my pet is boss

Chapter 97 Knowledge Changes Destiny

Chapter 97 Knowledge Changes Destiny
Jax felt chills all over his body. If he stayed with Shen Fei for a while longer, he probably wasn't killed by these rotten apprentices, but lost too much blood, and was pissed to death by Shen Fei.

Jax looked back and forth, and finally found a stone statue in the library garden with a shield in its hand.

The stone statue and shield were originally a complete boulder, but were carved by craftsmen into the appearance of heroes and warriors.

In fact, there are four stone statues, namely the king of the empire, Lucian, the Grand Duke, the Archbishop of Holy Light, and the Countess.

These four are symbols of the founding of the Empire.

King Lucian established the Holy City, Grand Duke Ferdinand guarded the empire, Archbishop of the Holy Light Mailer was in charge of the faith, and Countess Margaret was in charge of the economy and the legal system of the empire. The four worked together to carry forward the human empire.

Jax's stone shield was forcibly removed from the hands of Grand Duke Ferdinand.

Ferdinand was a well-known and accomplished general of the empire. The long sword in his hand was hailed as the sharpest weapon in the empire, and the battle shield in his hand was hailed as the most solid backing for soldiers.

Jax took the stone shield, smashed all the hands holding the stone shield, and then lifted the stone shield to weigh it, it seemed just right.

Shen Fei curiously picked up the crushed stone arm on the ground, but failed to lift the stone arm with both hands.

Just a stone arm is so heavy, Shen Fei can't imagine how heavy this stone shield is.

But looking at Jax's movements again, he still weighed and weighed it, it seemed that he was very reluctant to this weight.

Is this man the devil?

Jax even took a fancy to the stone sword in King Lucian's hand, but he really didn't have the guts to take the sword out of the king's hand, even if it was just a stone statue.

A stone shield is enough for him to break the librarian's spell.

Jax took the lead, and there was no Holy Light disciple to stop him with the weapon at hand.

It was almost crushing, and the stone shield in his hand could even be thrown out, and it flew straight back after knocking down enemies one after another.

The Holy Light disciples in the two small halls were laid down by Jax alone in a blink of an eye.Shen Fei was stunned watching from behind, even a hundred years ago, he had never seen a person with such great weapon skills.

"Jax, who gave you permission to run wild on my territory?"

A majestic dragon's breath spread from the corridor to the hall. Countless candles were flickering, and there was terrible turmoil in the air.

Jax's muscles swelled to the maximum extent, trying to resist the overwhelming dragon language with his own body.

"Chief guard, you'd better hide behind me, or you will be crushed to death by this terrible dragon language. I didn't expect this guy Bezos to learn dragon language and become a dragon whisperer!"

A dragon talker, as the name suggests, is someone who can speak the language of the dragon tribe.

The giant dragon is the most powerful creature on this continent, just a breath of dragon's breath is enough to burn people to ashes.The dragon language also contains extremely terrifying power. Any creature who hears this language will feel the terrifying power of the dragon, and unconsciously want to crawl and hide.

This kind of dragon prestige is not only physical, but also psychological.

Even Jax, the weapon master, has to do his best to resist a ray of dragon power from the dragon language.

Although the dragon talker cannot become a giant dragon, nor can he obtain a little bit of dragon blood, but the dragon language, as the oldest and most mysterious language on this continent, is born with a rule of rule.

From Jax's point of view, he will try his best to resist, and Shen Fei may have been stunned by the powerful Longwei.


Shen Fei walked in front of Jax without knowing why, looked up and down at Jax, who was blushing, frowned slightly.

This guy's appearance and movements... are vulgar!
"You can go to the corner if you have a stomachache, why stand in the library corridor and shit?"

Jax spat out a mouthful of old blood, and with a bang, he knelt on the ground, smashing even the marble on the ground.

Jax had an expression as if he had seen a ghost, in his opinion, Shen Fei was weak and not strong enough to resist this trace of dragon power.

Besides, he was still a hunter, and he didn't have the tyrannical mental power to be immune to this kind of coercion. Why was he able to walk around freely without any discomfort on his face? On the other hand, his limbs seemed to be filled with lead and he couldn't move.

"You, why are you moving!"

Jax couldn't understand it, not even thinking about his own injury.

Shen Fei is really too mysterious, blessed by the Moon God, and now he is immune to Longwei, how many secrets does this guy have?
Shen Fei was also confused, looked back and forth and said: "Give me a reason not to move."

Jax's throat was slightly sweet, and he vomited out another mouthful of blood. He thought it was better not to talk to Shen Fei, at least he could live longer this way.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the churning air, Jax couldn't hold back and asked, "Why does Dragon Language have no effect on you?"

Shen Fei was surprised. Dragon language still affects people?
Isn't this a foreign language?

Have you ever seen anyone beaten to death for speaking a foreign language?Of course, if you force a Cantonese to say "every country has its own national anthem", you will be beaten to death at your own risk.

"People who can study the language of the ancient dragon clan are generally called dragon speakers. There is a trace of dragon power in the dragon language. This breath will affect all creatures. Don't you feel it?"

Shen Fei was speechless. How much is there to pay attention to in a dragon language?

When he was killing the evil dragon in the lonely mountain, that guy's voice was a little louder, and with a roar that swept his breath, he could even push tons of boulders.

"Dragon language has such a powerful effect? ​​Then I will try it too!"

Shen Fei looked excited, he never knew that Dragon Language would have such an effect.He can also speak dragon language. After killing the evil dragon in the lonely mountain, Shen Fei learned this language under the guidance of the high priest of the white elf.

At the beginning, he simply wanted to learn a foreign language so that he could catch a dragon as a pet in the future.

After all, this is the ultimate dream of every hunter.

Shen Fei walked to the corridor and mobilized all the breath in his chest.

The pronunciation of Dragon Language is different from that of Common Language. Dragon Language mainly uses a special chest cavity to vibrate the air, and the Dragon Language is breathed out through the nose.Only those who have been specially instructed can speak the real dragon language.Without the guidance of a famous teacher, if you practice privately without mastering the knack, it is easy to cause lung perforation or alveolar explosion, causing blood in the lungs and endangering your life.

Therefore, it is generally only possible to see dragon language speakers who successfully speak dragon language. As for those who are studying or beginners, they basically die from suffocation, but there are very few lucky ones who survived, but got asthma.

"Isn't it the language of the dragon? You are pretending to be Nima's calf, and you have a country accent..."

Shen Fei responded directly with dragon language.The lips of Jax who fell on the ground were trembling, looking at Shen Fei as if he was looking at another monster.

This guy can actually speak dragon language?

What kind of freak is this!
To actually swear in dragon language, and to swear so fluently, I feel that the level of dragon language is completely above that of librarians!
(End of this chapter)

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