my pet is boss

Chapter 57 The Unfathomable NPC

Chapter 57 The Unfathomable NPC
The Leng family sisters actually exchanged some game gold coins, but because of the opening of the exchange function in the past two days, the prices of items on the market have undergone drastic depreciation fluctuations.

They just want to wait until the price is more stable before buying materials and asking Shen Fei to forge them.

After a few people entered the city, they could see that there were already many players wandering around in the city.

Some players really couldn't find the quest, so they simply went around to have a look, and found the Wind and Cloud Hills Forest and the Poisonous Tarantula.

This time, some players are already shouting to go to Youlin to form a team to kill the poisonous tarantula.

Leng Qingqiu's train of thought is very clear, first bring his teammates to the inn in Tuk County, and re-determine the point of returning to the city, and then consider other things after getting familiar with them.

Tuk County is really big, and you can understand it from a bird's-eye view of the giant eagle.

Naturally, the game content will be more abundant.

Moreover, they also have a great guide, Shen Fei, who can spend money to buy some strategies to avoid detours.

Leng Qingqiu's emotions towards Shen Fei are a bit complicated now, on the one hand, he wants to have a good relationship with Shen Fei, on the other hand, this guy has a very clear attitude towards money, with only two words written all over his face - lack of money.

This kind of money relationship between employers seems unreliable to Leng Qingqiu.

Less than three years after he took over the company, the director and vice president took advantage of entering the game and took away a group of people to set up another company.Leng Qingqiu still remembered that when he was a child, he yelled at each uncle, and his father also took good care of these subordinates.

But when their parents had an accident and the company was handed over to him, these people didn't hide their wolfish ambitions at all.

If it weren't for the housekeeper Uncle Guan and some of the father's cronies, the board of directors would have succeeded in forcing the palace and drove the two sisters out.

The same is true for the relationship with Shen Fei, the money relationship is not solid, but emotional matters cannot be forced.

Leng Qingqiu became the helmsman when he was young, and he has a clear understanding of feelings.So far, she only has appreciation for Shen Fei and has no other feelings.As for whether there will be in the future, she doesn't know.

As for the girl Leng Ling, she was overflowing with sympathy and sense of justice from the very beginning.Later, after seeing Shen Fei's "money-first ugly face", he sneered.

A few people came to the Jasmine Hotel while talking, and updated the return point at the fat boss.

"Guests, do you want to try the newest meal of our Jasmine Hotel, stir-fried spaghetti with beef fillet with black pepper?"

When Leng Qingqiu and the others bound the return point and just settled down to sit down, a chubby NPC wearing a chef uniform stepped forward to greet him warmly.

Before Leng Qingqiu could say anything, Leng Ling's eyes lit up when he heard these words, and he was articulate.

"how much is it?"

Fuman thought about it for a while, these materials cost 3 copper coins, plus his superb cooking skills, then...

Fuman stretched out his hands: "10 copper coins, plus a glass of fresh coconut water."

At this moment, Fuman was also extremely nervous, and raised the price three times at once. This kind of thing has never been done before!It's a little irritating.

Hearing the price, Leng Ling's eyes lit up: "Up to five!"

Fuman was stunned, and felt like crying. Maybe this is the world of the rich.In the eyes of others, the quotation that I have risked my life for is really not worth mentioning, and it seems that I have earned it cheaply.

After collecting 50 copper coins, Fuman walked back to the kitchen in a daze, and finally understood why the young master usually loved and hated the local tyrants.

Soon five servings of black pepper beef tenderloin fried spaghetti are ready, and five cups of fresh coconut milk are also included.

When the meal was served in front of several people, the five members of Leng's small group all opened their mouths in disbelief, and looked at Fuman with shock in their eyes.

"Sister, did we trigger some adventure mission, this fat chef is a master!"

"Miss, what Second Miss said this time is right, we really might have met an expert..." said the oldest housekeeper, Uncle Guan.

The five of them looked at the fried spaghetti in front of them. If it was an ordinary meal, it would be fine. After eating this meal, they could gain 2 points of stamina and last for one hour.In addition, the fresh coconut juice that came as a bonus turned out to be a drink that could return to the blue, which made several people cautious and afraid to drink it directly.

At this stage, apart from fresh spring water, the only way to recover blue is to sit on the ground and recover slowly.

The recovery effect of fresh spring water is very slow, and the total recovery is not high.For players at level 10, they need two to three water bags to fill up, one water bag costs 2 copper coins, and three equals 6 copper coins.

And this cup of freshly squeezed coconut juice can actually restore 500 mana points directly!
This little fat man is a treasure!
Several people looked at Fuman with green eyes. If they get along well, don't they have to worry about food and drinks in the future?
For Leng Ling's self-assessment of 50 copper coins for a meal, Leng Qingqiu originally thought it was too extravagant, but a few days ago, the few people who saved money for upgrading were also quite embarrassed.So she acquiesced to Leng Ling's willfulness this time, and it was right to reward everyone.

Look at it now, 50 copper coins are spent—it smells so good!
"Little brother, can you help us make [-] more servings of this fried spaghetti, we will pay for it!"

Not to mention freshly squeezed coconut milk, you can add blood-regenerating fried noodles, which is definitely not something you can see casually.This little fat man has at least mastered [Intermediate Cooking]!
Fuman remembered that the young master had told him before that he would be back at this point, so he simply shook his head and said, "No, I have something to do later."

"We can add more money."

Fuman continued to shake his head: "I'm going to find my young master later, I can't cook for you anymore." He said and took off his chef's hat and apron.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they were sure that some adventure mission might be triggered.

"Then can you show us your young master?"

Fuman scratched his head, the young master asked him to come back early yesterday, and he didn't see the young master coming back that night.

Fuman thought for a while and decided to go to the west gate of Tuk County, etc. Compared with yesterday, the two went to the cemetery, even if the young master came back, he should come from this direction.

"The young master hasn't come back yet. If you want to wait for me, follow me." Fuman saw that the five people were all old, weak, sick and disabled, a girl, a girl and an old man. The remaining two seemed harmless to humans and animals, so he agreed. fulfilled their request.

"By the way, what does your young master do?" Leng Ling leaned forward and asked curiously.

To be called young master must be from a big family. It must be terrifying for a servant to have such strength.

Speaking of the young master, Fuman was very proud: "My young master is the head of the guard in Tuk County, the captain of the security brigade!"

The eyes of several people became brighter. This is an NPC with an official position in Tuk County. The mission breakthrough has come!

Fuman talked endlessly about Shen Fei's heroic deeds, how he fought against the poisonous tarantulas all over the city all night, and the ground was covered with the corpses of poisonous tarantulas.It's just that those spider legs and poison sacs are piled up as high as a grain pile...

Just as Fuman left, Shen Fei's rest time ended and he appeared in the room of Jasmine Hotel.

The void effect had disappeared, and Shen Fei felt the existence of the limbs again.

The first thing after going online, Shen Fei went downstairs to call Shang Fuman and go to the city hall to find the consul!

 Continue to beg for recommendation tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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