my pet is boss

Chapter 91 I just want to be a prodigal son in peace!

Chapter 91 I just want to be a prodigal son in peace!

Ma Yanzu highly praised his dog-headed military adviser, and thought of a good way for him to consume gold coins.

If it weren't for the auction house's pricing rules for items, the price of ordinary quality items could not exceed 200 gold coins, and Ma Yanzu even dared to price a bottle of medicine at 2000 gold coins, so that [-] gold coins would be spent within a few days.

Go offline happily, and you can spend more than 100 gold coins when you go online next time.

Shen Fei came to the smelly ditch in the lower city, and saw a group of players surrounding the soldiers in the distance.Immediately afterwards, Shen Fei saw an "old acquaintance", the head of BASF Chemicals.

It turned out that this guy still didn't give up, Shen Fei didn't let go, and wanted to sneak into the tree hanging building by bribing the soldiers.

Other soldiers might have just turned a blind eye to the money and let it go, but under the training of Shen Fei, the soldiers in Tuk County can already "treat money as dung".

What's more, the penny-pinching Minister Mao is only willing to bid 10 silver coins. How can this send beggars?
According to the soldier's words: "Master Shen issued a pass to them to save money, and everyone can get more than 30 silver coins. Who would be willing to betray Lord Shen for 10 silver coins."

And these 10 silver coins have to be divided among five people.

Minister Mao was sweating profusely, and he suddenly realized that the old way of messing around with society didn't work for these NPCs anymore!

He also said that the virtualized characters of the mastermind are 100% similar to normal humans, and they are deceptive and false propaganda!
Seeing Shen Fei approaching, the soldiers immediately raised their chests and raised their heads to stand upright, raised their shields and shouted: "Long live the empire!"

This is the military posture and etiquette of imperial soldiers when they meet their superiors.

Minister Mao turned his head to see Shen Fei, and the flattering smile on his face immediately froze.

On the other hand, Shen Fei greeted him enthusiastically, and then directly entered the tree hanging building with his hands behind his back.

Looking at Shen Fei's back, Minister Mao felt that he had been humiliated. There was a feeling that Shen Fei had come here specially to give him a bad impression.

Minister Mao never expected that these soldiers would not enter.

Originally, he thought that after Shen Fei refused, he could directly go to the NPC to settle the matter, but ended up having a big fall with the soldiers.

Yesterday, the higher-ups were still urging him. The progress of the dwarves and white elves was very good, but the progress of the humans he was in charge of had been lagging behind.Minister Mao even issued a military order to the leaders to overcome all difficulties and absolutely catch up in the shortest possible time.

It's just that he was dumbfounded this time, and he didn't even get the first-line breakthrough here. It is destined that the human alchemy he is in charge of will fall behind.

Of course, if it's just that the schedule is behind, it's fine to apologize.The point is that this offended Shen Fei to death. The more than 2000 employees under his charge couldn't learn the follow-up alchemy skills. If the progress was delayed and the company's policies were affected, then the crime would be serious.

Perhaps the insects and ants under the tree hanging building are already familiar with Shen Fei's smell, or the chief alchemist knew that Shen Fei was coming. .

When you enter the door, you can see the chief alchemist refining potions.

Shen Fei shuddered, would he be asked to test the medicine this time?
Shen Fei hasn't settled the score with him for the formula that failed last time!But looking at the emptiness caused by the unstable potion, Shen Fei successfully solved the crisis of the night, and if the merits and demerits are balanced, he will not be troubled by him.

The chief alchemist didn't look back, and stretched out his hand directly: "Bring it."

Shen Fei tacitly handed over the poison sac to the alchemist, but said: "Actually, this time I am not looking for the chief alchemist to make potions, I want to consult something."

Shen Fei saw that the chief alchemist's hands visibly shook, and couldn't help reminding: "You have to be careful, don't squeeze the poison sac to burst."

"What do you want to ask?" the chief alchemist said angrily.

"Do you know about King Lucian's disappearance?" Shen Fei saw that the alchemist's pestle stopped for a while, and then continued to crush the poison sac.

"Although I live in seclusion, I naturally know about such a big matter. But the Duke hasn't found out the problem for two years, so it's useless for you to ask me."

"I want to ask you about when you were in the Holy City..."

Before Shen Fei could finish speaking, the chief alchemist turned around and handed the refined 【Antidote Potion】to him, saying: "If there is nothing else, you can leave, I still have the potion on hand."

Before Shen Fei could react, he was already pushed to the door.

Shen Fei didn't expect the chief alchemist to keep secret about his experience in the holy city.

When Shen Fei was pushed out, he found that the potion in his hand had been made, and couldn't help being surprised: "So fast?"

He was only greeted by the unceremonious closing of the door.

