my pet is boss

Chapter 93 Open, open and fight!

Chapter 93 Open, open and fight!
After Papa Ma disconnected, Ma Yanzu turned his head abruptly, his eyes were like tigers and wolves, ready to swallow people at all times.

"If anyone leaks information about [antidote potion] and the auction house, I will risk my life to kill him!" Ma Yanzu's face was grim.This matter concerns his two legs, and there is no room for carelessness.

Everyone, including the dog-headed military division, nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and vowed that they would never spread this matter.They pretend it never happened!

Then the dog-headed military master approached and asked: "Boss, then we sell so much [antidote], how are we going to spend it?"

Hearing the words of selling antidote, Ma Yanzu immediately went mad, if it wasn't for your bad idea, how could I be in prison now, why are you even mentioning it!

Holding down the dog's head military division is a beating.

The dog-headed military division with a bruised nose and swollen face got up tremblingly from the ground, with a look of grievance on his face, he also wanted to share his worries with the boss, didn't he...

Ma Yanzu has already figured out a solution - continue to buy [antidote] at a high price, not only can he befriend Shen Fei, but also keep it as a life-saving trump card.If the father finds out in the end, he can offer a few bottles of [antidote], maybe he can save his leg.

Ma Yanzu's eyes brightened, he seemed to be able to use the banner of his father to buy [antidote] with 200 gold coins!

Not only the ones in Shen Fei's hands, but also those in other people's hands!
"Hurry up, send the message, I want to buy [antidote] with a lot of money!"

Just when Ma Yanzu was ambitious, and the city hall pass was issued today, Jax felt that his other arm was about to be disabled.

The soldiers were quite displeased with the new instructor who had come to practice fighting skills.After all, the position of soldier instructor is well-paid and does not need to patrol every day, which is the dream position of almost all soldiers.

But look at the new instructor now, not to mention the injury, but the steel seal was stamped for less than two hours, and he looked like he was about to die, really five!

You must know that the chief guard had stamped his seal from the afternoon until midnight, and he didn't say a word about being tired.

Just this thick bicep, which is as thick as a thigh, became exhausted in less than two hours. At first glance, it looks like a puffy muscle grown from eating protein powder!

What tormented Jax the most was not stamping the seal, but the disdainful glances from the soldiers around him from time to time.

Because he is an instructor specially invited by the Holy Light Sect to be in charge of novice training, he basically lives in the Holy Light Monastery for basic necessities, food, housing, and transportation, and he doesn't usually come out to walk around. The soldiers in Tuk County don't know this weapon master at all.

If it was in the armory, if a recruit dared to show him this look and expression, he would definitely be invited to the training ground for a passionate ♂♂♂♂ battle, full of sweat, panting and hand-to-hand combat!
But now that he is dependent on others, his shoulder blades are still injured, especially when he thinks of Shen Fei, a rascal's tricks, Jax has persuaded himself countless times to calm down!

After issuing the pass, Jax returned to the small house where he was temporarily placed.

Jax looked at the injury on his right shoulder. Because of the medicinal bath and external application of herbs, the effect of the medicine began to dissipate, and the blood from the wound had completely stopped.

Try to move your right arm, as long as you don't use too much force, you can still move freely.

After thinking about it in the room, Jax got up and prepared to go to the library for a walk.

His doubts are not answered for a moment, and he has trouble sleeping and eating.

No matter what, he couldn't figure out why Shen Fei, a human being, could gain the favor and blessing of the Moon Goddess.

Even for the elves, this is a great honor.

It is rumored that if one is favored by the Moon Goddess, the gods can come down and use the power of moonlight, and it is rumored that this kind of "skill" is extremely expensive, and the consequences are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But looking at Shen Fei's appearance, there are no consequences or side effects at all.

Jax could bear the itch of physical recovery, but he couldn't bear the itch of curiosity and thirst for knowledge at all.

"For those nerds in the library who study ancient books all day long, one hand should be enough for me!"

