my pet is boss

Chapter 66 Arrangement of the Spider Clan

Chapter 66 Arrangement of the Spider Clan
Those players who paid to participate in the quest were overjoyed. This ultimate quest gave them most of the experience. Many people directly rose to level 11. How much time was saved?Not to mention the three free attribute points given away. In the unlocking task of Tuke County, the attribute points are unique, which means that only a dozen or so players of them have been rewarded, and other players who come to Tuke County in the future will not be rewarded. If you receive the unlocking task, you will not get attribute points.

Knowing the reward, those players who hesitated for a long time and did not pay, now regret it.It's not that they couldn't afford 50 silver coins, they just subconsciously felt that Shen Fei would take the money and run away, so they chose to quit.

"If I had known that the mission rewards were attribute points, I would have participated even for a gold coin!"

"Hmph, why did you go so early? Shen Fei is the No.1 game in the game. Would you lie to us for such a small amount of money? It was you who spread rumors and made people think too dirty." Most of the players who joined Shen Fei's team have become After becoming Shen Fei's brainless fan, no matter how much it costs for such a good event in the future, he will participate in it even if he is crowded.

As for those players who launched midway, they became the target of their jokes at this moment.Such a great opportunity was presented to him, and he didn't cherish it.

"You don't know, even the beneficiary who offered a bounty to Shen Fei himself brought a team of thugs to participate in Shen Fei's mission, and you are the only ones who have been kept alive and complacent."

"What? The sponsor himself participated?" The players who didn't participate seem to have heard news of a magnitude [-] earthquake.

"Haven't you watched the scene video? The one who ate the [Void Siphon] skill of the fallen leader is the gold master and his thugs."

It was precisely because there was a rich reward offered by the benefactor that they believed it was true, thinking that Shen Fei took away everyone's money and ran away.As a result, the beneficiary himself secretly joined Shen Fei's mission team, and happily received the reward.

Besides, at the fountain at the resurrection point, the depressed benefactor suddenly gained a lot of experience. In addition, he beat the poisonous tarantula in Youlin before. Although 10% of the experience value was deducted after death, the wave of experience after the mission was completed, Let them immediately rise to level 11, and give them three more attribute points.

Originally frowning and thinking about how to explain the money owner who was cheated out of millions in a day, he suddenly smiled.Don't think about explaining it now, he is still thinking about how to go back and ask his parents for credit.For things like attribute points, it is stipulated that if you die, you will get three free when you upgrade to a level.Now that I have given away three for nothing, my father will definitely praise him for inheriting the family's excellent genes. This deal is not only a good deal, but also a big profit!Now I can get more money when I go back, hahaha!
"From now on, Shen Fei will be my real brother. If anyone dares to speak ill of him, I, Daniel Wu in Zhumadian, will be the first to disagree!"

Compared with the three attribute points, this lost money is nothing!
Now that Touk County is officially open, there are many more tasks in the town.

After Shen Fei dismissed the players and NPCs, he brought Fuman to the Fengyun hills and secluded forest. For others, the unlocking task has been completed, and the dark night crisis has been completely cleared.But for Shen Fei, he still has the last task to complete, and that is the promise to the Spider Queen.

Entering the secluded forest, Shen Fei immediately took out the [Spider Queen's Heart].

The highly poisonous tarantulas in the forest that were about to move, immediately restrained their hostility after seeing the blood spar, and stepped aside one after another to express their respect and welcome to Shen Fei.

They felt Her Majesty's breath on Shen Fei's body.

As for Fuman, even though Shen Fei repeatedly emphasized that these highly poisonous tarantulas were not hostile, this guy still stuffed his head into the tree hole, pouted his big butt, and refused to go in no matter what.

Shen Fei ignored this guy and went all the way deep into the secluded forest.

The last time he was in the state of nothingness, he had already been to the secluded forest once, and he knew where there were high-level elite poisonous tarantulas.

Going deep into the secluded forest, Shen Fei found Tuktata, a level 18 highly poisonous tarantula elite.

This is the only poisonous tarantula elite with a name besides the poisonous spider queen, and its status is evident.Its two short forelimbs even held a dead wood staff. The patterns on its body were also slightly different from those of other highly poisonous tarantulas. There were also some cloth decorations on its body, making it look like a priest or an elder among the spiders.

Other highly poisonous tarantulas, regardless of level and size, cannot compare with this elite monster.

When Tuktata saw the blood spar in Shen Fei's hand, the eight spider eyes magnified infinitely.

"I remember you, the last time you passed by here, you were not in this state!" Tuktata gradually approached Shen Fei, and when the blood spar met the spider swarm, it emitted a rich blood-colored light.

"Your queen left me the heart of the spider queen, so that I can arrange a way out for you in the future."

Shen Fei had already thought of a way out for the poisonous tarantula. The spider queen said before that in the ground and mountains of Fengyun Hill, they dug a spider hole connecting Xinshou Village to Tuke County. The passage stretched for more than eighty miles, which was enough to become a A haven for venomous tarantulas.

"Human beings are untrustworthy! Our clansmen don't need outsiders to arrange them!" Tuktata walked forward slowly, and at the same time, other highly poisonous tarantulas kept approaching, surrounding Shen Fei.

