my pet is boss

Chapter 74 It's 3 Dimensional, Not 3 Dimensional!

Chapter 74 It's [-]D, Not Measurements!
The five of Leng Qingqiu happened to be at the Jasmine Hotel.

When Shen Fei rushed to Jasmine Hotel, he saw several people at the wine table on the first floor.

Shen Fei sat directly on the bench next to Leng Qingqiu, seeing Leng Qingqiu's originally frowning expression gradually eased after seeing him.

"Hey, what's the matter? Seeing that I even stretched my brows, I still have this role. No, I will charge more for this entrustment."

Leng Qingqiu's face was as usual, he had already gotten used to Shen Fei's flamboyance.

Leng Ling, who was sitting across from him, couldn't help it immediately, because after discussing for a long time, they finally chose to ask Shen Fei for help when they had no choice.

You must know that asking Shen Fei to make a move will cost a lot of money!So it is very likely that in the next period of time, Leng Ling will have no pocket money, and the culprit of all this is Shen Fei!

As a result, this guy had just sat down and hadn't warmed up his butt, so he actually said that he wanted to add more money. Doesn't it mean that her pocket money will be postponed indefinitely?
"Leng Ling, your expression obviously doesn't welcome me, add more money!"

Leng Ling's cheeks puffed up like an angry puffer fish, and he stared at Shen Fei solemnly, trying to overwhelm Shen Fei with his sharp eyes.

The housekeeper Guan Shu on the side laughed loudly: "Second Miss, Shen Fei was just joking."

Leng Qingqiu began to talk about the ins and outs of this entrustment.

To put it simply, five people are preparing to establish a guild.After receiving the task of establishing the association in Tuk County, the task was completed one by one.When the last guild building token link is reached, all the clues gathered in the hands of the NPC show that the guild building token is in the arsenal box in the armory.However, this box is locked, and the key is in the final boss of the Armory, Jax the Weapon Master.

After listening to Leng Qingqiu, Shen Fei concluded: "So you want me to take you through the level 15 armory dungeon, and get the guild building token to create a guild."

Leng Qingqiu nodded and said: "This matter is very important to me, the price is easy to negotiate."

Hurry up before other directors, get the association token in advance to preempt the company, and then Leng Qingqiu can justifiably compete with the vice president and other directors.

Leng Qingqiu believes that many ordinary employees are actually watching the battle between her and the vice president this time, standing behind whoever wins.

Shen Fei pondered for a moment, but did not immediately make a decision.

"As long as the price is within the range I can afford, it's fine..." Leng Qingqiu originally thought that Shen Fei would directly agree, but he didn't expect that even he was thinking deeply.Because of Shen Fei's attitude, Leng Qingqiu was a little nervous, his hands were cold.

In fact, Shen Fei was just calculating which method could make more money.

Shen Fei has always admired Leng Qingqiu's decisiveness and boldness.This is a rare and strange woman.At least in the first 16 years of Shen Fei's hard work, he has never encountered anything like this.

Shen Fei came back to his senses, and raised his hand to signal a few people: "Report your [-]D first."

"Measurements? Perverted!" Leng Ling's reaction was the most intense, and he quickly covered his chest with his hands. In an instant, his eyes changed from anger to anger, then to embarrassment, and finally frowned, the expression of a soldier going to the front line to die , with a face of resignation: "B75, W66, H79."

As soon as these words came out, the wine table suddenly fell silent.

It was too late for Leng Qingqiu to reach out to stop her, so she simply turned her head away, feeling ashamed for having such a stupid sister like Leng Ling.

The two confidantes were holding back their laughter with their lives, and they were all red from the neck up. Judging from this posture, if they didn't laugh again, they might die.

Only the butler, Uncle Guan, was old and thick-skinned. He showed an awkward smile and went straight to the point: "Level 12 shield battle, 580 blood points."

At this time, Leng Ling suddenly realized, quickly covered his mouth, and said falteringly: "You didn't hear what I just said, did you?"

Facing Leng Ling's murderous eyes, Shen Fei hurriedly nodded: "Just now I suddenly had ringing in my ears, but I didn't hear anything. What did you just say?"

Leng Ling's cheeks turned red, and she was extremely ashamed and angry: "You obviously heard it, but you still don't admit it, scumbag!"

Shen Fei: "???"

Black question mark face.jpg.

The brain circuit of a woman is too scary, right?If it weren't for the fact that Jasmine Hotel doesn't allow beating people, Leng Ling might be beaten to death by Shen Fei this time.

Leng Qingqiu ignored the bickering between the two, and just gave Leng Ling a look to calm down the hairy cerebellar axe, and continued: "Templar at level 13, 450 points of blood, 400 points of mana."

Then the two cronies also reported their 12D data, and when it was Leng Ling, the girl was about to cry with aggrieved tone: "Level 350 weapon master, [-] points of blood."

Shen Fei was startled, the weapon master at level 12 only had 350 points of blood, the energy value of the weapon master was anger, and he didn't need to take mana into account, how did this guy manage to get such a point of blood.

Later, Leng Qingqiu gave the answer, Leng Ling added all the attribute points to strength, and the melee attack has a full 60 points.

Hearing this number, Shen Fei was stunned for a while. He has excellent qualities, and he is still a [Gale] with explosive damage, and his long-range attack power is only 33-40.

Weapon masters are born with a high growth rate of strength, and this guy has added all attribute points to strength.

It's not that Shen Fei is self-effacing, Leng Ling, a irascible loli, really can't bear it when he punches down...

After listening to everyone's [-]D data, Shen Fei took a deep breath and poured cold water on everyone's heads: "I'm not afraid of hitting you, according to your current [-]D data, the possibility of getting through the armory dungeon is only [-]%."

Twenty percent is almost equivalent to nothing.

The five people were like eggplants beaten by frost, and suddenly withered.

"Then what can you do? As long as you can clear the dungeon and create a guild, I will do whatever it takes!" Leng Ling's eyes are firm. The company is a relic left by her parents, and it is also their life's hard work. It must not fall apart in her hands.

Shen Fei was not joking, and said with a serious face: "First, upgrade the equipment of the few of you; second, prepare potions and food with increased attributes, and use these external force attribute compensations to make your three-dimensional attributes meet the requirements of the dungeon." requirements."

Shen Fei just analyzed the data of several people. Uncle Guan, as a shield fighter, his level is too low to support his blood volume. A shield fighter has less than 600 blood points. As long as the boss has a directional damage skill, it is very likely that he will be defeated in one fell swoop. .

Leng Qingqiu's health and mana have been increased by attribute points, but the mana of 400 points is very likely to be exhausted by three-quarters of the mana in the boss battle.So Shen Fei asked everyone to prepare potions or blood bottles to reduce the pressure of treatment.

The last is the extreme addition of Leng Ling.

The damage is high enough, but as long as you eat a skill from the boss, you will probably fall to the ground directly.This attack power cooperates with the skills, and the damage in an instant burst is extremely high. With the damage and skills of Uncle Guan's shield battle, [-]% of them can't hold the boss...

It's just that after Shen Fei said that, several people stared at him with strange expressions, making Shen Fei restless.

"After listening to your suggestion, I found that whether it is forging equipment or food and drink, I seem to have to buy from you." Leng Ling said sharply.

Regarding this, what else could Shen Fei say?
"Yes, what a coincidence!"

 For the sake of Wanjun's late-night update, let's vote for recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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