my pet is boss

Chapter 82 This Boss Doesn't Play Cards According to the Routine

Chapter 82 This Boss Doesn't Play Cards According to the Routine
Leng Qingqiu now has three skills, namely "Blessing of Protection", "Healing" and "Redemption".

"Blessing of Protection" is immune to physical damage, "Redemption" is to revive dead teammates in a non-combat state, and Leng Qingqiu's only healing skill is "Healing".

The new skill book "Emergence of Holy Light" is equivalent to giving the "healing technique" a state of continuous blood recovery, which slightly enhances the healing ability of the Templars.

Normally, the effect of this skill book can only be regarded as okay, after all, the effect of 2 HP for 5 times, only 10 HP in 25 seconds, can only be said to be better than nothing.

But don't forget that Leng Qingqiu has [Bright Gospel], an excellent blue weapon, which has a 15% chance of inflicting a healing effect equal to the damage. This healing effect can also trigger the "Emergence of Holy Light".

According to Leng Qingqiu's current attack power, the recovery effect of the weapon is about 25 points, and with the passive skill "Surprise of Holy Light", the recovery amount can reach 50 points.

Leng Qingqiu didn't talk nonsense, and directly learned and used the skill book.The most important thing right now is to clear the dungeon and get the guild building token.

After everyone meditated and rested, they continued to clean up the mobs along the way.

Walk along the stairs to the armory on the basement level, and the mobs along the way have also changed.

The Holy Light Warrior and the Centurion turned into monks with cloth turbans on their heads. These monks did not have high attack power, but usually three or five of them gathered together, and when they entered the battle, they swarmed up.

Fortunately, the entire team has a strong output ability, and they cleaned up these mobs in a steady manner, and came to the training hall in the deepest part of the ground.

The pattern of the training hall is similar to that of the Colosseum, with a spiral staircase around the edge to the fighting arena at the bottom.The fighting arena is surrounded by a ring of scarecrows used for hitting practice, and in the middle stands Jax, a burly weapons master wearing armor and horn helmet.

The two weapons in the hands of the weapon master are giant swords, which look even more exaggerated.With a big sword with sharp serrations, it is hard to imagine what kind of damage it would cause if it was cut on the body.

With the experience of the last boss, everyone almost understands the main point of the dungeon.

The skills of the boss, you can hide as much as you can, but Shen Fei who can't hide, stands up and eats hard.

Shen Fei:? ? ?
Just as they stepped into the training hall, Jax, the BOSS "Recruit Instructor" standing in the center of the fighting field, slowly raised his head, his deep voice sounded like a sleeping lion: "Outsiders, if you dare to invade the armory, you will all die!" !"

The domineering opening remarks made people startled.

Although the "recruit instructor" wears a horned helmet on his head, under the shadow of the helmet, a pair of scarlet eyes full of killing are breathtaking.

Leng Ling also threatened to let the boss know who is the real weapon master.At this time, he had already hid behind Uncle Guan's shield.

The appearance of the "recruit instructor" Jax reminded Leng Ling of the strict instructors in the previous military training.

"Uncle Guan, you will advance to the fighting arena to catch the BOSS later, and give priority to the tank's blood volume in the treatment. If other people are hurt, use the blood bottle immediately. We don't know the skills of this BOSS yet, but since we are a weapon master , then the skills should be about the same as Leng Ling."

Without any experience, and without any strategy, everyone can only fumble and fight.

Emergencies can only be resolved by your own response and the cooperation between the teams.

"Come on, let me see what skills you have to kill the commander and come here." The recruit instructor raised the sawtooth sword in his hand, his voice was full of contempt.

Uncle Guan charged and taunted in front of the recruit instructor, and then Leng Qingqiu, Shen Fei and the swordsman also entered the arena.

Only Leng Ling stood outside the fighting arena counting down silently.

The serrated greatsword in the hands of the recruit instructor bypassed Uncle Guan's shield defense. The serrated greatsword appeared on his right shoulder at an extremely tricky angle. As the serrated greatsword was withdrawn, Guan Shu's right shoulder was ripped apart, " "Cleave" a wound.

"Split": Causes 15 bleeding damage to the target within 150 seconds, and the target enters a vulnerable state during the duration of the effect.

"Vulnerable": Receive an additional 5% damage during the duration.

Seeing the effect on Uncle Guan, Leng Qingqiu was glad that the bleeding effect wasn't very harmful. Relying on his own healing technique and the passive effect of the Eruption of Holy Light, he could keep the blood volume above the safety line.

Everyone reminded that the fearful output did not wait for the other skills of the boss, it was just a constant general attack.

The novice instructor's normal attack is also very powerful. Fortunately, Uncle Guan has changed his shield and has a higher armor.After the damage is reduced by the body, it will cause almost [-] points of damage in one blow.

Shen Fei's expression was a little dignified.A BOSS without skills is never good news.As the final boss of the armory, the blood volume should be similar to that of the previous commander.According to the current output, [-]% of the HP of the "novice instructor" should be destroyed, but he still doesn't see any action.

If they follow the experience of the previous bosses, they can take a little precaution, and at the same time they can roughly know the blood volume of the boss.

But the "novice instructor" doesn't play cards according to the routine at all. Everyone has to be on guard against his skills at all times, and he can't even guess his blood volume.

"Two times, I admit that you have the ability to defeat the commander. But just like this, it is impossible to defeat me!"

The novice instructor directly took off his horned helmet, and there were even a few fresh scars on his resolute face.

When Uncle Guan raised his shield to block, the sawtooth sword once again bypassed the shield from a tricky angle, and slashed at the wound on Uncle Guan's right shoulder.

The effect of "Splitting" is still the same, but the effect of "Vulnerability" has been superimposed twice, and the extra damage received becomes 10%.

Everyone was startled. The 10% extra damage was no joke. They didn't expect this "Vulnerable" effect to be superimposed. If they stacked a few more layers, what would they do if they received an extra 20%, 30% or even 40% damage? Beat the novice instructor.

Although this guy doesn't have a resident skill, the occasional "split" is already unbearable.

Substitute to step forward and top skills?
The novice instructor's strikes were elusive, and no one could tell when he would sneak around with his sword.

Encountering such a chaotic boss, all they can do is output with all their strength, and kill the boss before Uncle Guan can't stand it anymore.

Shen Fei stood at the outermost output, keeping a certain distance from the boss.

He is still observing, the eyes of the novice instructor and his skills, there is no trace of being infected by the void.

and so……

Isn't this boss a slave to the void?
While Shen Fei was thinking, the novice instructor's sawtooth sword once again appeared elusively on the wound on Uncle Guan's right shoulder.

Take 15% more damage!
Leng Qingqiu had no time to trigger weapon special effects with his general attacks, so he could only release healing spells continuously to maintain Uncle Guan's health.

In this situation, Shen Fei had no choice but to close the door and let...

Ah no, let Leng Ling take on the heavy responsibility of output.

Shen Fei had a burst of violent output just now, the poisonous snake sting plus long-range general attack, and the flame arrow damage triggered many times, causing amazing damage in a short time, in this case the boss still slashed at Uncle Guan, completely There was no sign of a transfer of hatred.

"Leng Ling, don't you want to output as much as you want?"

Leng Ling is a little confused, so, now that she is fighting the boss, does Shen Fei still want to tease her?


"I agree to your application."

Leng Ling was stunned for a moment, and after a while, both [Wolf-Headed Giant Axe] and [Novice's Training Sword] were held in his hands, and he sent a "Fearless Strike" at the boss...

(End of this chapter)

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