Shen Fei originally thought that it would be easy to take over the group of highly poisonous tarantulas, but he didn't expect that this Elder Tuktata seemed to have a very high status in the group of spiders.

Now it looks like a representative of the spider group.

Shen Fei raised the blood spar high: "Your queen was besieged and killed by the bishop of Shengguang in Fengyunding. The bishop took away the queen's body and the heart of the spider queen. You have already been reduced to tools for careerists to start wars , It was I who broke the bishop's plan, regained the Spider Queen's heart, and returned your free will. If I want to use the Spider Queen's heart to enslave you, why bother talking nonsense with you!"

Comparing his heart to his heart, Shen Fei understood the doubts of Tuktata and the poisonous tarantula, after all, they had just been freed from the will of the fallen bishop.

Every night, the bishop studies the hearts of the spider queens and enslaves them by controlling the hearts of the spider queens.

Although they tried their best to get rid of this control, the queen's will was unbreakable. They were all the queen's heirs and subordinates, and only death could break the blood contract.

Shen Fei's words made these highly poisonous tarantulas suspicious.

That's right, if Shen Fei wants to control the highly poisonous tarantula, he has already obtained the heart of the spider queen, and he can enslave the entire spider group with just a thought, why bother to come to Youlin to explain it?

Tuktata asked: "Then how do you arrange our family?"

"You have returned to the Great Snow Mountain. There are spider caves that you dug in the early days extending in all directions. Even if your group expands ten times, it can fully accommodate it. Since then, the secluded forest has become a forbidden place for your family to punish spiders who make mistakes or refuse to mend their ways. From then on, humans rule the earth, and you rule the underground world."

Shen Fei's consideration can be said to be the best choice at present.

The spider group enters the underground life, avoids the conflict with the human being, and disappearing is also good for the development of their group.

If the Spider Queen hadn't chosen to occupy the forest, she wouldn't have attracted the bishop's covetousness.

"Then this blood spar..." Tuktata looked at the blood spar. This kind of thing related to the lifeblood of the ethnic group has always been in the hands of foreigners, making people feel anxious and restless.

"Of course I will take care of it. Don't you understand the reason why your empress died for the crime of being pregnant? If there is one bishop, there may be a second, third..."

"Staying here with me is naturally foolproof."

Shen Fei put away the blood spar, and the favorability of the poisonous tarantula immediately turned into an attackable state of hatred.

"By the way, your name is Tuktata, the elder of the clan, how long have you been with your queen?"

Tuktata's sharp jaws were trembling slightly, which was the most instinctive reaction of the spider group to attack humans.

"I have followed the Queen for more than 80 years."

"Then do you know that your queen has a wound on her jaw? Did you hear her say why she digs a hole and migrates here from dozens of miles away?"

Tuktata naturally knew these things. When he was young, he was the queen's most powerful fighter, and when he was old, he was the elder and priest of the entire spider group.

The queen's wound and the migration of the ethnic group, Tuktata, as an existence second only to the queen in life span, naturally knows it well.

"Back then, in the hometown of highly poisonous tarantulas, there was an extremely powerful human being who drove us far away from home and sealed off the entrance of the spider cave. In order to survive, the spiders had to dig through the mountains, and finally found it in the Fengyun hills secluded forest. The wound on the Queen's body was also stabbed by that person back then, and many brave spider warriors in the clan also died under the sword of that person. It is rumored that it is a spider that emits faint fluorescence when it meets a spider. sword……"

As soon as Tuktata finished speaking, Shen Fei had already pulled out the vine-wood sword from the scabbard.

Shen Fei held the vine-wood sword in his hand, and the wooden sword shone faintly with fluorescence...

Tuktata instinctively felt a wave of fear, which came from the blood of the queen.


The surrounding venomous tarantulas all backed away, and the sword made them uncomfortable.

"It seems that the Spider Queen is quite competent, telling you the most important history of your race."

Tuktata, who still had some thoughts in his heart, saw that the vine and wood sword had already reflected it. The eloquent person in front of him was the nightmare of their group!Even the queen could not get any benefits from him, so she chose to leave the earliest habitat and leave her hometown to come here.

Tuktata respectfully said: "My lord, we will follow your instructions to leave the secluded forest and return to the original underground world."

He now fully understands that Shen Fei is an existence they cannot afford to offend.According to Shen Fei's will, the spider group can still be preserved, but if he goes against Shen Fei's will, he has ten thousand ways to make the poisonous tarantula disappear.

Tuktata's front paws stuck into his body, and he let out a few screams suddenly, his whole body was shaking violently, enduring severe pain.

After a long while, he took out half of the transparent crystal and handed it to Shen Fei: "Master, this is half of my soul stone. If you want to communicate with me, you only need to inject your consciousness into it, and I can perceive your soul stone." exist."

[Half Soul Stone of Tuktata]: Inject consciousness into the soul stone, and you can get in touch with Tuktata no matter how far apart.

This thing is equivalent to the player's friend chat box, which can communicate regardless of time and geographical restrictions, which is a good thing!
And this guy directly gave half of his soul to himself, it's a vote of honor!

 Ask for some recommendation tickets, the new book has been around for so long, and there are very few recommendation tickets every day!

(End of this chapter)

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