my pet is boss

Chapter 68 Smart and Handsome, I Can't Think of a Title for Half an Hour!

Chapter 68 Smart and Handsome, I Can't Think of a Title for Half an Hour!
"Quick, why are you still standing there, hurry back to the city hall!"

Along the way, Shen Fei also told the guards that people's livelihood should be the most important thing. These warriors who came to Tuke County from Xinshou Village are also half of the residents of Tuke County.Solving the urgent affairs of the people must be regarded as the top priority!How decent it is to ask people to stand in front of the city hall and wait!
"After all, the city hall is the official office. It is your duty to prevent them from breaking in. But you can't let them stand at the door and bask in the sun, right? If others see this, what will we say about our city hall? Do you want to say that we are showing off and not serving the people?"

"In this case, you should quickly coordinate, move more stools, build a shed, and pass a cup of tea to each person. This will improve the order, right?"

"Sure enough, the adults are thoughtful. At that time, we only thought about keeping people outside and not letting them break into the city hall, but we didn't think so much."

The guards showed shame on their faces. Compared with Mr. Shen, they still have a lot to learn. This is what a parent officer should look like.

Shen Fei took out 3 silver coins from his body and handed them to the guards: "Take these money, buy things according to what I just said, it will probably take a long time to distribute tasks at the gate of the city hall later, let these warriors stand I can't bear to be exposed to the hot sun. As for the rest of the money, it will be the hard work of the brothers."

The guard's hands were trembling, tears streaming down his face.

This behavior of adults is really...

To buy these things, there is no 5 silver coins that cannot be bought, and the adults also said that the remaining money is considered as hard work for the brothers.Where is the money left here?
But the guards were embarrassed to say this. The adults can do this for the common people. They still keep in mind the truth just said, and even took out their own money to make these warriors waiting at the gate of the city hall feel better.

In this situation, if I open my mouth and tell my lord that you don't have enough money, you can still be considered a human being!
Adults can sacrifice for the common people, but if they don't have a penny, they will have trouble sleeping and eating!
The guard decided to discuss it with other people later, and work together to collect 2 more silver coins to help the adults with this matter.

As soon as Shen Fei walked to the gate of the city hall, a group of players rushed up and engulfed Shen Fei in an instant.

Shen Fei was squeezed into the middle by the crowd, and he still didn't forget to give instructions to the guards: "You guys remember what I told you!"

The guard looked at Shen Fei's distressed look when he was carried away by the crowd, and couldn't help tears from the corners of his eyes.

Mr. Shen really thinks about the people. He has clearly become like this, but he does not forget to emphasize the things he explained. He truly unites knowledge and action and takes the people's affairs into consideration.

Touching the moved tears, I secretly made up my mind: Don't worry, my lord, we will definitely manage it well, and we won't embarrass you!
"Boss Shen, looking forward to the stars and looking forward to the moon has finally brought you back!"

"Boss Shen, quickly send us a mission? We can't enter the monastery library and armory right now!"

Several players were players who fought with Shen Fei to fight the mission boss before. After doing some missions in the city, they were guided to investigate in the monastery library and armory.It's just that the entrance to the ruins of the monastery is heavily guarded, and no one is allowed to enter without a pass signed by the city hall.

After all, the believers in the library and the monastery have been infected by the void, and they may rush out to make trouble when they go crazy, so they ordered heavy soldiers to be on guard day and night, guarding all the exits of the monastery.

Shen Fei tidied up his clothes, waved his hands and said, "Everyone, don't worry, I can't release the mission with so many of you!" '

Everyone spread out a little, leaving a gap for Shen Fei.

"Well, I have to send out the tasks one by one, but it is definitely inconvenient for everyone to swarm up like this, and it will easily lead to disputes when they rob each other. I just asked the soldiers to move some stools, set up a pergola for everyone, and pour a cup of tea for each of them. , everyone took the number and waited in line, and whoever was called would come to pick up the task."

Everyone's eyes lit up, this method is very emotional!
Standing under the sun on this hot day, it takes more than ten seconds for so many people to take on the task alone, and it takes only four or five people in a minute.

"It's Boss Shen who cares about the people. This is a humanized office, and it's for the sake of the people."

Shen Fei grinned and said: "If you accidentally get this position, you can't serve the people. Besides, if you surround me, I can't send out tasks!"

The soldiers handled the affairs neatly. After hearing that Mr. Shen had a temporary need, the residents who provided the tables, chairs, benches, and greenhouses all said that they could get a discount.

After counting a few soldiers, you can save a lot of money, thank you every mouthful, and almost kneel down to the shopkeeper.

The soldiers cooperated with the players, and quickly set up the greenhouse, and set up the tables, chairs and benches.

Everyone obediently went to the soldiers to get their numbers. Fuman brought the teapot from the Jasmine Hotel, and the players who sat down and waited poured a cup of tea for each of them, enjoying the cool while waiting.

"If I used to do business in the civic hall, I would have received this kind of treatment."

"Compared with this, Boss Shen is still humane!"

"There were people who swore to me that Boss Shen had absconded with the money before, but now it seems that it is completely insulting! How can such a good person be a liar?"

Order suddenly returned to the entrance of the city hall. Reed, who was working upstairs, saw the scene below through the window, and couldn't help but sigh, the head guard he appointed was young and promising, and he was responsible and responsible!The chaotic scene just now became orderly in an instant, and this time he was successful in destroying the bishop's rebellion. He is really a rare young talent in Touk County!

