my pet is boss

Chapter 70 Invitation

Chapter 70 Invitation
The ups and downs of Ma Yanzu, the gold master, from great joy to great sorrow to great joy, can be made into a movie.

Using the spring and autumn style of writing, the matter of arresting Shen Fei was omitted, and only the matter of obtaining three attribute points by doing the task was mentioned.The parents in Xinshou Village, Haishan, were very pleased. Their son changed from his previous arrogance and domineering, and even took the initiative to make friends. He was still the No.1 player in the game, Shen Fei.According to his father's words, to get to know a famous person like Shen Fei, that's really smoke from the ancestral grave.

As a result, after a private chat, Ma Yanzu received the most compliments in his life, even more than the compliments he received when he set off firecrackers to entertain the village after he got the little red flower in the kindergarten class.

His father was worried that he didn't have enough money to manage his relationship with Shen Fei, so he transferred another 2000 million credit points to him, and told him not to save money. If the money was not used up after a month's inspection, he had to wait until half a year later for the freezer to thaw. Time, break his dogleg.

Ma Yanzu was in pain and joy.

2000 million credit points, this is two thousand gold coins, and it needs to be spent within a month, and the relationship with Shen Fei needs to be improved, Ma Yanzu said that his head is getting big.

Sitting on the edge of the fountain, with his head on his elbow, Ma Yanzu fell into deep thought: "I, Wu Yanzu in Zhumadian, just want to be a dude who walks birds and teases dogs, spends 2000 million yuan a month, why should I suffer this kind of crime..."

"Boss, the boss also said that you can't give the money to Shen Fei directly. This is an insult to people, and it can't arouse the other party's suspicion, so that the other party can find out our purpose of getting close..."

Ma Yanzu raised his head suddenly, and cursed: "Nonsense, I am worried because of this matter, I can't give it directly, and it can't arouse Shen Fei's suspicion, and I have to spend it within a month. I really doubt it now, am I My father gave birth to me, this old fellow is probably trying to get rid of me in this way, right?"

When Shen Fei woke up overnight, Fuman, the coward, earned another 2 gold coins back.It was said that it was the carnival night when the curfew was lifted last night. The bar on the first floor of the Jasmine Hotel was overcrowded, and many people drank directly to get drunk.Fuman simply rode the tricycle that the Jasmine Hotel usually used to pull pigs, and started driving after drinking.

You must know that those drunk people pay no matter how big or small, and it is common to accidentally give more than a dozen silver coins.

Shen Fei looked at Fuman's backpack and fell into deep thought. He only earned 6 gold coins after working so hard to distribute the pass all afternoon.This bitch earned 2 gold coins after driving for three hours at night...

"Yesterday, a young lady from a noble family in the upper city sneaked out to drink. In the end, she hugged me and kissed me wildly. She even took off her corset and underwear. At that time, I felt something was wrong and stared at her body. After waiting for a long time, I found that she didn’t have a wallet on her at all! I immediately realized that she wanted to take the Bawang car! I just kicked her off the car and went to pick up the job again.”

"Master, you are right, women are really scary!"

Shen Fei looked at Fuman with pity, this guy is still complacent about his behavior!

Helplessly patted Fuman's shoulder, Shen Fei said helplessly: "Fuman, next time this happens, you should send the girl to my room, young master. She is so young and a single girl, drunk late at night How dangerous is it for you to throw her on the side of the road? As a human being, you still need to be a little sympathetic. "

"Master, last time you clearly said..."

Shen Fei rudely interrupted Fuman, hating iron not being able to make steel: "What to say! Do you understand the special handling of special matters! Brainless!"

Fuman nodded with a half-understanding. Before, it was obvious that the young master said to stay away from single young women. They are all scourges. After they catch you, they will suck your wallet dry.Now I say that next time if I meet a single drunk young woman, I will take it back to the place where I live...

Shen Fei and Fuman left Tuke County and came to the secluded forest of Fengyun Hill.

