my pet is boss

Chapter 79 I Hate Holy Light!

Chapter 79 I Hate Holy Light!

Leng Ling earnestly snapped his fingers until the countdown was over, and then started to output with the weapon.

Leng Ling was not equipped with the [Spike Fang Axe], but the damage it caused was quite terrifying. A green weapon and a blank weapon, accompanied by the use of the skill "Fearless Strike", even surpassed Shen Fei in damage output.

Shen Fei shivered, if Leng Ling was equipped with a blue sophisticated weapon, the damage would be even more terrifying.

The two holy light warriors became fanatical in the crowd's attack, and their attack speed and attack power were partially improved.

Fortunately, Uncle Guan's armor and HP are now guaranteed, and everyone's attack power has also been upgraded, and they quickly killed the two Holy Light Warriors.

Next, Shen Fei used the same method to pull the Holy Light Warriors to the door and eliminate them in the corridor.

When facing the Holy Light Centurion, Shen Fei originally wanted to use the same method to pull to the door, but after he hit "Poisonous Snake Sting", the Holy Light Centurion directly locked on Shen Fei, and a charge came directly to Shen Fei face.Seeing that Centurion Shengguang had already rushed in front of Shen Fei and raised the hammer in his hand, Shen Fei turned his head and saw Leng Ling poking out his small head, and had an idea.

Released the "traction chain" on Leng Ling, and successfully pulled himself back to the entrance of the copy, avoiding the hammer of the Holy Light Centurion.

Shen Fei had a good idea, but when he was about to use the "traction chain", Leng Ling retracted his little head, hid behind the wall and patted his chest: "It's so scary, this centurion can even charge .”

Shen Fei lost his target and almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.The moment the Centurion of the Holy Light made a move, he immediately drank the [Swift Potion] and ran towards the door of the instance.

"It's dangerous, this centurion of the Holy Light is actually a warrior." Shen Fei looked disgusted, you said that you believe in the Holy Light, so you should be a knight anyway, right?You actually used the warrior's signature skill "Charge", what's the matter with you, little brother?

As soon as Shen Fei finished speaking, the warhammer in the hands of Centurion Shengguang dropped his hand and slammed it towards him at a high speed. The speed was as fast as a shooting star, and only a trace could be vaguely seen in the air.

"Sanction of Holy Light"!
The hammer hit Shen Fei's body, causing a 10-second stun effect.

Seeing this, Leng Qingqiu hurriedly commanded everyone to rush forward, Uncle Guan took the lead, "charge" and "taunt" to hold the boss, Leng Qingqiu stood behind and added blood, swordsman and Leng Ling rushed to the front to output.

Shen Fei didn't recover from the dizzy state until Centurion Shengguang was about to die.

This "Sanction of Holy Light" is simply too buggy, if Leng Qingqiu hadn't rushed up immediately and killed the patrolling centurion during the ten-second stun time, Shen Fei would have been trampled to death.The key is that this skill cannot be used by tanks. The tank is stunned for ten seconds, and there is no way to build hatred. The stunned time shifts the target every minute. Other players do not have the high blood volume and armor of the tank, and they are as fragile as paper. , the blood volume bottomed out after being touched twice by the patrolling centurion.

The result of the discussion among the last few people is that all the Centurions of the Holy Light will let Shen Fei come to open the monsters and eat this "Sanction of the Holy Light".

Leng Ling's blood was too low, and the skills hit him and instantly killed him.The blood volume of the swordsman is not high. After taking the skill, as long as he receives a basic attack again, he will die directly.In the end, only Shen Fei, who is blood-thick or long-range, is the most suitable for using the hard face skill.

This kind of skill is enough to cause a concussion once, not to mention it will cause a huge amount of damage, even if Shen Fei is killed, he will not eat it a second time.

The desire to survive made Shen Fei think of a countermeasure, which is to put a "freezing trap" on the only way that the Holy Light Centurion must pass.

In this way, the person who went up to gain skills changed from Shen Fei to Uncle Guan.

