my pet is boss

Chapter 80 The Heinous Probability

Chapter 80 The Heinous Probability

Only then did Shen Fei realize that the Holy Light Centurion who had been patrolling before was indeed related to this Holy Light Commander.

The skill "Sanction of the Holy Light" will definitely be remembered by all players who come to play the dungeon.Seeing the warhammer on Commander Shengguang, even a fool can find a connection.

But they never expected that the skill "Sanction of the Holy Light" would appear so tricky, and it was seamlessly connected after the "Void Spike", which completely caught the five of them by surprise.

Shen Fei was stunned by the hammer, not to mention being stunned for 10 seconds, but his blood volume was directly dropped by 90.00%!Almost killed with a hammer.

The other four gasped, and Shen Fei's HP was the highest among the five, with a full 690 HP.Just imagine if this trick falls on other people, the result will definitely be instant kill.

Leng Ling, who was about to switch to the [Wolf-Headed Giant Axe] for a while at the stage of the residual blood of the boss, immediately put away his little thoughts.If your damage is too high to draw hatred, you will be completely GG after eating this.

Everyone continued to output the boss, Leng Qingqiu read a healing technique to Shen Fei, and immediately added blood to Uncle Guan who was carrying the boss.

After the dizzy effect ended, Shen Fei drank a blood bottle to restore his blood to full.

It is obviously the same skill, but the effect is very different.

And judging from the damage caused by everyone's output, the series of skills just now are just small skills after the blood volume has been reduced by 10%.

In other words, as long as everyone continues to output, after the next 10%, the boss will still use the same skills.

Shen Fei was a little scared, anyone other than him would die if he got this skill.

When the void energy accumulated under Commander Holy Light's feet again, everyone dispersed immediately.

"Void Spike"!
As the sharp crystalline spikes formed by countless void energies protruded in all directions, the commander once again raised the warhammer in his hand.

In the next second, Shen Fei's expression collapsed directly, because the commander's gaze was fixed on Shen Fei again.

"Sanction of Holy Light"!
The other four had a hard time holding back their smiles, so they had to focus all their attention on the boss in order not to laugh.

For Leng Qingqiu, this is definitely a blessing in misfortune.

Anyone else who gets this skill will be instantly killed. Only Shen Fei can recover blood and save him if he gets the skill.So what the four of them thought was that all the "Sanctions of the Holy Light" would be eaten by Shen Fei.

It's just that everyone knows how slim the odds are.

There is a one-fifth probability of each time, and the probability of hitting every time is even smaller than the probability of forging epic-level purple equipment.

Leng Qingqiu now only hopes that "Sanction of Holy Light" will not hit her or Uncle Guan.

One heals one tank, as long as one is defeated, this boss battle is destined to destroy the group.

Everyone ate blood bottles and potions, and if they failed to defeat the boss group, they would have to bear the double penalty of experience points and money.

This time, Shen Fei didn't drink the blood bottle, but pumped it out carefully, waiting for Leng Qingqiu to nurse him a sip or two when he was free.

There will be a 1-minute cooling time after using the blood bottle, and there are only 3 blood bottles on Shen Fei's body, maybe he will eat several hammers in the future, what should we do now that the blood bottle is gone?
Leng Qingqiu's treatment techniques are quite skilled.A lot of healers just stand in place to increase blood. Leng Qingqiu has already practiced the ability to take time to increase blood in melee output because of his excellent weapon [Bright Gospel]. Forcibly stealing Shen Fei's life value.

When the void energy gathered under the boss's feet again, Shen Fei fired a "Snake Sting" and stood on the spot to give up resistance.

Not surprisingly, this time it hit Shen Fei directly on the face again.

Seeing Shen Fei being smashed wildly, Uncle Guan was very relieved, and the shadow of the centurion's explosive hammer all disappeared.

The fourth time, it still hit Shen Fei's face.

For a time, Shen Fei felt that it might be because of his conflict with Leng Ling's horoscope that his luck was so bad.

But at the same time, Shen Fei was thinking about a problem.

Is it true that the boss's "Sanction of the Holy Light" skill is not released randomly, but has a certain pattern and direction, and it's just that I happen to meet the conditions for being recruited?

After all, the probability of choosing one of five for four consecutive times is already as low as 0.032%, which is even lower than the probability of getting an epic purple outfit at this stage.

It's just that Shen Fei observed for a long time, but didn't find any clues.

"Be careful next time, the boss's blood volume has dropped to 50%, you must pay attention to the next skill!" Shen Fei reminded all his teammates that they must avoid any skills when they see them later.

"Outsiders, you have successfully angered me!"

"I've never felt so powerful, long live the void!"

The eyes of the Holy Light Commander have completely turned purple, and the end of embracing the void is to become a slave to power.

This time, no battle ax was thrown, and from the Holy Light Commander as the center, the void energy under the feet radiated in all directions in a straight line, and the angle between the two energy lines was exactly 45%.The void energy line under his feet extended almost to infinity, enveloping the entire battle hall.

"Quick, hide in the gap formed by the angle."

For ranged players, it is very simple to adjust the position, but for melee players, the place where the angle is just formed is extremely tight, and it is quite difficult to find a place to stand in the narrow gap.

Even Leng Ling, who was greedy for damage, gave up output and took the initiative to stand in the gap, waiting for the boss to use his skills before rushing up.

After all, only those who are alive are eligible to output.

Uncle Guan, who is wearing the BOSS, is Alexander at the moment. He is wearing a plate armor and is not small. You can stand on your toes.With his size, there is no way to completely avoid it, and the golden rooster can't do it alone.

"Healer, stand behind the tank quickly. Uncle Guan, if the boss starts to use skills later, you should immediately "help" Leng Qingqiu behind him, and avoid the void line of the boss. "

Leng Qingqiu quickly took his position, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Let's see Uncle Guan's reaction.

Uncle Guan said that it’s okay to let an old man act as a shield to fight the top damage, but it’s too discriminatory to react...

"Dash Strike"!
Uncle Guan saw the phantom emerging from Commander Shengguang.In an instant, he immediately used "Rescue Protection" and galloped to Leng Qingqiu's side.Even so, he still caught a bit of phantom on the commander.

Countless phantoms of commanders suddenly rushed out, overlapping along the eight void lines that spread throughout the hall, and it was impossible to see how many times they sprinted in the phantoms.

And it's a 360-degree all-round sprint. If the melee players don't dodge, the entire army may be wiped out.

Uncle Guan just touched a phantom, and lost 100 points of blood directly.And such phantoms are on the void line, and four or five of them can be quickly brushed over in a second!

(End of this chapter)

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