my pet is boss

Chapter 65 Touk County is officially open!

Chapter 65 Touk County is officially open!
The spider queen transformed into a spirit of vengeance is very powerful, even fighting with the fallen bishop.

The rest of the players were wretchedly outputting. As the fallen bishop's spider legs were gradually cut off by the players, his strength and actions were also affected.

"My mission will not fail, the master's will will come to the world!"

There are only two situations in which people speak harshly, one is when they are beaten away, and the other is when they are about to die.

The void heart of the fallen bishop beat violently, and every beat of the heart paced with a wave of sound, like a big drum beating.

"Everyone, get out!"

Following Shen Fei's order, all players and NPCs except the Spider Queen withdrew from the fallen bishop.

The players found that as long as they follow Shen Fei's instructions, they will definitely not make mistakes.The soldiers carried out the orders of their officers with even more confidence.

Cracks began to appear in the bishop's empty body, all the energy in his body was drawn by the heart, and finally he fell to his knees on the ground exhausted.

At this moment, everyone understood that this guy was going to blow himself up.

"Shen Fei, remember what I told you!" The Spider Queen understood that this was also the time for her curtain call.

The fallen bishop concentrated all the void energy in the heart, and the heart of the spider queen on the other side after the self-detonation must not be spared.

The vengeance entity began to become ethereal, and when the fallen bishop's body burst into light, it turned into a cyclone, which penetrated into the fallen bishop's heart, tightly wrapping the red crystal spider queen's heart.

Everyone found a shelter to take refuge, and as the ground shook for a while, the strong void energy overflowed to all parts of the monastery.

The stone pillars and statues in the corridor collapsed in the energy, and the entire chapel completely collapsed into ruins.

Shen Fei and the players and soldiers led by him survived and hid under the slightly lower fountain.However, the believers in the Holy Light who were hiding from the pursuit in the armory and library were hit by this void energy, and their fearful eyes were quickly filled with purple void energy.

The priests who were treating the wounded, the golden holy light that cast spells, all turned into dark void energy...

The two iron gates of the armory and the library were completely destroyed in the explosion of void energy, and two blue dungeon light curtains appeared.

Shen Fei got up in a hurry in the smoke, and ran to the corner to look for Fuman's whereabouts.

This idiot was hiding in the corner just now. The explosion of void energy reduced the entire chapel to ruins. Could this guy be crushed under the rubble?
When Shen Fei ran to the corner and saw a big shaking butt through the dust flying all over the sky, he was relieved.

This guy is really lucky, all the buildings in the corner collapsed, and when he fell down, he just avoided Fuman's position and landed on the open space behind his buttocks.

"You are really lucky." Shen Fei kicked Fuman's round butt.As a follower, this guy doesn't care about solving problems, but he still worries Shen Fei all day long.

Fuman patted the dust on his body, and trembled all over: "Master, I was scared to death just now, such a big spider..."

"Look at your worthless appearance, it's really embarrassing to me! Clean yourself well!"

The dust gradually settled, and Shen Fei walked to the center of the explosion.There are no traces of battle here. After the fallen bishop blew himself up, there was not even ash left, and only one intact blood spar was left on the ground.

Shen Fei picked up the Spider Queen's Heart, glanced at it, and threw it directly into the backpack.

[Heart of the Spider Queen]: The will crystallization of the poisonous spider queen, holding this item can communicate with the poisonous tarantula, and control the poisonous tarantula in the forest of Fengyun Hill.Display this item, the spider creature's favorability is full (note: if the spider's natural enemy sees this object, the hatred value is full)
With this thing, coupled with his identity as the head of the bodyguard of Tuke County, Shen Fei's monopoly plan can finally be implemented.

Except for the annihilation of the gold master and his thugs, and a tragic revenge shield battle among the five, none of the NPCs brought by Shen Fei was sacrificed.

This result made Shen Fei extremely comforted, he took them out to fight, and now he brought them back safely.

Shen Fei was high-spirited, waved his big hand and said: "The class teacher returns to court!"

At the resurrection point, the benefactor sat weakly beside the altar, his eyes full of sadness.

Why did you say you rushed over to touch the corpse just now?It's fine if it's not a corpse, but it was sucked by the revived boss, and finally was directly blown to death by the thing thrown by Shen Fei.

After checking the death information, this Lao Shizi [Spider Queen's Revenge Stone] actually caused 1000 points of damage in an instant, a terrifying one!
Even the hardest tank in the gang has less than 400 health points, and I'm afraid it may not have 20 health points at level 1000.

The thing in Shen Fei's hand is really scary enough!
Of course, it wasn't these things that made the gold master depressed. He brought hundreds of gold coins with him in exchange for a few days ago. Following his death just now, dozens of gold coins were directly deducted as a death penalty.

