my pet is boss

Chapter 83 Going Wrong!

Chapter 83 Going Wrong!
In just a split second, Leng Ling's second injury pulled the other four away.

The blow just now even triggered the passive critical strike effect of [Wolf-Headed Giant Axe], causing 200 points of damage in an instant.

Everyone gasped in unison, the damage was too terrifying.Everyone stared at the boss closely, fearing that he would transfer his hatred and go straight to Leng Ling to kill him. It turned out that the novice instructor was still harassing Uncle Guan with a sawtooth sword, looking for opportunities to cut, and ignored Leng Ling who was causing huge damage .

Uncle Guan, who was pulling the boss, also left a hand of "taunting". If the hatred transfer really happened, he would immediately pull the boss back.In the end, there was no scene that everyone expected. The novice instructor and Uncle Guan seemed to have some monstrous hatred, and they swore to the death that they would not change their target.

Seeing this situation, what more can I say?
Everyone is fully fired, trying to kill the boss before Uncle Guan can't stand it.

Leng Ling's violent output is the most powerful, followed closely by Shen Fei's damage.

Although the chance of triggering a 1.5x critical strike is only 5%, the effect is quite explosive when triggered.Every time they saw critical damage, everyone was worried, for fear that the boss would turn around and go straight to Leng Ling.

Fortunately, this boss is relatively dull.

It's just that everyone's worries were not over yet, and the jagged sword of the novice instructor once again appeared elusively on the wound on Uncle Guan's right shoulder.

This time, his flesh and blood were torn apart, and he could even see the white bones protruding from his right shoulder.

Everyone's hearts sank, this time "Vulnerable" accumulated four layers, causing an additional 20% damage.

Just now Leng Qingqiu's healing could barely keep up with the consumption, but now he is stretched by the buff damage, he doesn't even have the chance to attack normally, all the healing is brainlessly applied to the tank.It's just that after the fourth layer of "Vulnerable", Uncle Guan's blood volume can't be added back, and his blood volume gradually decreases during bleeding and basic attacks.

The output of the others worked even harder, and Uncle Guan was still holding a blood bottle in his hand.

According to the current blood loss rate, only one blood bottle can be used.After using it, you can't wait for the cooling time of the blood bottle to end.

Everyone is now in a race against time.

Leng Ling couldn't help asking, "Shen Fei, where is your pet? Why have you never seen you summon pets to fight together?"

If there is one more pet on the field in this situation, then the overall output will definitely go up to a higher level.

Last time, Shen Fei used to cover it up by saying that experts don't need pets, but in this situation, there is no way to lie anymore.

Shen Fei sighed softly and said: "Because Fuman is my subordinate now, so I can't bring any pets with me now."

Everyone suddenly realized that there was a price for keeping NPCs by their side.

It's just that Fuman, an NPC who can pick up things, cook, and act as a mobile backpack, is definitely not as valuable as a pet.If it were them, they would have made the same choice as Shen Fei.

Bypassing this topic, Shen Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief.Could it be possible for him to admit that he lost two pets?The compulsive style of being a high-level player will definitely be destroyed in one fell swoop.

Uncle Guan knocked off a blood bottle and continued to resist.

The novice instructor Jax's sawtooth sword became more and more tricky, no matter how Uncle Guan defended, he would be stabbed.

The setting of "Big Times" is very interesting.

Skills have a hit rate, the more proficient you master, the higher the hit rate.For shield armor warfare, the skill to master is the shield block.These proficiencies are not expressed numerically, but they are real.

When selecting a character, the system gave a reminder that some settings will appear in a hidden way.And in the later stage, such settings will appear frequently.

According to the statement given by the system, this is to increase the playability and depth of the game.

Otherwise, everything will be laid out according to the numbers, and everyone will feel like playing poker whether they are fighting monsters or fighting.Look at the cards in your hand and play them one by one according to the rules. The big fish eat the small fish, and the small fish eat dried shrimps.

The shield block of shield battle is one of them.Normal attacks and skills can be blocked by shields, but this requires high responsiveness and timing in shield battles.Uncle Guan also has a little bit of experience in fighting monsters in dungeons again and again.

It's just that these experiences seem to be a thin layer of window paper in front of the novice instructors, which can be pierced at will.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a weapon master, and his use of weapons has reached a very high level. At least now, Uncle Guan's shield is no different from a piece of paper in front of Jax.