The reason is that the soul stone of Tuktata is slightly lit, which means that the poisonous tarantula that committed the crime was expelled from the Daxue Mountain and exiled to the secluded forest.

It took only one day, and a highly poisonous tarantula committed a crime and was kicked out.

When Shen Fei arrived at the secluded forest, he saw more than a dozen highly poisonous tarantulas entrenched in the secluded forest.

Facing these guys who have committed crimes, Shen Fei will never show mercy. Shen Fei is holding a blood spar, and the poisonous tarantula dare not resist at all. Just kill a dozen highly poisonous tarantulas directly.

Fuman beside him has already set up the frying pan.For every venomous tarantula that dies, there will be a fresh serving of spicy spider legs out of the oven.

Back in Tuke County, the first thing Shen Fei did was to go to the blacksmith shop in Tuke County.

Because of the quests, the city was not fully unlocked, and many NPCs could only chat without quests.After completing the task unlocking yesterday, many NPCs began to issue tasks.

I have been upgrading to complete the task for the past few days, it is time to improve the forging technique.

The owner of the blacksmith shop thought that Shen Fei was here for inspection, so he warmly entertained him.After learning that Shen Fei's life skill is forging, the owner of the blacksmith shop in Tuk County, without a word, gave Shen Fei his forging experience compiled into a book, as Shen Fei solved the dark night crisis in Tuk County this time. Thanks.

In less than 10 minutes after entering and exiting, Shen Fei obtained 150 points of forging proficiency.

All life skills have level restrictions, 0-500 proficiency is elementary, 500-1500 proficiency is intermediate, 1500-3000 is advanced, 3000-5000 is expert, 5000-10000 proficiency is master, [-] points Above the level of proficiency is the master level.

Shen Fei now has 300 points of forging proficiency, as long as he forges 20 more pieces of equipment, he can attack the intermediate forging technique.It's just that the blueprints on the market are all skill blueprints that exploded from Novice Village, so forging is of little significance.Next, we still have to focus on the two copies of the armory and the library, bursting out skill books and blueprints, and stabilizing our level suppression and leading position in the game.

The reason why Shen Fei dared to issue the pass to the players now was because he was sure that with their current level of equipment, it was impossible to get through the armory.

He came out of the blacksmith's shop contentedly.

As soon as he stepped out, he was stopped by a neatly dressed and meticulous middle-aged housekeeper.

"Respected Chief Guard, I am the steward of the Lawrence Manor. At noon tomorrow, our eldest lady is getting married, and I hope that the Chief Guard will come."

The middle-aged housekeeper took out an invitation card as he spoke.

Before Shen Fei could speak, Fuman's eyes lit up on the side: "Lawrence Manor? Master, still remember the aunt I told you about in the overlord car..."

Before Fuman could finish speaking, Shen Fei quickly covered Fuman's mouth with his eyes and scolded "viciously", "You son of a bitch, the young master hasn't spoken yet, what are you rushing to say?"

Shen Fei didn't accept the invitation, and asked cautiously: "The lady in your family is getting married, this... emmmmm... don't you need to pay this?"

Shen Fei rubbed his index and middle fingers together.

The butler suddenly realized and was quite respectful: "As the great hero of Tuk County, the most popular young talent, the guard has a bright future. Being able to attend the banquet is the greatest gift to the Lawrence family. We are already grateful for the time to come to the banquet. We will also prepare a small gift to thank you."

Shen Fei took the invitation card from the butler with one hand: "No problem, I will go to Lawrence Manor on time at noon tomorrow to celebrate the wedding of Miss Your Mansion."

"By the way, I don't know which talented young man married a young lady from your house?"

Speaking of this, the middle-aged butler looked a little unnatural, and said shyly: "My master said that the Lawrence family is also considered a famous family in Touk County, and children don't need a good family background when looking for a partner, only a good one. Honest and reliable. So our lady finally found a very ordinary and honest person."

(End of this chapter)

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