my pet is boss

Chapter 94 Do You Make Staffs?

Chapter 94 Do You Make Staffs?

The figures of the two disappeared in the light curtain of the copy of the library.

As the surrounding scenery changed, the two entered the copy of the library.

There was a faint smile on Shen Fei's face, as if watching Jax's performance.

There was a surge of anger in Jax's chest. How could a mere mage stop the pace of my weapon master?

With a roar, Jax suddenly had a "brave and fearless" buff on his body.

Shen Fei also had this state, and after taking a look at the introduction, Shen Fei's face changed wildly.

Bravery and fearlessness: The weapon master's roar of war will increase the attack power of the weapon master and teammates by 30%, and there is a 30% chance to trigger an additional attack when attacking, lasting for 5 hours.

Shen Fei looked at Jax, what is the origin of this guy, and why are his skills exaggerated one by one.

The same weapon master, why is there such a big gap?
Leng Ling's "Song of Fighting Spirit" increases the attack power by 10 points.With Jax's voice down, not to mention a 30% increase in attack, there is also a 30% chance to trigger an additional attack, which is completely double damage in disguise!What's even more frightening is that it lasted for 5 hours!
Even Shen Fei couldn't help but praise at this moment: "A man should be strong, durable, and steel like iron!"

This skill is absolutely perfect!

Shen Fei had doubts about Jax breaking through the copy of the library by himself before, but now it seems that it is not impossible!
As the final boss of the armory dungeon, Jax's level is only 17.

The mobs in the copy of the library are all level 17, and the only difference between the two is that Jax is staring at a BOSS title.

It's just that when the two of them entered the copy and walked into the library from the corner, all of Jax's aura disappeared.

Shen Fei scratched his head, couldn't help but said: "Does your eighteen weapons include books?"

Being ridiculed by Shen Fei, Jax's face flushed instantly, he originally wanted to snatch a weapon from the monk in the library.As a result, when they came in, they found that these guys had no weapons at all, and everyone was holding a book in their hands.How can books be used as weapons?
Jax clenched his fists: "Why do you need a weapon to defeat these guys, and use a chopper to kill a chicken. My pair of iron fists are enough to smash through the library!"

Shen Fei sounded very reasonable, and then said a classic saying: "Knowledge is power, and books are also weapons. It seems that you still haven't grasped the true meaning of weapons!"

Jax: Are you pretending to be a mother?Believe it or not, I'll kill you with one punch!You are a level 17 survival master... Fuck, this guy is already level 17 just like me!

"Today, I will show you what is called the absolute power of a weapon master!" Jax's eyes were burning with fiery fighting intent, and Shen Fei felt that the temperature of the surrounding air was rising.

The irascible weapon master is really scary, and his fighting spirit can even raise the surrounding temperature, just like a self-heating radiator, which works!

Jax looked at the apprentices in the library who were buried in their books, and took two steps forward and shouted, "Spicy chicken mage, step forward and die!"

All the apprentices broke free from the ocean of knowledge, and looked up to see the menacing Jax.

The library and the armory are two completely different organizations in the monastery, and there is very little overlap between the two.

Generally, people who believe in the Holy Light enter the monastery, and there will be a qualification test. After awakening the Holy Light, according to their physique, they are divided into paladins who practice weapon skills, or mages or priests who study the magic of the Holy Light.

So apart from the upper echelons of the library, namely the librarian and Brother Maloof, these magic apprentices had never seen Jax at all.

At this moment, the apprentices were stunned. Where did this savage come from?Entering the library dressed in such a rude manner, is it still educated?

Among them, the representative of the apprentices stepped forward aggressively, pointed at the big characters on the wall and cursed: "Do you still have the quality? Is the library the place where rough people like you come? Are you literate? You can read the words on the wall." Are these words? Do you know what these words mean?"

Jax glanced at the large characters on the wall, and then read out—"If you want to be rich, build roads first, and have fewer births..."

"You bastard, I mispronounced it, it's the one below!"

This short apprentice was two heads shorter than Jax, almost standing on tiptoe and holding Jax's collar.

Originally, he wanted to show off his aura, but now all he had to do was speak loudly.

Jax glanced at the line of small words below the big words - no noise in the library.

Jax said with killing intent in his eyes: "The last person who pinched my collar is now three feet high on the grave."

The Holy Light disciple was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, Jax directly pinched the guy's arm with his left hand.

Jax's arm with exploding muscles was even thicker than the thighs of the disciples of the Holy Light, but with just a pinch, Shen Fei heard the crunching sound of bones breaking.

Jax pinched the Holy Light disciple's arm to a shattered fracture, collapsed on the ground and howled wildly.

Standing behind Jax, Shen Fei couldn't help giving a thumbs up at the moment: Awesome!
This pretending is really hearty, crushing Shengguang disciples with bare hands!
See, this is the benefit of adding all attribute points to strength!

Shen Fei thought for a while and added all his attribute points to his stamina, so he could also stand in front and act aggressive, and then forcefully eat the opponent's set of skills.He patted his collar and said, "On this point of attack, it's not as powerful as the massage package of No. 398 Technician [-], five!"

Being strong without pretending to be forceful is like walking at night in a brocade suit.

Pretending to be cool for a while, pretending to be cool every day!

Shen Fei longed for such milk...power!
Jax snorted coldly, he could already feel Shen Fei's shocked gaze, which made him very useful.

Throwing aside the Holy Light disciple who had a broken arm, Jax stood on the spot, glanced around, and shouted, "Who else? Stand up and suffer... baa!"

Before Jax finished speaking, Rushan's body suddenly turned into a lamb with a bang.

"BAA Baa baa……"

Shen Fei stood behind and was stunned. This sheep-changing technique is amazing!It also has the ability to interrupt the pretending to cast spells.

Seeing these Shengguang disciples looking at him unkindly, Shen Fei took two steps back a little.The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the fame of being transformed into a sheep can be ruined.

The five-second transformation into a sheep was over, and Jax turned back to his original form with a bang.

At this moment, his face was flushed, and he wanted to put on a show in front of Shen Fei, showing him the strength of the weapon master.

As a result, a sheep-changing technique made him an idiot.He no longer dared to look back at Shen Fei's expression, fearing that this would be the last straw that crushed his mind.

The air around Jax was even violently rubbing against each other. Shen Fei couldn't see what kind of trick this guy was using, so he charged straight up, like a bull, rampaging.

The Holy Light disciples who were hit by Jax's fist or were knocked away by their bodies would all make a crisp clicking sound.

Jax's fists form a wind, causing an area of ​​effect.A fist hit the air, and the holy light disciple's robe was torn apart by the wind, revealing a body with no muscles, and in the end, the fist even rubbed against the air to form a scalding flame.

All the enemies in a small hall of the library were knocked down by Jax alone.

Hearing the sound of everyone falling to the ground whimpering and wailing, Jax felt that his face was not so hot.

Looking at the "unarmed" disciples of Shengguang, their clothes were ragged, or their clothes were completely destroyed by the wind of fists, and they were naked. Together with the violent panting and moaning, it was like a large-scale philosophical exchange ♂ scene.

Jax glanced at everyone on the ground, and the sweat beads on his forehead told him that bare-handed fists are too exhausting, and it's okay to meet disciples of the Holy Light. It is possible to get through the library.

When stamping the seal today, I heard the soldiers say that Shen Fei is still a blacksmith, so I couldn't help asking: "Shen Fei."

Shen Fei: "Huh?"

"Do you make a staff?"

I make sticks for your sister, and your whole family makes sticks!

(End of this chapter)

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