Chapter 90
Seeing Baihu's firm eyes, Ah Li hurriedly pulled his arm to persuade him, "Brother Baihu, don't be impulsive!"

Baihu has always acted decisively, just like his decision to wait in Haishan for three years, unwavering even in wind or rain.In the end, he fell down and fainted because of lack of physical strength, and was brought back to Tianshen Island by Guixianren, and became the White Tiger Tianzun among the four elephant gods.

The night before he was given mana to become the White Tiger Tianzun, the White Tiger cried all night in the northwest of Tianshen Island. He didn't understand why Shen Fei left him and didn't come back.Why is he so cruel!

According to Baihu Tianzun's words, there is nothing more sorrowful than heartbreak, and the right to bid farewell to the past last night last night, to make a break.

It's just that when the feeling of calling in the blood appears, no matter how many unbreakable oaths you make at that moment, they can't match the unbreakable bond of blood.

All the mana was consumed, and Baihu's body was already extremely weak.

Gently pushed Ah Li away, rejecting her support.

On the way to the Tenjin Island Shrine, he would walk over it step by step, for the kindness of Gui Xianren's teaching, and for the love between Yang and A Li.

Baihu knew what it meant to choose to leave Tenjin Island, which meant that he would be expelled from the shrine and removed from the Four Elephant Gods. His penance and mana could not be brought out of Tenjin Island, and he would be left here forever.He still has to cross the sea of ​​mist, cross the strait where the dwarves and the apostles confront each other with heavily guarded troops, and the junction of the light continent and the dark continent, and go to the far west of the human empire before he can reach Shen Fei's location.

How far is the distance?

If you have the magic power of Tianzun, soaring in the sky, this distance can be reached in just one day.But after leaving Tianshen Island, Baihu will bid farewell to himself as Baihu Tianzun, and he will not have any mana.

Kowtowing one step at a time, the white tiger did not use any magic power to bless it, kneeling down from the west side of Tianshen Island to the Tenshen Palace, which is a thousand meters high.

The Guixian in the Tianshen Palace has a snot bubble hanging on his nose, which shrinks and expands with breathing, but it doesn't burst.

When he slowly opened his eyes, the white tiger kowtowed the last head, just stepped into the Tianshen Palace with one foot, and fell to the ground directly with a thud.

"Have you made a decision yet?" Gui Xianren's eyes were slightly sparkling.

Both A Li and Yang said that Bai Hu had been waiting for Bai Hu in Haishan for three years.But only Guixian knew that the reason why he decided to bring the white tiger back from Haishan was precisely because he had used his supernatural powers to observe the white tiger in the past three years. The vacant White Tiger Tianzun.The past three years have not been a test for him by Immortal Gui.

At that time, Ah Li and Yang were young, and they were brought to Tianshen Island since they were babies, and they had never seen the outside world.Only the white tiger has seen too much ups and downs, and the warmth and coldness of human relationships.Gui Xianren regards the white tiger as his own. At that time, he calculated that a hundred years later, the white tiger would undergo an earth-shaking change.But Guixianren was moved by Baihu's persistence and perseverance, and finally made him the vacant Baihu Tianzun.

Gui Xianren closed his eyes, not letting his tears flow down.

A Li, who followed, fell to his knees on the ground, held Baihu's hand, and was about to cry: "Don't leave us, please!"

Baihu's face seemed to be controlled by two souls. At this moment, there were endless disagreements and disputes, and his face was distorted in a mess.

The five years with Shen Fei are feelings, and the more than [-] years in Tenjin Island, every plant and tree are feelings.

"A Li, if I was that kind of cold-blooded and heartless person, would you still like me?"

Ah Li was stunned by Baihu's words, and the hand that was holding on to his arm gradually loosened and slipped from his sleeve.

Ah Li understood that if Baihu was that kind of cold-blooded and ruthless person, he wouldn't wait in Haishan for three years, and naturally he wouldn't be taken to Tianshen Island.What she likes is that flesh and blood white tiger with clear love and hate.Seeing that the old master has no emotion, as if nothing happened, this is not a white tiger, and he can't turn a blind eye.

"A Li, you've grown up. You'll be taking care of that boy Yang from now on." The corners of Bai Hu's mouth curled up slightly.Ah Li and Yang are younger siblings to him, they were raised by Bai Hu.

Although I understand, it doesn't mean that Ah Li will accept such an ending with a smile.

Wiping away tears, Ah Li said: "If the price of growing up is parting, then I would rather not grow up."

"Now that you've made up your mind, go ahead and do what you think is right."

Gui Xianren raised his hand and made a gesture of seeing off the guests.

One action is to let go of the kindness of the past.

Stepping out of this door is a guest.

