my pet is boss

Chapter 7 The Wolf Pack Leader

Chapter 7 The Wolf Pack Leader
95 years of double experience!
Shen Fei was stunned for a moment when he saw these experiences, but he reacted after a while.

This means that under the same circumstances, he upgrades faster than others, and his level is far ahead, which brings him superior equipment and resources.

"At that time, we can get the good equipment in advance and sell it at a high price. It's all money!" Shen Fei's eyes lit up, and there were golden coins in his eyes.

Shen Fei is very clear about his goal in the game - money, money, money!

Only by saving money can he get ahead and get rid of his status as the bottom of society.

After reaching the third level, Shen Fei's attributes also changed.

The health value has increased to 160 points, the mana value has increased to 140 points, and other basic attributes have also increased.

After touching the corpses of the ten wild wolves, only some gray and white wolf hairs came out.

Seeing these wolf hairs, Shen Fei thought of another interesting thing.

Before the village was established, it was the domain of wild wolves and jungle spiders.

At that time, the two fought fiercely, Shen Fei rescued Shangguan Ergou from the mouth of the wild wolf, and the two decided to set up camp here.

After Shen Fei drove away the wolf and the giant spider, the native refugees gradually gathered and formed the original village.

"These wild wolves should be the descendants of the original wolf king. I don't know if they are still..."

Shen Fei suddenly laughed as he thought about it, what's the use of thinking about it now, even Shangguan Ergou can become the king of the Lion City, time has brought too many changes, far beyond his imagination.

If you have the time to think about it, it's better to pull a group of monsters and upgrade earlier.

Shen Fei has completed the task of ten wild monsters, but he has no intention of going back to hand in the task.

Taking advantage of the fact that no one is coming to snatch it in the depths of the forest, I will farm a few more groups of wild monsters, and go back to hand in the task after the level is higher.

The game "Big Era" is designed according to the most common games in the Federation, mainly to make it easy for all people to play, and there are no weird settings.

The only difference from the normal game is that the skills of all occupations in the game are not learned and taught by trainers, but learned through skill books dropped by monsters.

And not all monsters will drop skill books, only elite monsters, rare monsters, and bosses will drop professional skill books.

What emerges from this is a variety of team systems that hold together for warmth, which may be colleagues in the company, or a group of school classes, or even like-minded friends.

But in the game, these various groups have a common name - guild.

Of course, some players have protested this question, and the answer given by the central intelligence brain is also very clear.

The new planet is full of waste, and it needs the sincere cooperation of human beings to survive and reproduce. The setting in the game also tends to let players cooperate to solve it and work together for a win-win situation.

Of course, an outlier like Shen Fei is an exception. It is estimated that at the beginning of the design, he did not expect that there are players who can kite a group of mobs at the first level.

This time Shen Fei was even more exaggerated, directly pulling fourteen wild monsters.

The hunters around want to cry but have no tears. Seeing other people's hunters pull a dozen, and I get an A, isn't this a profession, okay?
Fifteen monsters allowed Shen Fei to advance to level four smoothly.After he touched the corpse, there were not many players left around.

Let Shen Fei finish all the wild monsters in this area by himself, and the others just leave if they can't.

Shen Fei was even a little addicted. When he entered the game before, many system settings were not installed, and there was no talk of upgrading.

Two waves of monsters allowed him to rise to level four in a blink of an eye, and a sense of accomplishment emerged spontaneously.

The other players were only at level one or two, but he had soared to level four, leading by a bit in terms of level.

The advantage of a high level is that Shen Fei can be one step ahead of others and go to a more dangerous area in advance. The high-level items harvested at that time, the first-hand fresh items in the market, can definitely be sold at a good price.

There were not many wild wolves here, so Shen Fei simply walked deeper into the forest.

In the deeper realms, the density of wild monsters is higher, and there are even high-level wild monsters. For the time being, it is not currently possible for individual players to go deep alone.

Shen Fei didn't care about these, he had also figured out the attack range of the wild wolf.

Walking a strange route in the deep forest, bypassing most of the wild wolves.

Shen Fei's current goal is to see if he can find wild monsters such as the alpha wolf or the leader, and try to kite solo by himself.

After brushing more than twenty wild wolves, Shen Fei could see clearly that this wild wolf didn't shed anything except the gray wolf fur, it didn't pull out any hair at all!
Brushing wild wolves has no effect except to improve the level.And as the level increases, the required experience also increases. Pulling a monster once can't even raise a level, and it's meaningless to brush it again.

Shen Fei walked for less than a minute, and got his wish. Not far away, he saw a wild wolf twice the size of other wild wolves with black hair all over.Even if it's not a boss or something, it's at least an elite monster, and it will definitely be shipped anyway.

Beside this giant black wolf, there are two female wolves of normal size, crawling on both sides.

According to this posture, what Shen Fei will fight later is a boss and two wild wolves.According to the current health and mana, as long as this giant black wolf is not as fast as him, he can completely kill three kites by himself.

The place where the BOSS is located is under a huge banyan tree with a canopy, surrounded by a shallow puddle of water, just as deep as the edge of the shoe, without hindering running.

The BOSS exudes a frightening aura, with a pair of crimson eyes, making people daunting.

The other wild wolves were terrified by their aura, and they were all tens of meters away, forming a vacuum zone, which was just right for Shen to fly his kite.

Without further ado, Shen Fei walked forward, and only after getting closer did he see the name on the top of the monster's head, it was really a BOSS.

Black-backed giant wolf.

Shen Fei had bravely fought against evil dragons anyway, and a small black-backed giant wave would not make him feel timid.

Shen Fei's feet submerged into the pool, and the banyan tree in the center arched slightly, like a small island.

Walking brings waves and stirs the calm water.

The picture originally reflected in the water mirror suddenly became a mess.

Shen Fei's [Poisonous Snake Sting] did not hit the giant wolf, but shot at the crawling female wolf beside him.

This hand is still a bit particular.

Fight the normal monsters first, and the boss's reaction will be half a beat slower. With this time, Shen Fei can observe the moving speed of the boss, and decide whether to fight or run.

[Venomous Snake Sting] Hit the she-wolf and successfully drew hatred. The boss also reacted immediately, and ran towards Shen Fei together.

Seeing that the speed of the three wolves is the same, Shen Fei is relieved, he has decided on the first boss!

Applying the spike effect to the three monsters one by one, Shen Fei dragged the monsters around the pool.

As the spike effect disappeared, Shen Fei applied the spike effect to the three monsters again.

In the plot he wrote in advance, the two female wolves died first with less blood, and then they hanged nails and rubbed blood until the boss fell under his feet.

After a while, the female wolf let out a howl and fell headfirst into the pool.

At this moment, the black-backed giant wolf also wailed, its scarlet eyes seemed to be on fire, its sharp fangs were exposed, and its speed——


(End of this chapter)

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