my pet is boss

Chapter 55 The Heart of the Spider Queen

Chapter 55 The Heart of the Spider Queen
The Spider Queen would never forget this face and this vine-wood sword.

At the beginning, it was Shen Fei who used this vine-wood sword to drive the Pale Wolf King and her out of the forest boundary. In the end, this guy actually united with other human races to seal their only spider cave entrance with a huge stone.They had to dig a new exit for the highly poisonous tarantula family.This digging didn't matter, it directly dug through the Wind and Cloud Hills, occupying the secluded forest as their new home.

Shen Fei took the unreliable potion from an unreliable alchemist to become his current virtue, but the spider queen's 100 years of messing around is too miserable, and she was killed directly by someone.

If it were someone else, Shen Fei might still be scruples, but the two wild monsters, Xiaobai and Huahua, could only be his juniors no matter what.

"You're too useless, aren't you? Xiaobai was eating and drinking spicy food in the [Giant Wolf Crypt]. Why did he get killed when he came to your side?"

Shen Fei didn't show mercy at all, his disappointed tone was like a parent of a student who saw the final exam results.

The spider queen in the form of the spirit of vengeance has a dazed expression on her face, waiting for the national hatred and family hatred between us to be counted, how can I criticize it?
"Kill you!" The Spider Queen hissed and rushed towards Shen Fei.

Although the soul state is immune to physical and magic damage, it is not immune to attacks that are also in the soul state.

The spider queen, whose body was covered in purple-black vengeful anger, opened her jaws, wanting to bite off Shen Fei's waist.

But when Shen Fei sacrificed the vine and wooden sword in front of him, the Spider Queen subconsciously stopped moving, her whole body cringed. This was the fear from the depths of her memory. Even if she turned into a soul body, this memory could still affect her.

The Spider Queen screamed in pain, and quickly retreated behind the stone pillars of the Fengyunding altar.

Shen Fei, whose movement speed was increased in the void state, was a little faster than the Vengeful Soul Spider Queen, and he directly caught up with the vine and wood sword: "Who did you fight with at Fengyunding a few months ago, and how did you die? ?”

The Spider Queen hid behind the stone pillar, feeling the breath of the vine-wood sword, her whole soul convulsed.

Shen Fei put away the vine-wood sword, and the Spider Queen looked a little more normal.

"The bishop in the white robe, I recognize him! We poisonous tarantulas are only afraid of the light, but this vicious bishop has mastered a strange magic, and took my body away after killing me..."

The Spider Queen narrated what happened at that time.

The vicious magic used by the bishop did not cause any harm to the spider queen's body. Instead, it directly took out the spider queen's soul, separating the body from the soul.

Then the protagonist directs the attendants to carry away the body of the spider queen.

From the mouth of the spider queen, Shen Fei also learned the reason why the poisonous tarantula ravaged Tuk County at night, because the spider queen's body contained the spider queen's heart that had been condensed into crystals for a hundred years, and it was this crystallized heart that the spider queen could control. Thousands of venomous tarantulas.

Now that this crystallized heart is obtained by the bishop, what exactly is he going to do?
Also, I learned from Sean and the Spider Queen that the Bishop of the Turk County Cathedral has mastered a certain "forbidden technique" that even dark creatures find creepy.

The sorcery that made Xiao En, the undead night watchman feel uneasy, and separated the soul and body of the spider queen who was a dark creature...

What is even more speechless is that this guy also has a lot of believers and attendants.

The villain I have to face this time seems to come from a bit big. I am alone...

This melon eats and eats itself.

"The black flame on your body tells me that you were born for revenge, have you ever thought about killing the bishop for revenge?"

The spider queen who became the spirit of vengeance is even stronger than before. If she can get its help, the hope of fighting against the Holy Light Sect in Touk County will be even greater.

The Spider Queen didn't hesitate at all, she hated both Shen Fei and the bishop, but in comparison, Shen Fei didn't kill her, the bishop separated her soul and body and lost her life.

Her soul was consumed by the flames of vengeance, and she became a servant of vengeance.Even if you regain your body, you will not be able to be reborn. This is all thanks to the bishop!
The spider queen's soul condensed into a piece of obsidian crystal with a slight purple light, and it landed in Shen Fei's hand.

[Spider Queen's Revenge Stone]: Break the Revenge Stone to release the Spider Queen's soul of revenge. The flames of revenge will cause indiscriminate attacks on all creatures within a radius of ten yards, causing 1000 real damage.

Shen Fei watched the introduction of obsidian crystals, opened his mouth for a long time but couldn't say a word.

The effect is no different from dropping a nuclear weapon.

If this one is dropped, all the miscellaneous minions except the BOSS will all have to be capitalized GG.

The melon on Fengyunding was over, and when Shen Fei came back to his senses, he could already see the incomparably bright moon in the sky.

The bright moon is in the sky, and today's moon is extraordinarily bright, and the snow-capped mountains covered in silver are covered with a layer of veil, emitting a soft light.

Even in Fengyunding, Shen Fei could see that the lights in Tuke County were gradually dimming.All the doors and windows were boarded up, so naturally no light could be emitted, except for a faint glow from the glazed windows of the cathedral.

Shen Fei quickly came down from Fengyunding, and saw the poisonous tarantula in the secluded forest frantically heading towards Tuke County.

On the way back, the clock tower above the city hall rang punctually, Shen Fei saw countless ravens flying from the west, and the night watchman entered from outside the city.

When Shen Fei returned to Tuke County, the night watchman had already left, and the town had been completely occupied by poisonous tarantulas.

These venomous tarantulas all surround the cathedral as if worshiping their spider queen.

Shen Fei passed through the poisonous tarantula, directly passed through the thick wall of the cathedral, and entered the interior of the cathedral.

The empty dome is paved with countless pieces of colored glass, shining brightly under the light of the lights.Only a few attendants in the cathedral were still at mass at night, and no one noticed Shen Fei who only poked his head out.

Shen Fei did not experience the uncomfortable feeling described by Xiao En, probably because Xiao En is an undead, and Shen Fei just became nothingness because of taking the unstable potion.

Whether it was the holy light inside the cathedral, or the evil power described by Xiao En, Shen Fei didn't perceive it.

Because of the state of nothingness, Shen Fei directly passed through the stone slab under his feet.

Quietly touching a translucent head protruding from the wall, Shen Fei looked around and found that it was a long and narrow corridor.Going all the way inward along the corridor, I found a staircase that went around to the second basement floor.

Shen Fei cautiously walked through the wall to the second basement floor, and saw a shocking scene.

The second basement floor of the cathedral is an underground prison, but all the prison doors are open at this moment, and there is no prisoner.But Shen Fei still found a lot of fresh blood stains from the shackles and the walls of the prison.

Following the blood stains that hadn't dried up on the ground, they came to the prison hall, and as soon as they turned around, Shen Fei saw an unbelievable scene.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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