Guan Shu stood in the distance and taunted the centurion first, and when the centurion rushed to the front, he used the skill "Aid" to quickly move to the rear teammate. At this time, the centurion used "Sacred Light" to stun Guan Shu .Then, on the way up, he stepped on the "freezing trap" placed by Shen Fei in advance, and the freezing effect lasted for 10 seconds.

"Don't worry, Uncle Guan." Shen Fei smiled and patted Uncle Guan on the shoulder, this burden finally fell on Tank's head.

"Miss, I'm going right now. In case something happens to me, you must remember to take good care of yourself in the future and remember to revive the Leng Group."

Uncle Guan then walked in front of Leng Ling, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Leng Ling excitedly: "Uncle Guan, don't worry, if you can't handle it, I'll just replace it with the [Wolf-Headed Giant Axe] Go up and help you!"

Leng Ling was really looking for opportunities to use his weapons all the time.


The huge war hammer hit Uncle Guan directly on the forehead, followed by dizziness and dizziness.

As expected, Centurion Shengguang stepped on the "freezing trap" that Shen Fei had planted in advance.During this time, Leng Qingqiu added blood to the tank and waited for the end of the dizziness.

Along the way, Uncle Guan ate the "Sanction of the Holy Light" five or six times, and in the end he walked with his waist supported.

At such a great age, you still have to suffer this kind of hardship in the dungeon, why bother!
After a hard fight, the five of them finally came to the first BOSS "Commander of Holy Light".

Seeing the "Holy Light Commander" outfit, Uncle Guan's legs gave way and he almost fell to the ground.Shen Fei quickly helped Uncle Guan, and patted him on the shoulder, his eyes full of sympathy.

"Commander of the Holy Light" is wearing a slim silver armor, holding a huge warhammer in his hand.

The shape of the war hammer is exactly the same as that of the Holy Light Centurion who patrolled along the way, and it is easy to think of others.

Leng Qingqiu, Leng Ling and another trusted swordsman patted Uncle Guan on the shoulder after seeing it, with helplessness in their eyes.

Perhaps this is the fate of Uncle Guan getting a new shield today.

Even Shen Fei couldn't talk about it. After watching it for a long time, he said: "Everyone knows the skills of the BOSS. Healers pay attention to increase the blood volume of the tank, and others pay attention to drinking blood bottles to protect themselves."

Now players also have experience when they open up wasteland bosses for the first time. The setting of "Big Era" is that when facing creatures or bosses that you have never seen before, the blood bar will not be displayed for the first battle, which obviously adds a lot of difficulty to the battle.But as players continue to explore, they find that the skills used by BOSS are regular.

The skills of the BOSS will only be used when the blood volume is fixed, usually every 10%.When the blood volume is 50% and 30%, other special skills will be released.

Of course, not every boss is like this, but generally they release skills when the blood volume reaches an integer percentage.

With the output of everyone, a burst of purple void energy emerged from the feet of "Commander of the Holy Light".

This is the holy light skill corrupted by the void.

"All disperse, and the tanks also disperse!"

The "Commander of the Holy Light" is obviously accumulating energy under his feet, so he should hide first when encountering such a situation.

Everyone retreated in unison. At this time, "Commander of the Holy Light" did not catch up, and they instantly understood that this was a reading skill.

"Void Spike"!
Void energy burst out immediately, and countless sharp crystal spikes formed by overflowing void energy centered on the boss.If it had been one second later, all four melee fighters would have suffered damage.

Just when everyone thought the BOSS's skill release was over, "Commander of the Holy Light" raised the huge hammer in his hand and shouted: "Sanction of the Holy Light!"

The person that the Holy Light Commander is facing is Shen Fei who is standing at the farthest distance to output...

Shen Fei is locked at this moment, unable to move, he can only use the next skill forcefully.

"I hate Holy Light!"

PS: Congratulations to Bi Weirongrong for becoming the master of this book, hereby congratulate!Thanks local tyrant!
(End of this chapter)

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