my pet is boss

Chapter 75 Haidilao One-stop Service

Chapter 75 Haidilao One-stop Service
Although they said it on their lips, several people understood that this was indeed the only way.

"Your teams are all close combat. If I want to join, I have to withdraw one person."

Shen Fei's eyes looked back and forth between Leng Ling and the two cronies, Leng Ling immediately suppressed Shen Fei's latent thoughts, put his hands on his chest and said arrogantly: "Anyway, don't think about making me quit."

After all, Leng Ling was the second lady, and the remaining two cronies looked at each other for a long time, and in the end it was the lunatic with less blood who chose to quit.

After all, his current equipment is not very good. As a category under the ranger profession, the fanatic is unique in that he has two combat weapons at the same time, a one-handed sword and a musket.But this lunatic player now only has a one-handed sword, and the special weapon, the musket, has not yet been found. Whether it is damage or health, it cannot be compared with a swordsman with a giant sword on his shoulder.

The composition of the team has been determined, so the next step is to arrange one by one.

Except for Leng Qingqiu who has a blue excellent weapon, everyone else is holding blank weapons. After all, they are not well-off. There is no way for everyone to forge weapons. All savings and money must be used to run the company. , can't spend indiscriminately.

But now it's about the token of the association, and the remaining money can't be saved, otherwise it will lose its meaning.

Good steel should be used on the blade, and now is the time to sharpen the blade.

The first is Leng Qingqiu. Although the weapons are far superior to players of the same level, other areas still need to be strengthened.The suggestion Shen Fei gave was to go to the trading market in Tuk County to see if he could find ready-made footwear for sale, if not, the blueprints were fine.Anyway, it is a plate armor profession, so it is the same for him to forge it.

Shen Fei's forging profession can only forge plate armor or mail armor using metal.In the game, warriors and knights wear plate armor, and fighters and priests wear mail armor.

The leather armor worn by rangers and hunters is made from the hands of professional leatherworkers.

The three professions of mage, warlock and priest are all cloth armor professions, and the items on their bodies are all from the tailor profession.

Next is Uncle Guan. Shen Fei looked at Uncle Guan's white board shield, and he used the huge wooden shield that he brought with him when he was born, which was something that had been completely eliminated.Shen Fei's suggestion is to go to the market to find a blueprint for a shield with a slightly higher grade, and he will personally forge it to improve the defense and survival of the tank as much as possible.Shen Fei directly pointed out that the key to whether he can beat the armory dungeon this time is not on him or Leng Qingqiu, but on whether the tank can hold it.

The last time he dealt with the fallen bishop Shen Fei, he already had a deep understanding, and I believe Uncle Guan himself knew it too.

The general attack of the fallen bishop, a tank can't even withstand two hits.When fighting the Fallen Bishop, they used crowd tactics. The tank taunted the boss one by one, and one person carried the attack. The boss hit the tank from full health to a quarter.

Everyone nodded again and again, confirming their eyes, this time Shen Fei didn't cheat them.

The swordsman's equipment does not need to be updated, because this class itself has extremely high damage, but its attack speed and movement are very slow.Shen Fei's suggestion is to go to the market to buy some [Swift Potion] and a large blood bottle, relying on this potion that temporarily improves the explosive power of movement, to avoid the damage skills of the boss.After all, for a swordsman, only being alive is eligible to talk about damage output.

In the end, Leng Ling was left with a hopeful face, waiting for Shen Fei to make some suggestions.

Shen Fei thought about it for a long time, and finally said: "Leng Ling's words don't need to be improved."

Leng Ling was thrown into cold water immediately, and she was still waiting for another wave of promotion. What do you mean she has nothing to improve?Shen Fei is avenging his personal revenge, it's perfunctory!

Leng Ling pointed to his face: "There is nothing to improve? Don't I even need to prepare a big blood bottle?"

Shen Fei shook his head resolutely: "No, you don't need to prepare a big blood bottle at all."

Leng Ling was complacent, and it was right for Shen Fei to say that she was in a good position.

To be honest, there is no need to prepare. After all, with more than 300 blood points, as long as you eat a random boss attack, it will definitely be an instant kill, and there is no chance of using a big blood bottle.

"No, my weapon is still the blank weapon I was born with. I want to create two super powerful two-handed weapons!"

Hearing Leng Ling's words, Shen Fei shuddered all over.The special feature of a weapon master is that he can hold two-handed weapons. Other professions can only equip one two-handed weapon. However, the setting of the weapon master profession is to be proficient in various weapons, so he can dual-wield powerful two-handed weapons.

As far as Leng Ling's current "special subject" attribute is concerned, it is estimated that Uncle Guan's old bones will not be able to hold back one skill at all.If this really creates two weapons that can do good damage for her, it may really become a battle of faith.

After all, Chong Xing... releases life.

Seeing that no one paid attention to her, Leng Ling began to act cute and coquettish, rubbing her face against her sister Leng Qingqiu's shoulder, or looking at Uncle Guan pitifully and cryingly.

In the end, I was really impatient with her, so Leng Qingqiu agreed to Leng Ling's request to forge two weapons, but there were three rules: "When outputting, you must obey Shen Fei's orders. If you don't listen to her, immediately kick Leng Ling out of the team , for another lunatic's cronies to come in."

Leng Ling chick nodded like a pecking rice, looking like a well-behaved baby.

Several people acted immediately and went to the trading market to buy what they needed.

As soon as everyone was about to go out, they were stopped by Shen Fei: "Since you want to forge two two-handed weapons for Leng Ling, then buy another footwear blueprint and a few copies of [Swift Potion]."

Everyone is puzzled.

"In this way, after grabbing the aggro, she can rely on the movement speed bonus of the footwear and [Swift Potion] to attract the boss for a few more seconds, and provide us with an environment for full output, so it is more useful to die."

Leng Ling's head was full of black lines, and he even had the urge to strangle Shen Fei to death.

This time there is no budget, what Shen Fei said is that it needs to be improved.

What this team lacks most now is damage first, and the two positions that need to be strengthened most are tanks and healers.

About half an hour later, the five members of the Leng family who acted separately came out of the trading market and bought all the blueprints, potions and materials needed.

These things cost 30 gold coins in total, and after the exchange system was opened, the prices soared.The price of just one weapon blueprint is only 5 gold coins, which is a terrifying price!
These are not big heads, and the big heads are still in the forging process of Shen Fei.

As the first player to forge blue excellent equipment that I can learn at this stage, Shen Fei's title as the number one blacksmith is completely confirmed.

Although after Shen Fei left, there were some players who were lucky enough to forge blue excellent weapons, but they were only one.

Like Shen Fei, with a brilliant record, two excellent blue weapons, and various excellent green weapons at his fingertips.

It seems that since Shen Fei started forging, he has never missed a shot.

Such a blacksmith, guess how much the foundry fee is?

This is not counting the cost of the task entrusted by Shen Fei...

(End of this chapter)

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