Of course, I also have the credit for daring to delegate power and knowing people to make good use of them!
Consul Reed's eyes lit up immediately, his frown slowly relaxed, and the previously melancholy petition finally came to his mind.

Well, Shen Fei uncovered the conspiracy of the bishop of the Holy Light Sect to rebel, although he has done a lot of hard work, but if Reed, the governor of Tuk County, did not know how to use people well and dared to delegate power to newcomers, there would be no such perfect ending.This kind of courage and skill in governing is also a model!
Just write it!

Everyone draws a number and queues up to the pergola to start waiting. The pergola can only accommodate a hundred players, and the rest are outside in the sun.

Players sitting in the pergola suddenly felt superior. Others were basking in the sun outside, and they sat and drank herbal tea inside, which immediately felt like VIP treatment.

Shen Fei was a little far away from the players, and there was a desk more than ten meters away.

As the soldiers around him began to shout their numbers, player No. [-] smiled and sat in front of Shen Fei, "Boss Shen, please send me a mission and give me a pass."

"no problem!"

Shen Fei stamped the pass with the stamp of his chief bodyguard, and the player has stretched out his hands to take the pass.

"What's the hurry, give me the money first!" Shen Fei looked surprised, why did he still want to eat the overlord's meal?

This player was also stunned. Others gave rewards for doing missions. Why did Shen Fei still have to pay for missions?
The player's face twitched slightly, and he said with embarrassment: "Boss Shen, why do you still need to pay for the task?"

Shen Fei looked indifferent: "The task is free, but this awning, the tea fee should be summed up. You see, these soldiers are calling numbers, maintaining law and order, and serving tea and water. Let the working people do their jobs for nothing."

Hearing this, the player felt that what Shen Fei said was fine.

"Boss Shen, how much is the tea?"

"A silver coin."

"What, a silver coin!?" The player was dumbfounded. He originally thought that a cup of tea would only cost a dozen copper coins, but he didn't expect it would cost so much for one silver coin.

Shen Fei suddenly took out a pair of glasses from the drawer, put them on, and took out a written price list.

There are more than a dozen types of expenses such as seat fee, cooling fee, tea fee, service fee, municipal construction fee, etc. written on it, and the final total is 1 silver coin.

The player was silent for a moment: "I can accept the above expenses, but what the hell is this single compensation tax? Is there such a tax?"

Shen Fei took a sip of water and said: "You don't understand this, look at the young soldiers who serve you around. They are all powerful and heroic. They are the dream dates of many girls in Tuk County. Now In order for you to take on the task smoothly, working here without complaint, losing the opportunity to patrol the town is equivalent to losing the opportunity to meet marriage! In this case, as their chief, I naturally have the obligation to fight for them. Compensation, is this okay?"

The player has been completely limped by Shen Fei, thought for a while and shook his head: "No problem."

The No. [-] player in the back was impatient with waiting, and shouted: "The one in front, hurry up, I'll wait until all the flowers are gone!"

As soon as this remark came out, slang words such as "I'm sorry" and "Three belts and one" came from the arbor.

After receiving a mission for 1 minute, it did make the rest of the players a little impatient. Seeing this, the player reluctantly handed in a silver coin, and ran away in despair with his pass.

Player No.2 looked at the running figure, and complained old-fashionedly: "It takes a long time to get a mission."

After sitting down and chatting for a while, when they heard that they would charge 1 silver coin, the No.2 player directly turned the table angrily.

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

"What? You still have to pay for a mission? Are you crazy about money? I won't pay it!"

Shen Fei's face was as usual: "If you don't pay, please leave, I have to handle business for the players behind."

The two guards standing next to Shen Fei were shocked: My dear, I didn't expect my lord to be so well-mannered, and my lord didn't get angry even after this man uttered wild words. He really is a good official who does practical things for the people!
"Hmph, I won't leave, why do you want me to leave? Tell your leaders to come out, I want to complain to you!"

The player pointed at Shen Fei's nose and cursed.

The players in the pergola at the back were drinking tea and watching the show, and the players who were queuing outside the pergola suddenly became unhappy.

"If you don't do it, get out, occupy the position and let the people behind do it, what does it mean to occupy the position?"

The guards on both sides were stunned, there are still people who dare to talk to the adults like that, if it were the past, their heads would have fallen to the ground long ago.

Shen Fei took a sip of tea and said slowly: "You can scold me, but because of your willfulness occupying the position, it makes it impossible for other people to handle business. You are interfering with social order. Do you understand that you are picking quarrels and provoking trouble!"

Putting down the teacup, Shen Fei suddenly broke out: "Come here, this person disturbs the social order and ruins the social atmosphere. He should be sent to the dungeon and handed over to the warden!"

When this person left, Shen Fei nodded helplessly: "Why are there always ignorant people rushing up to die? I originally planned to release the task right this time as a free charity, but I didn't expect that someone would give me money. 1 I don’t want to pay a silver coin, but the bail fee in the dungeon is 70 silver coins.”

"Hey... why do you say that I am such a man who comes out of mud but not stained like a lotus, and those copper smells just refuse to let me go..."

 So handsome, I even want to ask for a recommendation ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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