my pet is boss

Chapter Six

Chapter 6 Pulling back, walking around, doing it with your hands~
In the temple at the top of the snow-capped Yunwu Mountain, a white tiger glowing all over slowly opened its eyes.

While meditating just now, it actually felt a call connected by blood.

It was a familiar yet strange feeling, which remained in its memory.

"Who is calling..."

The eyes opened, and a thunderbolt thundered on the top of the clouds. The sharp eyes pierced the clouds and looked towards the eastern continent.

But when he was about to approach the territory of the human empire, the white tiger withdrew his eyes unwillingly.

The dark clouds in the sky were burned away by a cyan flame, and the entire mountain was shrouded in cyan.

"The fog of war has shrouded the earth, and many things are no longer what we can see clearly, White Tiger God."

The White Tiger God turned his eyes to the west again. The seamount where the White Elves were located was still shrouded in the fog of war.Even with the magic power of the Four Heavenly Gods, this fog of chaos cannot be pierced.

An old man came out of the temple, carrying a heavy tortoise shell, with a slightly rickety back, and white eyebrows drooping from the tip of his eyebrows, almost dragging to the ground.

"It's been a hundred years, and the White Tiger God still can't let go..."

In the abyss in the depths of the earth, ground fire spewed out, magma burst and spread everywhere, and all the heat and flames were full of evil thoughts.


The entire abyss is in a state of spewing and collapsing, cracks spread from the abyss to the earth, tearing the earth apart in the most violent way.

The earth was howling, the maddened snake-like slender eyes were filled with venomous flames, and there was a sliver of clarity in an instant.

"Master is calling me...!!!"

The chains all over his body made up of the most ferocious magma in the abyss were about to be broken loose.

Suddenly, the cliff of the abyss cracked, and countless weird tentacles stretched out from it, tightly binding the creatures who wanted to break free from the captivity.

An indescribable whisper appeared in the ear, reaching the depths of the mind.

Qingming's eyes slowly stretched, and he fell into madness again, full of resentment.

"My hatred burns in the abyss..."


After Shen Fei attacked the monster, the health bar didn't show the amount of blood, instead it was replaced by three question marks.

Shen Fei was stunned for a moment, and the system immediately gave a reminder of the combat tutorial.

When the player encounters any unfamiliar creature, the blood bar displayed in the first battle is a question mark, and only after the player is familiar with the creature will the data of this type of hostile creature be displayed.

Shen Fei didn't back down. He watched the player play for 5 minutes just now, and estimated that the wolf's blood volume was between 100-120.

The damage of the poisonous snake sting is 90 points, and the subsequent damage is a matter of two swords in melee.

One, two, three, four...

Shen Fei kept stabbing and pulling monsters with poisonous snake stings, pulling ten wild wolves at once, exhausting his mana.

Pulling ten wild monsters alone, they instantly became the focus of the surroundings.

"This guy is crazy, he pulled ten monsters at a time."

The hunters around all beat and pulled one, but Shen Fei was the only hunter who forcibly pulled ten wild monsters by himself without summoning pets.

"Hmph, this guy is looking for death. If he is touched by a wild wolf later, his blood will bottom out."

The hunter who has subdued the baby is well aware of the attributes of wild wolves, the damage of one attack is about 15 points, and the blood volume is 110 points.

With the method of flying a kite, even if the effect of the poisonous snake sting is fully exerted, the wild wolf still has 20 points of blood left. As long as you dare to turn around and stop for a moment, you will be eaten to death by a group of wild wolves.

In the deep forest area, most of them were hunters who came to catch babies. Seeing Shen Fei spawning monsters in such a sensational way, everyone had jokes and spectators on their faces. exploded.

In five years, Shen Fei's kite pulling monsters has already reached the state where the mind can move freely.

After ten seconds, Shen Fei intentionally slowed down, and the distance between the strange group and Shen Fei gradually narrowed.

Backhand, pull out ┏(^0^)┛-|===》

Shen Fei turned his head and stabbed with the wooden sword, and saw that the wild wolf in front did not die after eating the sword, so he immediately turned and ran away.

Walk position ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘

The distance between him and the wild wolf was widened again, and then the attack cooldown was in place, and he slashed up with the sword in the same way, this time killing the wild wolf directly.

This time, Shen Fei determined the blood volume of the wild wolf, which was between 100-120 points as he had estimated.

The players who were waiting to see Shen Fei make a fool of themselves in the distance were all stunned. They were not sensitive to the distance. From their point of view, the wild monsters behind them had been chasing them. Shen Fei slowed down twice and was almost hit by the wild monsters. Bizarrely saved the day, and even killed the wild monsters that chased him the most.

"This is a coincidence, it must be a coincidence!"

"Don't panic, I was lucky enough to kill one monster, and there are so many wild monsters behind me, I don't believe he can really solve them all."

Shen Fei didn't pull all the monsters here casually, the time and distance between each wild wolf and the wild wolf were all particular.

Otherwise, Shen Fei would slow down a bit. Although the nearest wild monster was dealt with, other wild wolves would shorten the distance and swarm him to knock him to death.

This is where the experience is so experienced, the timing and distance of each poisonous snake sting release are just right.

From the eyes of other players, Shen Fei just used the poisonous snake sting to pull monsters while running, and they couldn't see the way at all.

Afterwards, Shen Fei used his hands to grab back, move around, and do it with his hands, and dealt with all the remaining wild wolves one by one.

The hunter players around were all stunned, and the few who spoke harshly just now were dumbfounded and were slapped in the face crazily.

"How did this guy do it?"

"The key point is that he hasn't summoned pets by himself, and he directly kited out ten wild wolves in one breath!"

"Are we playing a career?"

"So the Survival Master is so awesome? I also chose the Survival Master, and I will try..."

There were also players with the same profession as Shen Fei. Seeing Shen Fei's kite skills, they couldn't help itching their hands, and followed Shen Fei's method to pull a group of monsters.

It's not as exaggerated as Shen Fei who pulled ten at a time, but only pulled five. When he turned around and shot, he didn't kill the wild wolf, but was surrounded by the wolves who rushed up from behind, and was directly beaten to death. Extremely tragic.

When the player came back from the corpse and sat cross-legged on the ground to recover his blood, everyone else surrounded him.

"Brother, how does it feel to be surrounded by a group of monsters?"

This hunter player is very angry, he is also a master of survival, why can't he be blamed, but he can hit me?
"If you can't learn it, you can't learn it. The ghost knows how he pulls it. Anyway, he must be a powerful guy!"

Shen Fei ignored the other players. Although his method of pulling monsters is not difficult, it is not easy to learn at a glance.

What is strange about him now is that he has pulled ten wild wolves A away, and he has been promoted to the third level all at once.

After retrieving the battle data just now, Shen Fei saw a line of strange suffixes.

You gain 100 experience points. (+100 EXP reward for full rest)

Checking the experience bar, Shen Fei found the source of this full rest reward, but faced with this result, it was difficult for him to calm down for a while.

The game "Big Era" has an offline rest setting.

After all, the human brain and nerves cannot run at full capacity endlessly for hundreds of years.

There is a six-hour offline dormancy setting every day. At the same time, the system will give a certain amount of experience compensation for these six hours, so that players can make up for the experience lost during the rest time after they go online.

Shen Fei's full rest reward, commonly known as double experience, came from here.

It's just that Shen Fei's full rest reward is not that simple.

He has accumulated a full 95 years of double experience!
(End of this chapter)

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