my pet is boss

Chapter 69 Two Sleeves and Breeze Lord Shen

Chapter 69

The No.2 player was directly knocked out by the guards, and was dragged all the way to the dungeon.

The players sitting in the pergola eating melons were already dumbfounded.

Players have a very friendly attitude towards the NPCs who send out tasks.However, his attitude towards irrelevant NPCs is very general, and can even be described as indifference.

From Shen Fei's point of view, this group of people are too utilitarian!Not even the most basic human care!
Shen Fei is not afraid of level 20 elite monsters like Touk County soldiers.Although these soldiers are tall and muscular, in fact, these muscles are weak, and they are all piled up by eating fried spider legs rich in protein.Regardless of status and status, if you really want to fight these NPCs, at most 5 seconds, these soldiers will kneel in front of Shen Fei, pinch him, and beg him not to die.

Shen Fei looked at the figure of the troublemaker who had passed out and was dragged away all the way, and he didn't quite understand where he got the confidence to dare to be a rascal in front of his majestic Tuke County Guard Chief.

You know, the kind of soldiers who can pinch people just mentioned, Shen Fei has a hundred soldiers under his command!

The follow-up players were very obedient. After hearing that they had to pay a tea fee of 1 silver coin, they decisively paid the money and took the pass to leave.

The player who changed the pass at the beginning came to the monastery and showed the pass to the guard at the door, but the guard directly took away the stamped pass.

Only then did the player realize that his passport was a one-time-use item, and it was limited to the copy of the armory.

"Spending one silver coin, I just bought a one-time ticket. It's really a good business! He is really a good official who is considerate and loves the people like his own son!"


Shen Fei, who was issuing the pass, suddenly sneezed.

The player in front of him trembled with fright, and comforted him: "Master Shen, you have to pay attention to your body, don't wear yourself out from work!"

Shen Fei blew his nose, thinking that the players who got the pass before found out that the one-time ticket was scolding him, right?

"Hey, why can't they appreciate my good intentions?"

The recommended level of the copy of the Armory is level 15, and the copy of the library is a copy of level 20.Given that the average player in Touk County is less than level 11, it would be difficult to play in the armory, let alone a high-level dungeon like the library.

Not to mention the loss of experience points once you die, the gold coins you have worked so hard to save will also lose 10%. Everyone earns hard-earned money, and Shen Fei is also thinking about them. Why is this group of people ungrateful?
Hey, it really is hard to be a good person...

As the players in the pergola finished their tasks one by one, the players who were subsequently exposed to the sun entered the pergola to rest.

While waiting, they had already heard about the 1 silver coin "rest fee". This kind of treatment is like nothing else in the world, a silver coin is too valuable.

There are still some players who dare not speak out, what can they do if they think it is unfair?Shaking faces with Shen Fei on the spot, and then being instantly killed by a level 20 elite guard and taken to the dungeon?

And there are not many silver coins. With the opening of the level 10 exchange function and inflation, a silver coin is no longer as precious as it was before level 10.

Shen Fei has already issued more than 100 passes, drank his saliva and prepared to enter the intermission.

"Beer, drink, mineral water, melon seeds and peanut rice pudding. Make way, let's make way!"

Fuman pushed a small cart and squeezed in from the arbor.

The familiar slogans and shouts immediately attracted the attention of many players.

"Fresh iced coconut juice, 1 silver coin for a cup, limited quantity first come first served!"

"Spicy spider legs, crunchy in one bite, can not only restore blood but also increase attributes, it is a must-have item for your home and travel dungeons!"

"The detoxification potion, limited supply, can prevent spider venom, take a sip, the original taste is refreshing, and the heart is flying!"

These three paragraphs of Fuman's advertisements were compiled by Shen Fei before the player entered Tuke County, just for today's sale.

As soon as the advertisement sounded, it immediately brought back everyone's memories of the earth.

When the players saw the effects of the three things, their eyes looked straight.

A glass of iced coconut water can restore 500 mana points, which is much stronger than a water bag!
There are also spicy spider legs, just smelling it has a tangy fragrance, that kind of crunchy feeling can make people feel high in the head just thinking about it.The effect is no different from the advertisement words, it also increases stamina and spirit while recovering blood. This is a must-have product for dungeon land reclamation for tanks and legal professions!
As for the antidote, the vast majority of players have never been to the Wind and Cloud Hills, and they don't know that there are highly poisonous tarantulas in the secluded forest.

Chilled coconut milk and spicy spider legs are cheap and affordable.

Spicy spider legs cost 10 silver coins, which is very necessary for teams that need to open up wasteland dungeons.

The iced coconut juice and spicy spider legs were looted by the players, and the 30 copies were sold out as soon as they went on sale. The players who got it were complacent, and the players who didn't get it sighed, and even asked Shen Fei when the next batch would be sold.

As for the antidote, it is expensive and useless, just a nostalgic item that mainly tastes like a carbonated drink.

At the end of the rest, there were only five bottles of antidote left on Fuman's trolley.

