouds entrenched on Fengyunding turned into light rain, and all the dark green rain fell on the secluded forest.In the end, the sky cleared after the rain, but from that day on, Touk County began a long dark night crisis.

Shen Fei once visited the secluded forest and observed the fallen leaves in the secluded forest, and there were indeed traces of being corroded by something.

Combined with Xiao En's description, Shen Fei even wanted to go to Fengyunding to see if there were any clues.

There were no highly poisonous tarantulas on Daxue Mountain, and the temperature gradually decreased as it climbed.Even if Shen Fei moved faster, it took a lot of time to climb from the foot of the mountain to the top.

When the sun was in the sky, Shen Fei started to climb the mountain. When the sun slanted down, the light that irradiated changed from dazzling to warmer, and Shen Fei successfully climbed to Fengyunding.

Fengyunding is an ancient relic, and it is the first sacrificial place established by the aborigines of Tuke County to pray for God's blessing.Ever since poisonous spiders entrenched the secluded forest at the foot of the mountain decades ago, very few people in Touk County risked their lives to come to Fengyunding to pray for blessings.

Around the open-air sacrificial altar are eight relief stone pillars, one of which has been broken and discarded, and the remaining stone pillars can still vaguely show traces of battle.

Even after several months, the black scorched marks left by lightning and thunder on the ground are still clearly visible.

Shen Fei wandered around Fengyunding, trying to find some clues from the battle traces and search for some useful information.

The black shadow that appeared in the lightning in Sean's mouth was just before the black shadow in Touk County.Shen Fei had a premonition that the battle at Fengyunding must have something to do with the countless spiders entering Tuk County in the dark night.

Shen Fei's soul is now in a state of nothingness, and he cannot touch the materialized objects, so he has to lower his head to observe more carefully.

Several months had passed since the battle at Fengyunding, and the clues were covered by snow and hidden in places Shen Fei couldn't see. This required him to be more careful and not miss any details.

Just when Shen Fei buried his head in collecting clues and found the first thread in the chaos, a gigantic piebald poisonous spider suddenly appeared behind him.

The two jaws are as thick as Shen Fei's arm, and the strong bite force can even tear the bone and skin together.

"Fresh and delicious soul..." The giant piebald spider bit down, and Shen Fei rolled and dodged while pulling out his vine-wood sword.

Just now he heard the whistling wind of the soul world seemed to have been disturbed, a dense black soul fire was burning, and Shen Fei felt the endless anger and hatred churning in the soul.Shen Fei has been vigilant all the time, pretending to look for clues to force the other party to appear.

But after turning around and meeting each other, Shen Fei and the piebald poisonous spider were all stunned.

"Like Li, Huahua!"

Although the piebald poisonous spider, which is also in the state of soul, has grown a lot in size, Shen Fei still recognized it when he saw the colorful colors. Isn't this the reason why humans competed with the Pale Wolf King for the territory when they built the camp? The Poisonous Spider Queen!
The Venomous Spider Queen was killed after the Battle of Fengyunding. The soul after death combined with the venom in life to form a special energy body - the soul of revenge.

 Don't be stingy with recommending tickets!


(End of this chapter)

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