my pet is boss

Chapter 58 Arrest these troublemakers!

Chapter 58 Arrest these troublemakers!

"Fuman, Fuman?"

Shen Fei yelled twice, but the kitchen did not respond, and he went around to search for no one, so Shen Fei was a little anxious.

"Boss fat, where is Fumanren? I asked him to come over to help the cook yesterday, didn't he come?"

The fat boss was also puzzled, just now this little fat man was cooking and entertaining people, why did he disappear in a blink of an eye?

Pointing to the seats where a few people sat just now, he said: "Just now, Fuman was entertaining guests here, it seems that he has gone out."

Shen Fei only felt a bang, and his whole brain went blank!
Fuman was kidnapped!
Shen Fei turned around and rushed out of the Jasmine Hotel. Just as he rushed to the door, he suddenly met a large shield armor, and the loud sound of hitting it was like a big bell, comparable to the bells in Tuk County at night.

"Sorry!" Shen Fei apologized, and hurriedly turned sideways to go out, when suddenly the shield was barred in front of him.

"If you bump into someone and just apologize, it's over? It's a good idea!"

"Losing money!"

The group of people at the door was aggressive, so Shen Fei raised his head to look at it. It didn't matter, the smell of gunpowder was full of fire.

"Like Li, Shen Fei!"

"It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!"

"Dig three feet in Xinshou Village and couldn't find it. I ran into it as soon as I came to Tuke County. Brothers are lucky today and can receive the bounty!"

The ones blocking the door were none other than the Five Vengeances who had been wiped out by Shen Feituan once before.

The five of them immediately put on a posture, for fear that Shen Fei would run away.

With the introduction of the exchange system, the gold coins began to depreciate, but Shen Fei's bounty increased all the way, from the previous 50 silver coins to the current 3 gold coins.

Shen Fei frowned slightly when he saw the five revengers, he was busy chasing after Fuman now, these five guys got in the way and wasted his time.

"Go away, I don't have time to waste time here with you!" Fei Shen was really angry, he promised Xiao En to take care of Fuman, but he lost Fuman in just one day.

This guy is so stupid, if he is seduced by some sweet words from some beautiful young lady, how will Shen Fei explain to Xiao En!
Seeing Shen Fei's flustered look, the five revengers subconsciously thought that Shen Fei was afraid, and this once gave them a sense of torture.

Seeing the enemy showing such a helpless and flustered expression in front of him, there was a sense of refreshment in his bones, which made people want to cry out.

"Hey, I feel like my life has reached its peak, I feel like my life has reached its climax!"

The five people are now full of the reward of 3 gold coins.

This money can buy several skill books, or the best weapons that have been forged and sold.

Among the five members of the Avengers, some players have privately chatted with the bounty owner's father, telling them that they have discovered Shen Fei's whereabouts.

At the moment, a few patrons are in a panic in the secluded forest of Fengyun Hills to brush poisonous tarantulas. When they get the news, they say they will come back immediately, and they will be rewarded!

The fat boss heard the commotion at the door and walked out immediately.Seeing that Shen Fei was surrounded by five wretched men, he immediately pointed out: "Don't make trouble, the consequences of making trouble in Tuke County are very serious!"

"Where's the nosy old man, get out of here!" The leader of the armored warrior was five big and three rough, with beards on his face looking very social.

The fat boss was stunned immediately, he glanced at Shen Fei, then at the five people, he shook his head helplessly, these people really wanted their own way of death, turned their heads and left.

"Don't even try to run anywhere today, let's settle the old and new grudges together!"

"Hey, you are really brave enough to talk about it, and you have deceived so many people away. Do you know that your bounty has soared to 3 gold coins?"

Shen Fei was also shocked, he only saved 5 gold coins by saving money, and the bounty offered to him was already as high as 3 gold coins, which made Shen Fei even have an urge to report himself.

The few people standing behind the shield battle exchanged glances, indicating that the message has been sent, and they have decided on the bounty!
In front of the wind and cloud hills and secluded forest, the local tyrant brother killed the poisonous tarantula in front of him, grinning his teeth and smiling: "Shen Fei was finally found after hiding for so long, right in front of the Jasmine Hotel in Tuk County!"

"Found it? Then what's the point, hurry back!"

"Today, I must kill this kid ten or eight times to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

"Not too much, hurry back, my big knife is already hungry and thirsty!"

These elder brothers of the gold masters were all accompanied by younger brothers, and the whole group killed them back in a mighty manner, wanting to wash Shen Fei with blood.


Shen Fei saw that the leader of the shield battle directly blocked the door of the hotel with a huge shield, and it seemed that he was not going to let him out at all.

The few people in the back winked and winked. Shen Fei saw all of them, and guessed that they were notifying the benefactor, waiting to receive the bounty.

Through the crowd blocking the door, Shen Fei saw the imperial flag flying by in the distance. It was the Tuk County soldiers carrying the flag and patrolling, belonging to the Tuk County Security Brigade.

"Soldier, arrest all these troublemakers!"

Shen Fei shouted loudly, and several people laughed, their eyes full of jokes: "It's just you, why do you still ask the soldiers to arrest us?"

"Don't try to be clever to divert our attention..."

Before the words fell, the patrolling soldiers heard Shen Fei's voice, ran straight over, and directly attacked the five people.

With a sharp long sword on his neck, he kicked the joints of his legs and knocked five people to the ground.

Before the five Avengers could react, all of them had been captured, and they were immediately kicked in the face by the soldiers when they wanted to struggle.

The soldiers in Tuk County only obeyed Shen Fei and the consul, what kind of things are these troublemakers?Dare to struggle after being caught?How about human rights?

This is not the earth. There is a saying about shooting civilized law enforcement.The officer has already spoken, and if he is caught, he still dares to resist and beat him to death!
"Master Guard, all the tricksters have been arrested. May I ask what to do next."

Shen Fei was busy looking for Fuman, who was in the mood to care about how these five people would deal with them, he waved his hand and said, "Leave it directly to the warden, and lock him up in the dungeon."

After saying that, Shen Fei turned around and left directly.

The five people who were pinned down on the ground looked confused at the moment. These armored soldiers of the Human Empire, what did Shen Fei call the Chief of Guards?Still an adult?

How is this fat four?

Seeing that Shen Fei was about to leave, the shield battle couldn't help it immediately: "Shen Fei, don't run away!"

Bang, bang!

"Didn't the fuck tell you to shut up?"

"How dare you call the name of the head of the guard directly, you don't want to live anymore?"

Without saying a word, the soldier kicked three times in the face of the shield warrior, kicking the guy until his mouth was full of blood.

"Fuck, bad luck! Give it to the warden, and give them a water dungeon first." The soldier's iron boots were stained with blood, and he wiped it off his shield and armor, and roughly led the five of them to the dungeon.

The five of them were stunned. They were going to shout that there was no human rights and wanted to protest.Now they all shut their mouths obediently, looking at the fainted shield battle, they felt quite sad.

 For the sake of coding at such a late hour, let’s recommend a few tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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