"Boss Shen, let's replace this antidote with spicy spider legs tomorrow. If it doesn't work, iced coconut milk can also be used!"

"It's not enough at all. Many of us didn't get it today."

Players are complaining that there are hundreds of people here to take on the task, and only a few dozen items are not enough.

Shen Fei shook his head, and was speechless to these players. Antidote is the most valuable product among these products. These players are really blind.

"Don't look at the price of 50 silver coins for the antidote potion, it's definitely a price that's worth the money. I, Shen Fei, have always been innocent in business. If you buy it early, you will make money!"

The player sitting in the pergola smiled and said: "This antidote is completely useless. If the price is the same as iced coconut juice, maybe everyone will buy a bottle to miss the feeling of refreshing the heart. 50 silver coins, even Even local tyrants probably wouldn’t buy it.”

Shen Fei shook his head helplessly, he couldn't see gold inlaid with jade.Originally planning to play a game of hunger marketing, a small amount was released every day, causing the market to loot, but it turned out that this group of people was ignorant of the goods, which was a bit of a joke.He waved his hand to signal Fuman to take the remaining things down.

Passes continued to be issued, and this issue went straight into the night.

Consul Reed came out of get off work, and saw that Shen Fei was still conscientiously issuing passes at the door, he couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "Chief guard, are you still not off work at this late hour?"

Repeating one movement all the time, Shen Fei's arm was almost useless.

But 10 silver coin can be earned in 1 seconds. As long as this earning speed is not forced to log off, Shen Fei can work for ten days and ten nights!
Shen Fei braced himself up, with a serious face: "Serve the people!"

Reed nodded in satisfaction: "The chief guard's spirit of giving up his family for everyone is really touching!"

Shen Fei said modestly: "So many warriors have been here since the afternoon, braving the scorching sun and exposure to the sun, just to help Tuk County clean up the infected remnants of the Holy Light Sect. If the head of the guard who is in charge of the armed forces of Tuk County can't fight on the front line with these warriors, I won't be able to sleep or eat!"


Suddenly there was a violent nausea sound from the crowd, and the players around were afraid of being spit out, and instantly cleared a large open space.

Shen Fei frowned: "My lord, you saw it! This group of warriors waited for a long time, and some even went into battle with illnesses, just to restore the stability of Tuke County. This kind of spirit is commendable..."

Consul Reed also squeezed two drops of tears in response to the occasion, thinking that there are good officials in Touk County who love the people like their own sons and give up their families for everyone, and there are also good people who stand up for justice and even go to battle with injuries. The spiritual civilization city of the empire should be stable without accidents!He will go back to write report materials, write out these touching deeds, and maybe he will be able to write a "Moving Empire" newspaper column.

Shen Fei's pass was issued until it was about to go offline, and many players who couldn't wait got tomorrow's number in advance and left first.

The guards looked at Mr. Shen expectantly. After all, many of the charges were about them.

If this is divided into their hands, it is not a small sum of money. At least one person can get one or two silver coins.

Shen Fei pressed his wallet with both hands, staring at the guards with green eyes: "What are you looking at again? Do you think my lord is the kind of person who is greedy for your money?"

Shen Fei swept over the soldiers one by one: "Today is the first night when the curfew is lifted in Touk County, I will give you the money, all of you are going to go to the Jasmine Hotel to party all night, right?"

The soldiers bowed their heads in shame, they really thought so.

In the past, I could only stay in the house at night, listening to the horrible sound of spiders outside.Today is the first night when the curfew is lifted, so it is natural to enjoy the nightlife.

Shen Fei shook his head rather dissatisfied, and sighed with a kind of resentment: "If you all indulge yourself like this, when will you be able to save enough money to marry a wife?" You must know that working in Tuke County is very hard work, In the past few months, due to the impassability of external routes, the finances of Tuke County are almost on the verge of collapse, and the soldiers have not received their salaries for two months.

"I will save this money for you, and when you find someone, I will send you the money."

Shen Fei took Fuman away, leaving behind the soldiers who stood there silently reflecting.

"Your Excellency, you have nothing to worry about, and you have broken your heart for our lifelong affairs. I have wronged you for being greedy for money. I am like a pig and a dog!"

Back in the room of Jasmine Hotel, the first thing Shen Fei did was to calculate how much money he earned today.

A total of 273 passes were issued, worth 2.73 gold coins!
Fuman sold iced coconut milk and spicy spider legs, making a total profit of 3.3 gold coins!

After earning 6 gold coins this afternoon, Shen Fei now has 41 gold coins all over his body, a proper little rich man.

41 credits, if it were on earth, it would be enough for him to pay for a house in the suburbs.

Facts have proved that issuing passes does not make much money. The key is the sales service launched during the intermission, which is the main source of money.

Shen Fei didn't sell all the goods at once, but took a small part of it, which was even worth the income of issuing a half-day pass.

Sure enough, it’s the same as how theaters do not rely on movie tickets to make money, but on snacks and snacks.

(End of this chapter)

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