my pet is boss

Chapter 60 Improving the Enthusiasm of Comrades

Chapter 60 Improving the Enthusiasm of Comrades

Leng Qingqiu was really torn.

2.5 gold coins is not a small number, and whether the final income can be equal to the expenditure remains to be discussed.

After all, Shen Fei also has a dark history of "running away with the money", this guy will not slip away with the money again, right?

Seeing that Leng Qingqiu was still thinking, Shen Fei suddenly felt that he was really a failure in life!
"Hey, what about the most basic trust between people? Would I run away for a mere 2.5 gold?"

Leng Ling froze for a moment, thought about Shen Fei's previous black history, and nodded firmly.

Shen Fei was shocked, he became such a person in their eyes?Ask yourself, how could Shen Fei run away just for 2.5 gold coins, how could he cheat more than ten gold coins.

Seeing that they were still hesitating, Shen Fei shook his head resolutely, turned around and left.

Time waits for no one, and one who can be deceived counts as one.

I went offline to rest for six hours, and I don't know if the bishop in the cathedral's underground prison has broken his cocoon...

Now Leng Qingqiu and the others were a little dazed, they didn't expect Shen Fei to be so hot-tempered, turning around at the slightest disagreement.

Leng Lingqi's lungs were about to explode, and the berserker plate armor couldn't even stop her anger.

Why is Shen Fei so stingy, didn't he just say a few words!
Seeing this, Leng Qingqiu stood up immediately: "We join."

Now she doesn't have much power in the company, and she must seize every opportunity to grow in order to regain the company bit by bit.

Shen Fei didn't look back, just greeted the five of them casually, and sent a team invitation to Leng Qingqiu by the way: "Follow me!"

After Leng Qingqiu joined the team, he got permission and pulled the remaining four people in.

Fuman followed beside Shen Fei, followed by five members of the Leng family, a group of people looked menacing.

At first, Uncle Guan thought that Shen Fei was angry and playing a big game, but after seeing his hurried steps, he realized that things were really in a hurry.

"Miss, this person must establish a good relationship. Whether we can make a comeback or not depends on this person." Uncle Guan is very accurate at seeing people. Although Shen Fei looks ridiculous and never leaves money, this person has nothing to do. Bad intentions and heavy promises.In Uncle Guan's view, he can be classified as a reliable partner.

Leng Ling snorted, in her opinion, Shen Fei is a little hooligan who loves money like his life!I really don't know why Guan Shu thinks so highly of him.

"Shen Fei, it's a good meal for us to find, today is your death day!"

"Bear my wrath!"

Several patrons returned to Tuke County and contacted the player who said they saw Shen Fei, but they couldn't get in touch.

Just as he was wandering at the entrance of the Jasmine Hotel, he saw Shen Fei returning in a hurry with the wind all the way.

It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

Today is your death day, Shen Fei!

Shen Fei still has an impression of the five Avengers, but Shen Fei has no impression of these crazy guys in front of him.

what are these things...

Shen Fei waved his hand, and said without much nonsense: "Catch it!"

The soldiers on patrol swarmed up, took down all the shouting players, and escorted them to the dungeon.

"Now is the critical moment for Tuke County to build a national sanitary and civilized city. You dare to be arrogant and domineering in broad daylight. I really don't know how to write the word dead?"

Shen Fei shook his head angrily, and Leng Ling behind him shrank his neck in fright, muttering in his heart: "You also said that other people are arrogant and domineering, isn't it you, Shen Fei, who are the most arrogant and domineering person in Tuke County!"

The benefactors and thugs were all in a daze, why did they let the NPC take them away, and couldn't even resist?

When they arrived at the downstairs of the city hall, the guards at the gate bowed their heads to let Shen Fei go.

"You wait for me here, I will go in and report to the consul."

Shen Fei entered the city hall and came to the office of Consul Reed to report back.

Reid is worried about the recent data of Touk County. Because of the curfew, Touk County is closed every night. The originally lively night market and night performances are all stopped. The protection will be installed from 12 p.m. At dawn, Tuk County was in a state of "dead city" for [-] hours a day. The vitality of the city declined, the economy fell, and the finances were unable to make ends meet.Coupled with the night crisis, internal and external difficulties...

"Consul, fortunately, I did not disgrace my order. I have already investigated the dark night crisis in Touk County."

Reed was still focusing on the various data submitted by the city councilors, and when he heard Shen Fei's report, he subconsciously encouraged him: "Well, well done..."

But after a while, he suddenly put down the document in his hand, his face was full of astonishment.

"What? You said you have already investigated the crisis in the night?"

Shen Fei nodded, and told Consul Reed the whole story of his two-day investigation, and even told everything he had seen and heard in the dungeon on the second floor of the cathedral.

"So my suggestion is to send troops to attack the cathedral immediately. You can't just let the bishop's power grow day by day. In addition, the cathedral is in the center of Touk County, and the loss in case of an outbreak is immeasurable!"

After Consul Reed heard it, he sat down on the chair in a daze, his eyes helpless like a drowning child.

"But there are [-] private soldiers in the cathedral, all of whom are members of the Holy Light sect... We have only a hundred soldiers in Touk County. The Sentinel Fort closest to Touk County has General Mike in charge. But now the waterway is blocked, and the signal for help cannot be sent out at all."

"It's over, we're really going to be over now!"

Consul Reid put his head in his hands and almost collapsed.

The believers of the Holy Light Sect are not something ordinary soldiers can deal with.They have mastered the power of the Holy Light and are naturally superior to others...

Shen Fei looked at Reed who was crying in the storm, and he didn't panic at all and even wanted to laugh.

Isn't it just a copy, what's the fuss about.

"If your lord trusts me, you will entrust this matter to me and guarantee that the cathedral will be razed!"

Shen Fei became the last life-saving straw for Consul Reed. Seeing how confident he was, Reed hastily issued a new order. Shen Fei was fully responsible for the night crisis. Temporary Consul, Acting Consul Reed to quell the crisis.

Shen Fei got a new title [Consul of Tuke County (on behalf)], and also received the last task [Conquest of the Holy Light Monastery].

"My lord, the conquest of the Holy Light Monastery will definitely involve bloodshed and sacrifices. The strength of our troops alone is absolutely not enough. Recently, many warriors have come from Xinshou Village. I believe they are willing to join in and contribute to the eradication of rape and evil." Do your part!"

Consul Reed nodded again and again, with more hope in his eyes.

"Also, my lord, recently under my restraint and discipline, even the prisoners in the prison are thinking about their own past every day, regretting what they have done in the past, and now they are very motivated and want to take their crimes and make meritorious deeds!"

Consul Reed's eyes became brighter, and he praised Shen Fei again and again: "I have given you full power to handle this matter. You are now the acting consul of Tuk County, and you have the final say on what to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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