Chapter 96

Then there was another extremely good hand-to-hand fight, and within a minute, all the disciples of Shengguang in the side hall of the library were fucked and lying on the ground.

"Avalanche Wagul!"

Jax gathered the plates, knives and forks from the table and put them in his pocket.

Pass through the side hall, below is the lobby of the library, and inside is Brother Malov of the library.

"Brother Maloof, delve into the strong priest of the Holy Light. When I fight with him later, you stay away from him to avoid accidental injury." Jax tilted his head slightly, giving a resolute face that he thought was cool. profile.

Shen Fei was completely unmoved, and put his hands behind his head with a carefree look: "I can't even retract and release freely, and I am still a master of weapons, you are bragging..."

Zi-! ! !
Another string of blood beads burst out from the wound.

Shen Fei's words are comparable to a dagger-level assassin, making it impossible to guard against!You will never guess his next sentence, which can make you bleed hundreds of cc.

Jax was furious inside: I'll say a word to Shen Fei again, I'm a dog!
"Stop talking, I'm driving!"

After subconsciously speaking, Jax sprinted towards the library hall.

Shen Fei didn't expect this guy to be so fast, he tied the "traction chain" with one hand, and brought himself over.

Jax was chained in place for three seconds, Shen Fei looked at his glaring eyes, and remembered the look of the orphanage guard dog in the past, when he had just finished the neutering operation.

The two rushed into the lobby of the library, and at a glance they saw Brother Malov wearing a red tights and a red headband in the hall.

Shen Fei was dumbfounded immediately, then turned to Jax and asked, "Why, the pastor is also practicing yoga?"

Jax was also confused, why are these intellectuals such a thing?

Apart from anything else, he charged and killed him.

Shen Fei was not idle either, he took out his bow and arrow and hit it with "Poisonous Snake Sting". He first entered the combat state to gain a sense of presence, so as not to stand aside and not move. After the battle, he said that he did not participate in the battle, no Give rewards.

Brother Malov, who was in the golden rooster's independent meditation state, was shocked, and his consciousness quickly stripped from the void and returned to reality.

Just now, his mind and soul wandered in the void world, seeing countless ultimate mysteries.These ultimates helped him answer many doubts that he couldn't find in books before, and let him see the true meaning of this world-becoming an accessory of the void!

"Everything is born for the void!"

"Explode and enjoy the gift from the void!"

Brother Maloof's aura was a hundred times stronger with his eyes emptied.

This time, there were no incantations, no syllables or gestures, and a strong void energy exploded centered on Brother Malov.

Like an exploding nuclear bomb, it quickly spread into a semicircle.

Shen Fei slightly pushed back two steps, keeping a distance of 30 meters from Brother Malov.

Jax didn't dodge at all, and didn't have any defenses. He went straight up and wanted to take this void nuclear bomb with his body!
Shen Fei watched the fight between the two intently.

Although Shen Fei often suppresses Jax in words and actions, as a master of weapons, this person is extremely strong in terms of skills and fighting will. He is second only to the white elf priestess and Dwarf King Ryan that Shen Fei has seen so far. exist.

Jax charged directly against the energy curtain of the void explosion.

Just when the two were about to touch, the energy curtain suddenly split in half centered on Jax, as if being severed by scissors.

Shen Fei observed very carefully. When the two were very close, he saw Jax's palm was covered by a mass of crimson flames. After cutting the energy curtain with his palm, the entire void exploded like a satin , split in half.

"What kind of skills are these..."

Shen Fei's scalp is numb, how many skills does this weapon master Jax know?Except for mechanically cutting with the sawtooth sword during the dungeon, this guy didn't seem to have used the same move again.

Brother Malov, who was enslaved by the void, had also greatly improved his physical fitness. As a priest, he was able to fight back and forth with Jax in close combat.

However, Shen Fei found that whenever Brother Maloof wanted to raise his hand to cast a skill, the knife and fork in Jax's hand would reach the position where he wanted to seal in advance, forcibly interrupting his spellcasting read.Brother Maloof can only consume Jax with some instant skills.

It's just that Shen Fei looked at Jax's three-quarters of the blood bar that hadn't been touched much, and couldn't help but sigh, this melee weapon master's physical fitness is really good, Brother Malov's damage is not even recovered by Jax quick……

As for the remaining quarter that is not full, it is thanks to Shen Fei's Moon God's Arrow, the injury has not healed.

There is no surprise in the battle, the fighting will and fighting methods of the two are really not on the same level at all.

Shen Fei even felt that when Jax charged close to Brother Malov, the battle was already doomed.

A priest who was forced to engage in melee combat with warriors, it's no wonder he didn't die.

After a battle, Shen Fei saw that Brother Malov used a "Void Explosion" and a "Shadow Word". Other than that, all his skills were ruthlessly interrupted by Jax.

After playing a game for a long time, Shen Fei didn't even read all the skills of Brother Malov's Society.

There is really no copy experience.

Of course, when touching the corpse, Shen Fei still had to smile and sigh: () ()!

As for the word, please fill in the blanks yourself.

Brother Malov exploded a level 15 skill book for priests, and another blueprint for a staff, none of which Shen Fei could use.

"Let's go, let's go, the librarian is next!"

Shen Fei couldn't wait, after all, this librarian can explode the blueprints of the set, and if he ships this time, he will gather a set of [The Wealth of the Holy Light Sect].

"No one in this game can own a suit now, right?"

Shen Fei's progress is already not slow, this kind of sightseeing tour with NPC, passing through the dungeon by the way, I am afraid that he is the only one in the whole game.

Jax sat on the ground to rest, and glared again when he heard Shen Fei's words.

With just one look, Shen Fei knew what this guy was going to say.

"You are a weapon master who is invincible in melee combat. If you can't beat a squishy mage with half blood, why do you even claim to be powerful? If it were me, I would have committed suicide in shame!"

The blood continued to soar, and the atmosphere was not harmonious...

Under the same roof, Shen Fei gradually felt that Jax was changing.

Jumping up from the ground with a jerk, Jax's eyes were red, obviously entering a state of rage.

"Yes! That's right! Just keep this state! Rush in and kill him!"

Shen Fei added oil and vinegar to fan the flames.

Jax looked at the excited Shen Fei, and really wanted to say: "Please be human!"

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(End of this chapter)

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