Jax squeezed his thick, muscular left arm, bursting with strength.

It doesn't matter if one's own weapon is left in the armory, as a weapon master, he is proficient in all kinds of weapons, and he can command any one he wants to plunder from the library at will.

"Show your pass, please!"

"You cannot enter the Holy Light Monastery without the order of the chief guard!"

The guards at the entrance of the Holy Light Monastery stopped Jax righteously because he did not have a pass.

Jax was speechless, looking at the Holy Light Monastery and fell into a daze.I issued a two-hour pass, but I forgot to prepare one for myself. What kind of spirit is this?
This is purely driven by Shen Fei's greed for money...

Obviously I am a member of the Holy Light Monastery, but one day I have to buy a ticket to enter my unit, how can this be reasonable?

But Jax didn't dare to say that he was a member of the Holy Light Monastery. Once he said this, he might be treated as a remnant of the bishop immediately.

The only way now is to prepare a silver coin to buy a copy when the pass is issued tomorrow.

As for sneaking a copy?
Please, the soldiers standing around you are not vegetarians.

Besides, Jax is just a master of weapons, not a master of thief, and he can't get a pass for greedy ink in full view.

"Hey, I think I'm a weapon master, but I didn't expect to worry about a ticket to enter the library today!"

Jax looked at the Abbey of the Holy Light, shook his head and turned back.

As a result, as soon as he turned his head, he saw Shen Fei walking towards him.

"Why don't you recuperate well and come here? Are the passes issued? How much did you charge today?"

Every time Shen Fei meets him, he has the unique quality of a move. Jax's eyes flicker, but Shen Fei must not let Shen Fei find out that he is investigating him.

Jax handed over 60 silver coins from today's pass to Shen Fei, and said, "I suddenly remembered that something was left in the library, but because I didn't have a pass, I was stopped outside."

Shen Fei looked Jax up and down, looking at Jax with trepidation.

"The people in the library are all corrupted by the void, you know that?"

Jax nodded, of course he knew these things.At that time, the power of the purple void spread, and he escaped by hiding in the underground armory, and all the people on land were infected.Libraries have no basements, and everyone must have been infected, including the librarian.

"You know you still go in? The people in the library are now corrupted by the void. They think they understand all the mysteries of the universe. They don't recognize their emotions. Are you going to rush in and die?"

Contempt appeared on Jax's face: "Just relying on that group of rookies in the library, I can overthrow them with one hand!"

"Tch, I don't believe it. What's more, all your weapons are left in the armory, and you are now unarmed. What's more, the library is full of mages who study arcane techniques. You, a weapon master, can only be repaired if you go in."

Jax was despised by Shen Fei, his face was flushed red, his fists were clenched tightly, and his eyes were unstoppable.

"Just because of that group of trash, they still want to fix me, in the next life!"

Shen Fei waved his hand to let the soldiers guarding the monastery let him go, and said, "Okay, then show me! Is it your novice instructor who is the best, or the mage who has been immersed in secret arts all the year round."

"Show it and show it!"

Jax was really fired up, his greatest pride was his identity as a warrior, and the existence he hated the most were those so-called mages who were weak and powerless.With that physique, I can kick at least three to death with one kick!

You still don't believe it, do you?
If you don't believe me, I'll call you!

Let me show you Jax, the weapon master, sweeping the library invincibly with one hand!
"You don't have a weapon in your hand!" Shen Fei had a triumphant smile on his face.

Jax snorted and snorted coldly: "The weapon master is proficient in all [-] kinds of weapons. When I enter the library, I can just grab a staff, and I can kill this group of pedantic mages without leaving a single one! Crying for father and mother!"

The soldier let him go, and Jax strode forward, completely unrecognizable as a patient with a pierced right shoulder blade.

Shen Fei happily followed behind. If this wave can be successful, he will have cleared the level 20 dungeon in advance!

(End of this chapter)

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