my pet is boss

Chapter 81 Suit Drawings

Chapter 81 Suit Drawings
After narrowly dodging the BOSS big move, the next battle returned to the previous mode.

Shen Fei was hit by "Sanction of the Holy Light" twice again, and now the other four people simply laughed wildly while outputting, this luck is gone, 100% receiving the warhammer, such a bad luck skill that no one else can learn.

Commander Holy Light's blood volume has dropped to 30%, and he has turned on frenzy mode to attack faster.Leng Qingqiu now has no time to take care of other people's health, and all his attention is on Uncle Guan.

Shen Fei didn't waste his blood bottle after hard eating his skills.A blood bottle can only restore 300 health points, even if he uses it, he can't carry the next warhammer.After careful observation, Shen Fei was even more certain that his 100% acceptance of the Warhammer was definitely not because of his bad luck, it was indeed because he had triggered certain conditions.

Shen Fei calmed down and thought about it carefully, his output is not the highest in the team now, excluding the argument that the damage caused by the highest damage is caused by hatred.

Shen Fei now has two guesses. One is that he is a long-distance profession. This skill may be released for long-distance professions, so it will only hit him alone.Another point is the standing distance. If the Holy Light Commander is the center, he is the one who is farthest from the boss, so the skills only bombard him.

After Shen Fei hit a "Poisonous Snake Sting", he took out his vine-wood sword and rushed directly in front of the commander.

He is now standing with other melee fighters. If the next warhammer hits his face, it means that this skill is aimed at long-range occupations.But if the war hammer falls on Leng Qingqiu, it will undoubtedly be judged according to the distance.

Shen Fei told his guess, and reminded Leng Qingqiu to pay attention to give "protection blessing" later.

"Sanction of the Holy Light" deals physical damage, and the Templar's "Blessing of Protection" happens to be immune to all physical damage for two seconds.

Leng Qingqiu kept an eye on the boss's actions while adding blood.Finally, the void began to condense under the commander's feet, and all melee fighters retreated to avoid the void spike crystals, and everyone focused on the commander's warhammer.

This time, the commander turned around and faced Leng Qingqiu who was standing at the back.

"Sanction of Holy Light"!
Without saying a word, Leng Qingqiu added a "Blessing of Protection" to himself, and the Blessing of Holy Light abruptly withstood the damage from the commander's war hammer.

Shen Fei's guess is correct, this warhammer is indeed released on the player who is farthest from the boss.

The rest of the battle was easy, the last sanction of the Holy Light, the tank Uncle Guan who opened the "bronze wall and iron wall", directly supported the furthest healer Leng Qingqiu, and ran back two steps to take the damage this time.

During these ten seconds, only Leng Qingqiu was healing the tank, and everyone else stopped attacking, for fear of drawing the hatred of the boss.After Uncle Guan lifted the dizziness, everyone gathered fire and directly killed the commander.

Seeing Commander Shengguang throwing away the war hammer in his hand, his legs were weak and he knelt down directly on the ground, the void filled in his eyes gradually rose away from the commander's body.

"Thank you for making me... free."

After finishing speaking, he fell to the ground with a plop, and a golden light of falling objects appeared on his body.

Shen Fei and the others completely ignored Commander Shengguang, what he said was so hypocritical, and the way to explode something good is king.

Shen Fei touched the corpse with his red hand, and out came a Templar skill book "Holy Light Emergence", and a forging blueprint "The Wealth of the Holy Light Sect - Imperial Seal Ring".

It was the first time for Shen Fei to see the forging blueprint of the ring, and looking at the blueprint, it seemed to be a set series.

【Imperial Seal Ring Production Drawing】

Type: Ring

Rating: 20
The blueprint for creating the wealth suit of the Holy Light Sect, after which you can get the royal seal ring, the quality and effect are random.If equipped with other wealth suit parts of the Holy Light Sect, the suit attributes can be activated.

Materials required for crafting: Ruby (1), Moonstone (1), Mithril (2), Pure Holy Light Energy (1).

To be honest, Shen Fei has never heard of any of these materials...

It is written in the introduction of the blueprint that there are three items in the wealth of the Holy Light Sect.

A ring representing the rights of the Holy Light Sect, an amulet blessed by the bishop, and the supreme necklace worn by the priest.

The Sect of the Holy Light respects the bishop, and the subordinates' military preparations, sect beliefs, and knowledge transmission are respectively in charge of three capable subordinates.

This commander of the Holy Light is in charge of the military forces of the Holy Light Sect.

It's just the first BOSS in the armory, and everyone already felt that it was very difficult, and who knows what will happen to the real bottom BOSS next.

"Compared to the armory dungeon, the "Rise of the Terran" and "The Crypt of the Giant Wolf" that I have played before are not difficult at all. "

Even Leng Ling could see that the arsenal faced many tests from the moment they entered the dungeon.

This time, if it weren't for Shen Fei, a monster with more HP than a tank in the team, and Leng Qingqiu's unique "Protection Blessing" skill, it would have been even more difficult to defeat this boss.

If it were a normal team, just to study the trigger conditions of the skill "Sanction of the Holy Light", it is estimated that the group will be wiped out several times.

Death is not terrible, what is terrible is the double punishment of experience and money.

When deduction for lack of experience, the level will be deducted directly, and the three attribute points obtained by upgrading at the same time will also be deducted.And this reverse deduction is not based on your extra points, but randomly deducts three attributes of strength, agility, endurance, intelligence, and spirit.

Shen Fei kicked Fuman who was hiding in the corner: "Fuman, explain the next boss."

Fuman used to work in logistics at the Holy Light Monastery. Except for some secret places of the Holy Light Sect, he has been to most other places, and he knows a lot about the big men in the monastery.

Fuman rubbed his round and plump buttocks, and said: "Next, go along the underground corridor, which is the weapon display warehouse of the armory. In the innermost part is the instructor who is responsible for training the novices of the sect. It is said that this instructor is the leader of the entire Touk The most powerful weapon master in the county, proficient in various weapons..."

As soon as he heard the words "Weapon Master", Leng Ling's eyes lit up: "Are you a Weapon Master? Then I will take out my [Wolf-Headed Giant Axe] and compete with him..."

It's just that before he finished speaking, he met his sister's cold gaze and immediately changed the weapon back.

Shen Fei took back all the rewards, and casually threw the Templar Knight's "Holy Light Emergence" skill book to Leng Qingqiu.

"I'll just accept the blueprint. You've learned this Templar skill book by hand. The next battle will be easier."

Leng Qingqiu took the skill book and glanced at the introduction.

This is the level 12 skill book of the Templar Knights, and it is a passive skill.

[Holy Light Eruption] (passive): Any of your healing effects will additionally apply Holy Light Eruption to the target, recovering 2 HP every 5 seconds for 10 seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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