Baihu knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to Guixianren.

Since he decided to go thousands of miles to find Shen Fei, then he doesn't need this cultivation base, this godhead admired by thousands of people!

The cultivation base and godhood turned into countless white fine sand and crystals, and the white tiger also returned to its form a hundred years ago, a big orange tiger.

From now on, there will be no White Tiger Heavenly Venerable, but only a fat tiger connected by Shen Fei's blood.

After losing his godhead, Fat Tiger can no longer change into a human form, and the language he has mastered is preserved.

"The kindness of the immortal's teaching will never be forgotten, Fat Tiger is gone!"

Fat Tiger turned around, rushed out, and left Tianshen Palace.

"Forget it, it's because you and I are masters and apprentices, and I will see you off." The turtle fairy lifted the tortoise palm, and the light smoke in the incense burner of the Tianshen Palace turned into a cloud, which shot out from the gate of the palace, directly Roll up the fat tiger.

Fat Tiger on the somersault cloud couldn't hold back his tears anymore, knelt on the somersault cloud and kowtowed to the Tianshen Palace.

Ah Li's tears kept rolling in his eyes, and finally ran out of Tianshen Palace covering his face.

As soon as he ran out of Tianshen Palace, he saw a green shirt at the gate of the mountain.Yang leaned against the long stele, staring blankly at the direction where the white tiger disappeared.

"Are you crying?" A Li brimming with tears, saw Yang's eyes were red.

Yang hurriedly wiped his face, and defended in a panic: "I got sand in my eyes, that's why you cried!" He said angrily and walked away without looking back.

In the Tianshen Palace, Gui Xianren looked at the shattered godhead crystals and mana on the ground, smashed his toothless mouth, and knocked heavily on the floor three times with the wooden stick in his hand.

I saw the godhead and magic power turned into dust, gradually condensed under the protection of a cloud of black and yellow energy.

Then he waved his crutches, and his divine stature and mana condensed into a translucent white tiger Tianzun, and he stood back in the statue of the four heavens.

The statue of the White Tiger Tianzun, which collapsed together when the godhead exploded, was restored to its original state at this moment.

"How many people believe in the Four Heavenly Gods, how can you say less is less, the white tiger is still too young..."

It's just that before the words were finished, Gui Xianren's eyelids had already closed, and a large ball of snot bubbles emerged from his nostrils...

Qinglongyang, whose ugly appearance was discovered, came to Baihuju on the west side of Tianshen Island alone.

"Damn it, you didn't even say goodbye when you left!"

"Hmph, this is the fine wine you have treasured for a long time. I was not allowed to drink it before, but now it belongs to me!"

"And this calligraphy and painting is also mine!"

"I have been looking at this lamp for a long time. You always refused to give it to me before, but now it has fallen into my hands haha, come back and grab it if you have the ability!"

Yang was very excited at first, and after leaving so many things, they all belong to him.

But after being excited for a while, Yang suddenly stopped, feeling that everything was boring.He would rather not have these things, and hoped that Bai Hu would not leave.It would be better if that familiar voice suddenly appeared behind him: "You brat, don't mess with the things in my room, be careful I'll hit you!"

But no matter how much he turned Baihuju upside down, he couldn't wait for the voice that made him gnash his teeth.

He, Yang, was just paralyzing himself.

Suddenly, a flame of the green dragon spewed out from the mouth, burning calligraphy, paintings, lamps and fine wine to ashes.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! You just leave, why do you have to involve me!"

Yang Qi gritted his teeth and stomped on the ashes, and the ashes in his mind turned into the face of a white tiger.Anyway, no matter how hard he stomps on it!
Not reconciled to leaving Baihuju, he kicked the door stone with the words "Baihuju" a few times to relieve his hatred.

Then Yang came to the cliff on the west coast of Tenjin Island, and with his supreme green dragon flame, he burned a hole in the fog of Tenjin Island.

These fogs are the protective cover of Tianjin Island, and they are also forbidden.

"Stinky white cat, let me open a gap for you here, you will be able to mobilize the mana on Tianshen Island in the future, although it is not much, it should be enough to deal with the people outside, I hope you don't die outside, give us Shame on Tenjin Island."

"Smelly white cat, you can't die, you can only be defeated by me alone!"

In the palace of the gods.

Guixianren's snot bubble suddenly burst and splashed all over his face.

Gui Xianren stared and opened his eyes, glanced at the direction to the west, tightened his clothes and said to himself: "The season is going to change, I need to add more clothes..."

(.-ω-)zzz "Hoohoo..."

 Jun Wan is so miserable, with a collection of 100, there are less than [-] people who vote for recommendation every day, poor Jun Jun hugs herself tightly...


(End of this chapter)

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