In addition, those who were "blackmailed" by Shen Fei today lost hundreds of gold coins a day.

"Boss, do we still want to go back and seek revenge on Shen Fei!" The thugs were all brave and ruthless people raised by the gold master.This guy's family is a local tyrant, and his family has opened a large-scale company in the local county town. This guy has gathered a group of dubious gangsters and walked around the county town all day long.

Because the company is very large in the local area and is a large taxpayer, no matter what this guy does, the family can settle it.

Entering the game, he planned to continue to dominate with his gangsters, but he was turned around by Shen Fei.

"Revenge? Report to NMB, you don't like me, do you? You still want me to spend money in the dungeon to eliminate disasters?"

Hundreds of gold coins, that's millions, how will I explain to my family...

Shen Fei led everyone out of the monastery. When he came out of the ruins of the long corridor, he saw that the left and right iron gates were all blasted open, revealing the blue light curtain of the dungeon.

Shen Fei was a little puzzled, the fallen bishops had already been killed, why would the library and armory, which were closed to avoid hunting, become dungeons.Could it be that they were also infected by the power of the void?

Ignoring these, Shen Fei's task was completed, and he took everyone back to receive the reward.

Shen Fei returned to the city hall to find the consul Reed.

Everyone in Tuk County heard the strangeness in the sky and the terrifying sound just now, and Reed was no exception.

Reed didn't expect that Shen Fei could really solve the crisis in Tuk County, so he was so happy that he almost hugged Shen Fei and kissed him.

"Shen Fei, I must write a letter to the holy city, so that the empire will honor your achievements this time!"

Shen Fei responded with a smile, but he thought of the holy city in his heart, how can it be your turn to show me your merits?Back then, I was on an equal footing with Er Gouzi...

Shen Fei handed in the task, and everyone in the team got a lot of experience, as well as three free attribute points.

Because Shen Fei had enough experience in resting, he was surrounded by golden light in an instant and directly rose to level 15.

Shen Fei directly added all the attribute points obtained from the upgrade and the attribute points from completing the task to his stamina.

With 690 blood points, Shen Fei can unceremoniously say that he is definitely the fattest boy in the entire game now!No one can have higher blood volume than him!
The players waiting outside the city hall suddenly received a large amount of experience and 3 free attribute points, all screaming in surprise.

Many people directly upgrade after receiving this amount of experience. When they reach level 10, they know that there is such a thing as free attribute points. Each level will give 3 points, which can be said to be the most valuable thing after upgrading.

Not to mention getting a lot of experience now, but getting 3 attribute points for no reason, all the players at the door were excited, thinking that the previous kneeling and licking and 50 silver coins made a lot of money!
Massive experience points can also be obtained by burying your head in killing monsters, but free attribute points are not so easy to obtain.

They don't know what the front line of this dungeon mission is, but it's just super valuable to get such a reward for the last link.

When Shen Fei came out of the city hall, all the players in the team expressed their sincere thanks to Shen Fei. The 50 silver coins were worth it!

Everyone said one after another that if there is such a good thing in the future, they must be called, and the price will follow Shen Fei.

These players are the fastest to reach level 10, so they naturally understand the meaning of free attribute points.

3 more points of free attributes once, what if twice or three times?

Three attribute points, the effect is equivalent to a piece of green equipment with high attributes.

With the complete end of the mission, there is also a cutscene video that clearly explains the ins and outs of the dark night crisis in Touk County.

The most brilliant person among them is Shen Fei, the captain of the bodyguard. He took the risk of in-depth investigation after he was ordered in danger, and finally found out the truth of the incident. Existence has not given up on his rise again...

At the end of the video, the self-destruction of the fallen bishop caused the power of the void to overflow, infecting the believers in the armory and library, turning them all into slaves of the void, preparing for the next comeback.

After watching the entire video, Shen Fei finally understood why the armory and the library became two copies.

The clues of the whole plot are all connected in series, and Touk County is officially opened.

The other players were even more excited, because their heroic battles were recorded in the cutscene video. According to the system, all players who arrived in Tuk County would play this video introducing the current situation of Tuk County as soon as they landed.

Doesn't it mean that all of them will "remain in history"?
"I'm going to tell my dad the news, I'm on TV!"

"This is an introductory film. Other players who enter Tuk County will see our heroic battles. Isn't this really cool?"

"So I'm a celebrity now?"

Players' reactions vary, but basically they are all excited. The 50 silver coins are really worth it!

Even Leng Qingqiu smiled slightly, this introduction video is very good, all five of them have been recorded, this will be a big help for them to regain the company.If you look at it this way, the 50 silver coins are really worth it, this time it is a conscientious business.

Shen Fei didn't forget to promote his own brand at the end, and take care of his business in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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