Leng Qingqiu's mana was in a hurry, so he knocked a blue bottle and continued.


The novice instructor pierced Uncle Guan's right shoulder with another erratic sword, and blood gushed out directly.

Five layers of "Vulnerability", 25% extra damage...

Shen Fei was a little hesitant. He still had a hole card that he hadn't used. In this situation, Uncle Guan could hold out for at most 30 seconds...

The novice instructor was already covered with scars, but nothing could be read from his expression.

The corner of his mouth raised a half-smile, just staring at Uncle Guan who kept waving the two swords in his hands, as if he was polishing an unfinished sculpture with his own hands.

"Very good, really good! I didn't expect you to last for such a long time."

The half-smile of the novice instructor turned into a sinister smile, and the jagged long sword in his hand was thrown towards the ground, and the two long swords directly pierced through the green brick and sank into it.

Then he took two large axes from the weapon rack behind his hands, and said with a smile: "The game is over, let me show you the true power of the weapon master Jax!"

A strong wind gathered around Jax, and as he swung the two big axes, they immediately began to spin, forming a huge storm with strong energy - "weapon storm"!
"Back, back quickly!"

Needless to say, Shen Fei, everyone tried to find a way to stay away from the center of the storm.

Uncle Guan rushed to the eldest lady Leng Qingqiu with a "relief".

Leng Ling and the swordsman, who had no movement, took the [Swift Potion] and ran out of the fighting arena.

The scope of the "weapon storm" almost covered the entire fighting arena, and the solid training dummies in the fighting arena were all cut off at the waist and twisted into sawdust by the sharp blade formed by the gangster.

Just when everyone thought it was safe to hide in the spiral staircase, Jax approached them with "Weapon Storm".

The short-legged Uncle Guan and Leng Ling were the first to be sucked into the strong wind, but they both lost their health bars in an eye-catching effort and fell directly to the ground.

"How do you fight?" The remaining three were all dumbfounded.

Just now, Uncle Guan and Leng Ling were almost full of blood, and died of empty blood in less than a second.

Immediately afterwards, the swordsman without displacement skills lost 200 points of blood just after being hit by the wind. Before he could escape, he was directly sucked in by the huge suction and became a dead man.

Fuman was originally hiding on the revolving stairs, but his ass was slapped by the strong wind, and a hole was opened directly. The pain caused this guy to jump up directly, and ran towards Shen Fei.

Leng Qingqiu persisted for two seconds after opening the "Blessing of Protection", and then fell to the ground directly.

There was a whizzing wind in the air, and Jax's grinning grin.

He likes to use this move to deal with the monks who swarm up to learn fighting skills, and it is perfect to deal with these outsiders now.

Perhaps because of the rotation, Jax, who is surrounded by "Weapon Storm", moves very fast, and Shen Fei's 25-point movement speed is not enough for Gang Feng.

The four teammates have all been wiped out. If he falls again, this land reclamation will end in failure.

To be honest, Shen Fei didn't feel bad when Leng Qingqiu and the others died.

What Shen Fei felt distressed about was the 210 gold coins in his backpack. If he fell down, he would directly lose 21 gold coins!
This is 21 gold coins, 21 credit points!

No one can take away 21 gold coins from me, Shen Fei!
Whoever wants to rob, I will kill whoever!
Shen Fei is determined to use his hole card skill [Luna's Blessing] again.It's just that the "Weapon Storm" is already close to his body, before Shen Fei can turn around and use his skills, he will be sucked into the wind and twisted into pieces.

At this time, Shen Fei saw Fuman running towards him with his hands on his buttocks.

If Shen Fei had to say a word to describe his current feelings, it must be "You will never imagine the joy of Fuman running towards me..."

As long as Fuman runs a little further, Shen Fei can use the "traction chain" to fly to his side, distance himself from Jax, and give him time to charge to use "Luna's Blessing".

Shen Fei was also running, struggling to prevent the wind from affecting him.

The super-strong suction formed by the rotation of the two giant axes is no less than a 14-level typhoon, and it is not something that a thin survival hunter like him can resist.

It's just that Fuman ran while clutching his butt, but didn't look at his feet at all. This direction gradually seemed to fall towards the fighting field.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! It's gone!!!"

 For the sake of such a late update, a wave of recommended tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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