my pet is boss

Chapter 67: Politics and Business 2 Blooming

Chapter 67

The value of this half of the soul stone is not low. If Shen Fei is thinking about it, as long as the soul stone is destroyed, Tuktata will die directly because of the lack of the other half of the soul.

Shen Fei stepped forward and patted Tuktata's spider legs: "You won't be disappointed with today's decision."

Shen Fei is a businessman who puts integrity first, and will never let his own people suffer.

The poisonous tarantula has followed Shen Fei, and the future is bright!
Then Tuktata told Shen Fei about the century-old plan of the highly poisonous tarantula population, which is the issue of reproduction.Now that the queen is dead, the group cannot give birth to new life, and as time goes by, the whole group can only go to perish.

This fertility problem is the most troublesome. Now that the poisonous tarantula has decided to follow Shen Fei, Shen Feizi naturally has the duty to solve the problem of these single youths looking for a partner.

"What is the total population now?"

"Twelve thousand eight hundred and thirty two."

Shen Fei looked at Tuktata and said, "Your data packet doesn't include you?"

Shen Fei actually saw shyness from Tuktata's eight eyes!
Tuktata nodded shyly (ω), indicating that he is 89 years old, but when he was young, he was the bravest warrior of the poisonous tarantula, with a good foundation!In old age, he was transferred to the priest of the highly poisonous tarantula, focusing on self-cultivation and meditation. Now he is in good health, not weaker than those young tarantulas.

Compared with those young tarantulas who only know how to do things recklessly, he pays more attention to skills, which can bring a better user experience...

Tuktata said that personal problems still need to be addressed squarely. After all, the mental health of the elderly is also a big problem that the spider race will face in the future.

When Shen Fei came out of the secluded forest, Tuktata and Tarantula saw each other off with tears in their eyes, and they all looked forward to Shen Fei coming back to see them soon.

When the spiders left, Shen Fei stood there dizzy, why did he feel that he had lost money on this deal?But he couldn't say what was wrong.

A standard flying kick, one kick on Fuman's big buttocks: "Okay, let's withdraw!"

Fuman came out from the tree hole twisting his big butt: "Master, are those spiders gone?"

Shen Fei nodded solemnly: "Well, they said everything is easy, but they haven't tasted fresh human meat for a long time, I said this problem is simple."

"That's great. There are many fragrant mushrooms in the forest. I've long wanted to pick them up and stir-fry them."

"Master, how did you let them leave?" Fuman saw that the young master stopped talking halfway, and his appetite was whetted.

But Shen Fei just stared at Fuman, showing a seemingly satisfied and gratified smile, which made Fuman feel creepy.

"Master, why don't you speak, but look at me and smile?"

Suddenly, Fuman seemed to get Shen Fei's meaning, his face turned pale, and his legs became weak with fright: "Master, don't you want to give Fuman to spiders as rations?"

Shen Fei shook his head, what is this guy thinking, how could he be this kind of person?

It's just that Shen Fei's shaking his head seemed more like a cover-up to Fuman!
Under the leadership of Tuktata, all the spiders in the secluded forest of Fengyun Hill entered the deep underground from the crypt, and the entire secluded forest returned to silence.

More and more players have completed the tasks of Novice Village and arrived in Touk County on the Giant Eagle.As soon as the front foot landed, a short video of Shen Fei "starring" appeared.

From the player's point of view, this video, where is the short film introducing Tuke County, is completely a video praising Shen Fei's great achievements.

At the end of the soul-stirring monastery battle, the video also points out that Shen Fei is now the chief guard and security captain of Tuk County.

A player has an official status in the game town, which completely enters the privileged class!

This made countless players envious.

Shen Fei returned to Tuke County from Youlin, and more and more players could be seen on the street, and NPCs in the town also began to issue missions.

Shen Fei is not interested in these tasks at all, either the cat of a certain lady in the upper city is lost, or the chicken of the third aunt's house in the lower city is stolen.

Shen Fei is gearing up now, has the official status of Tuke County, and has monopolized the power in business. What Shen Fei has to do now is to blossom both politically and businessly!
As soon as Shen Fei returned to the city, he immediately found a group of patrolling soldiers and gave them an important task.

"A few of you, the chief pharmacist is currently practicing in seclusion and refuses to be disturbed by anyone. Recently, you have been guarding near the old locust tree, the chief pharmacist in the lower city of Tuk County, and no one is allowed to approach. Do you understand?"

"My lord is worthy of being a lord, you are so thoughtful! Let's do it now!"

"Nonsense, the reason why adults are adults is because they think more and do more than us!"

With a smile on his face, Shen Fei said that these soldiers in the city are becoming more and more up-to-date, and he waved his hand and said: "Okay, go ahead, I have worked hard for you recently, I will go back to the consul, and I will give you some applications A little allowance. After all, the environment in the lower city is relatively harsh."

When several soldiers heard such thoughtful words, tears rolled wildly in their eyes, and they almost died for their confidantes.

The original chiefs let them do the dirty work as they should, without any indication.

Seeing that Mr. Shen is in power now, be considerate of them!Knowing that the lower city is dirty and messy, and the law and order is not good, I even fight for subsidies for them.

On the other hand, on the way out of the secluded forest with Tuktata, Shen Fei asked Tuktata to use the soul stone to notify him every time he released the offending poisonous tarantula, so that he could harvest those trapped tarantulas immediately. The highly poisonous tarantula sentenced to death has no psychological pressure at all.

Shen Fei pondered for a long time, this kind of monopoly is the most ingenious one.

In Novice Village, many players learned alchemy. Shen Fei first controlled the chief alchemist, making it impossible for these players who learned alchemy to continue their studies.

If you want to study further, you can, give me money!
When they paid the money and needed to make [antidote], they suddenly discovered that Shen Fei had monopolized the highly poisonous tarantula resources in the entire forest.

Want to fight a venomous tarantula?No way!
Want poison sacs?give money!
A group of people swiped money twice, and Shen Fei didn't have any psychological pressure at all. If you want to blame, you can only blame them for learning alchemy!
Not long after the soldiers left, the guards of the city hall hurriedly found Shen Fei: "My lord, it's not good, it's okay, a group of warriors from Xinshou Village surrounded the gate of the city hall, and they clamored to see you, and they asked you to announce it to them. Task!"

"Me? Issuing a mission? What's going on?"

Shen Fei couldn't understand what the guards were saying at all, what missions he posted as a player, even his own missions were received from NPCs.

"My lord consul said that the head of the guard should take the lead in resolving the rebellion in the monastery, and the rest of the matter of eliminating the remnants of the arsenal and library will be left to the head of the guard."

After hearing what the guard said, Shen Fei's eyes lit up, Reed was really the Qingtian Lord of Tuk County, and he even gave him another way to get rich!

In other words, without Shen Fei releasing the mission, these players would not be able to enter the two copies of the monastery's library and armory.

Collect tickets?
Shen Fei is good at this thing!

This is really a double blossom of politics and business, two blossoms!
PS: Wanjun held an event on the official account. Readers drew pictures about the characters in this book. On the 12th, the first criticism will be selected. You can search for "Zhuge Wanjun" on the VX official account, and you can see what you like. The characters are drawn, and you can vote for the readers' contributions. Everyone actively participates~
(End of this chapter)

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