In the entire Tuke County, the chief alchemist is most familiar with the holy city. He couldn't make a breakthrough here, and Shen Fei really didn't know where else to go to find out the situation.

Before Shen Fei left, he glanced at Minister Mao and his two little followers.This kind of penniless and visionless person does not know how he climbed to the position of logistics director of BASF Chemical Greater China.

Provoked by Shen Fei one after another, Minister Mao wished he could rush up and give Shen Fei a hard lesson.This guy seemed to appear just to show off his power and see his jokes.

Now Shen Fei and the soldiers could not find any breakthrough, so they could only find a way to sneak in quietly.

Knowing that Er Gouzi had been missing for two years, Shen Fei had to speed up his previous "slow" plan.

Live to see people, die to see corpses.

Even if Er Gouzi was kidnapped by treacherous orcs to Frost Fortress, Shen Feituo would drag him back.

Afterwards, Shen Fei contacted Leng Qingqiu, pretending to care about whether the establishment of the guild went well or not, but was interrupted by Leng Qingqiu, "If you have anything to say, just tell me, as long as you can help, you will do your best."

These words really touched Shen Fei's heart, and it was no nonsense, he said that he would continue to brush the armory dungeon today.

Leng Qingqiu has also made arrangements for the company's affairs. It is time to improve the level of the core team, and they meet directly at the gate of the cathedral.

With yesterday's experience, it is quite easy to brush the armory dungeon today.

And this time, everyone's memory improved, and they deposited all the gold coins on their bodies in the bank before coming, so that they could avoid the death penalty of 10% of the gold coins on their bodies.

Knowing the correct way to clear the level, it is also very easy for everyone to fight the bottom boss Jax.Pulling out their positions in advance, everyone relied on their displacement skills and [Swift Potion] to pull "Weapon Storm" Jax around for a while and successfully completed the challenge.

Shen Fei has reached level 17, and he reckons that he can try to challenge the library dungeon when he is at level 19.

After clearing the copy of the library, getting the blueprint of the set, and completing the task of [cleaning up the remnants] issued by the consul, it was time to leave Touk County.

"Shen Fei, why do we get the same experience after clearing the dungeon. We can directly upgrade to a level, and you can also directly upgrade?"

It stands to reason that only low-level players can level up if they get a lot of experience. Shen Fei played the first ten levels of the dungeon at level 16, and after the dungeon was completed, he was directly promoted to level 17.

"While you are busy forming the guild, I also do tasks to spawn wild monsters, why can't I level up?"

Shen Fei's rhetorical question left Leng Ling speechless, thinking that Shen Fei is worthy of being No.1 in the game, and he never relaxes his demands on himself at any time, which makes people awe-inspiring...

Naturally, Shen Fei would not be so stupid as to break their illusions about this kind of benevolent misunderstanding that would help enhance their personal charm.

Ma Yanzu woke up refreshed, and the system immediately displayed an email notification after going online.

Ma Yanzu found the nearest mailbox in Tuke County, and he was shocked when he opened the mailbox.

There were 14 densely packed emails, and after choosing to open them in batches, I got 2520 gold coins instantly.

Ma Yanzu's first reaction would be that his father sent him money again, right?
As a result, he lowered his head and glanced at the letter, and immediately froze in place, and after a while, his face was filled with excitement.

"Grass, dog-headed military commander, you goddamn thing, you really want to kill me!"

The dog-headed military master rushed over, saw the contents of the letter, and his eyes lit up immediately: "Boss, this is a good thing! All the useless antidotes were sold, and 10% of the commission was deducted. We made a profit." 2520 gold coins! Who is so rich, someone can buy a 200 gold bottle of antidote..."

"Good job! The old thing made me spend 2000 gold coins a month, and now there are 2520 more gold coins. How can I spend it all?"

The dog-headed military master scratched his head and said, "What's the problem? Boss, you should confess to the boss. This is the money you earned from the auction."

Ma Yanzu slapped him up, quite annoyed: "Do you think that old guy will believe that I, a prodigal son, made 2500 gold coins overnight? Do you think he will believe that a bottle of antidote was taken away by someone for 200 gold coins? The old guy must be I'm insulting his IQ, it's not like breaking a leg..."

The dog-headed military master covered his face and was wronged, the boss seemed to be right...

Ma Yanzu even wanted to contact the seller to increase the price to repurchase [Antitoxic Potion], but the auction house is anonymous bidding, and Ma Yanzu has no news about the buyer.

"Who is going to murder Lao Tzu? There is no [antidote] for 200 gold. Someone bought it. What a shit..."

A prodigal son in a dignified small county, at this moment he feels wronged like a chasing wind with a head of two hundred catties.

(End of this chapter)

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