my pet is boss

Chapter 61 Mobilization Before the War

Chapter 61 Mobilization Before the War
With the title of Consul, Shen Fei is equivalent to having an extra Shangfang sword.With the power in hand, everyone in Tuke County listened to Shen Fei's orders.

Leng Qingqiu and the five of them were waiting outside the door. Leng Ling once felt that Shen Fei had cheated them of their money and slipped away from the back door of the city hall.

"Fuman, make us some freshly-squeezed coconut juice, okay~" Leng Ling's beautiful eyes were looking forward, shining with a charming brilliance, wanting to be cute to please Fuman.

Fuman had only been taught a lesson by Shen Fei before, and Fuman was a little scared when he thought of the young master's myocardial infarction.

Seeing that Fuman was not moved by her beauty, Leng Ling felt a strong sense of frustration, and lightly bumped Fuman with his shoulder. Originally, he wanted to try acting like a baby again, but he didn't expect that this collision would directly destroy Fuman. Full hit three meters away.

It just so happened that Shen Fei came out of the city hall and saw Leng Ling's "tenderness" leaning against him, swallowing hard.Don't look at Leng Ling's small size, this is totally a Vajra Barbie, she acted like a coquettish and directly pushed out two hundred catties of blessings, amazing!This female berserker is really not just talking.

Leng Ling also panicked when she saw Shen Fei, for fear that this guy would think that he was bullying Fuman, and would try to find an opportunity to raise the price in a different way, and waved his hands in a panic: "I'm not, I don't, don't think about it! The thing is not The spicy look you see!"

Shen Fei has no time to joke around now, so he raised his hand to call the guards: "Ring the big bell, I have something important to announce."

The bell tower of the Spit Army will only ring when the night watchman arrives at [-] o'clock in the evening. During the day, it will only ring when there is a very urgent matter and all soldiers need to be called to guard.

The guards took orders, and soon the bell rang throughout Touk County, and even Fuman hurried back to the team and put on a suit of armor.

In an emergency, even all troops, militia organizations, and even the logistics personnel of the security brigade must be fully armed to participate in the battle. This is the iron law set by King Lucian since the establishment of the Human Empire.

All the soldiers were fully armed, and the militia brigade also assembled immediately.

Players from Toukshire heard the bell and came to the city hall together out of curiosity.As soon as he saw it, he saw the player Shen Fei standing on the high platform of the city hall.

"Why does Shen Fei dare to appear openly? Don't you know that many benefactors have offered money to reward his head?"

"This guy is also a legend. He actually tricked hundreds of people into fleeing. What are you doing on the high platform of the city hall now?"

Shen Fei raised his eyes and saw that the soldiers and militiamen had all assembled, and the armed forces in the entire Tuk County totaled 200 people.

There are many ordinary players around who join in the fun, Shen Fei has already set his mind on them.

Those who can come to Tuke County are all players who have played the instance of [Giant Wolf Crypt] and reached level 10.

what does that mean?This means that they have all opened the gold coin exchange function.

Shen Fei couldn't help but think of the pigsty at the back door of the kitchen of Jasmine Hotel, where the fat pigs piled up will be caught and slaughtered, only the maverick pigs can live peacefully.

"Soldiers of Touk County, today is the time for you to raise your arms, defend your hometown, and fulfill your promises."

"After several days of sleepless investigation, I finally found out the truth about the raging night in Touk County. The bishop in the cathedral turned his back on the holy light and threw himself into the embrace of darkness and void. He also killed the poisonous The tarantula queen found the heart of the spider queen to control the army of poisonous tarantulas..."

Shen Fei picked up the key points and explained clearly the ins and outs in the future. The soldiers and militiamen in the audience were all angry.

The Holy Light Cathedral turned its back on its faith and turned to darkness.

On weekdays, people in Lituk County go to the cathedral to worship if they have nothing to do, hoping that the holy light can bring good luck to everyone, and even many people's birth and baptism are presided over by the bishop himself.

Now that Shen Fei told them that the bishop they usually respected and worshiped turned out to be the culprit who endangered their homeland, a sense of humiliation and betrayal welled up in their hearts.

Everyone was trembling, trying their best to restrain the anger in their hearts.

"Today, we will capture the Holy Light Cathedral and expose the bishop's shameless crimes!"

"In addition to our soldiers, here I would also like to thank the warriors who came all the way from Xinshou Village. After hearing what happened in Tuke County, they expressed their most sincere concern for our experience, and they expressed their willingness to help us capture St. Cathedral of Light, fight for the light!"

"Fight for the light!"

The soldiers in the audience were excited and raised their swords high.

Everyone's focus suddenly shifted from Shen Fei to several other people.

The five members of Leng's family didn't expect Shen Fei to be so eloquent, and the status of several people who paid for power training, after Shen Fei's few words, they turned Wei Guang upright?

The onlookers are not fools, this posture is clearly the rhythm of the dungeon under the mission tail ring.

They came to Touk County for a few hours, walked all over, left and right, but they didn't receive a single task.

Seeing several people being led by Shen Fei to participate in the final mission, their eyes turned red with envy.

"Consul, we are infected by your generous speech, and we want to contribute our own strength to the freedom and light of the people of Touk County!"

The surrounding players all looked disgusted. In order to join Shen Fei's team, this guy is really willing to be a licking dog.This kind of difficult and superb licking posture can be done, admiration.

Without further ado, Shen Fei threw a group invitation.

The player was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic. He didn't expect that Shen Fei would really invite him into the team.

"Haha, Shen Fei invited me!" With a wanton smile on his face, Licking the dog turned over and became infinitely arrogant.

The others were dumbfounded when they saw this, licking the dog until the end?
There is only one chance for this kind of dungeon pre-quest, and it is unique to Shen Fei who opened [Rise of the Human Race] and [Giant Wolf Crypt] last time.There is no chance to regret it after you miss it.

"Consul, what you said is so eloquent. My admiration for you is like a torrent of water, continuous and unstoppable..."

This person is upright and reliable, the advantage is to tell the truth, invite!
"I have lived in vain for more than 50 years. Listening to the words of the consul today, I really can die soon after hearing the Tao!"

This middle-aged man can understand my hard work, and he can realize Taoism after half a hundred people. Congratulations, invitation!
"It's so deafening, it's like Hong Zhong Dalu, let me be enlightened! The consul, please accept my worship!"

Hey, sir, don't kneel down, I can't invite you!
"Shen Fei, Shen Fei, I love you, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

Little girl, you can talk nonsense, but you must keep your promise, invite!
"Consul, you look so handsome on stage, the bottom of Lun's house is wet~"

Wet!Then blow it up and dry it quickly!Otherwise, how uncomfortable would it be sticky?invite!
The five members of Leng's family were completely messed up when they saw the players in the audience who were full of ugliness and kneeling and licking in all kinds of fancy ways.

(End of this chapter)

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