Chapter 199
Jiawen was looking in that direction, and quickly drew his sword, throwing out countless sword qi, protecting himself and Athena behind him tightly, and all the arrows that entered the range of the sword qi turned into pieces of wood one after another.

Just this move is enough to amaze everyone, this guard is definitely not simple!The men in black immediately listed Jarvan as the number one troublemaker.

Eddie flashed quickly, and brandished the long sword in front of Yuan Feiwu, but the arrows shot were not ordinary, among them were arrows injected with fighting spirit at the level of sky warriors. arrow.

"My Fei Lie!"

After finally waiting for the arrows to stop for a while, Eddie's beloved horse had already died under the rain of arrows.

Yuan Feiwu didn't intend to give Eddie a chance to mourn for his horse, so he grabbed his collar and pulled him to follow Athena.

Jiawen protected the horses of Athena and Ophelia, and quickly turned around to drive the horses away.The steeds of the Tost Empire are really extraordinary. They seem to feel that their lives are threatened, and they run wildly in the forest. Eddie's grudge is running, and he is dragged by Yuan Feiwu and stumbles all the way, but he can barely keep up with the speed.

Only Jarvan was gone again.

"Where's Jarvan?" Ophelia shouted anxiously.

"Don't worry about it, when they fire their arrows again, we will be finished." Yuan Feiwu said calmly.

The opponent's arrow was extremely powerful, Yuan Feiwu guessed that it must be some kind of strong bow, and the speed of re-loading arrows in all strong bows is slow.

A few people came to a fork in the road, the horse ran to the right without hesitation, Yuan Feiwu and Eddie could only follow the horse to run this way.

But Eddie thought of something, his face was not very good, and he hurriedly said: "Oops, you shouldn't go this way!"


Eddie didn't answer Athena's question, because after passing a few big trees, they rushed out of the forest, and a small hillside lay in front of them.At the end of the hillside, there is a cliff with no bottom to see.

"It's too late to turn around! Who the hell dares to assassinate us!" Eddie said angrily.

His complexion was getting worse and worse, Yuan Feiwu estimated that the arrow was contaminated with poison, Eddie ran fiercely, probably the poison had already attacked his heart.Without treatment, I am afraid there is no cure.

"I think what we should think about is, who on earth can break through the protection and assassinate us." Yuan Feiwu pointed out.

Yuan Feiwu's words made Eddie think deeply, but there was no time for him to think slowly, and the sound of horseshoes was already heard from the edge of the forest.

Eddie, who has better hearing, can even hear the hollow sound of the bowstring being pulled to the extreme.

"Let's dance!" Yuan Feiwu said indifferently.

If he exerts his dark element magic power with all his strength, it is not impossible to deal with these killers.

However, the momentum caused was too great to be concealed, and it might make him unable to hang out with the human race anymore.

Simply dodge people first, there should be few people under the cliff, maybe you can exercise your muscles there.

"Jump? Below is the Molot swamp forest. No one has ever come out alive! Even if we don't fall to our death, we will become victims of the Molot swamp forest!" Eddie said anxiously.

"Better than dying now."

Yuan Feiwu smiled slightly, turned around and hugged Athena and Ophelia by the waist, and quickly jumped to the cliff behind him.

There were bursts of piercing sounds in the air, and the arrow arrived in a blink of an eye. Eddie had no other choice, so he jumped with luck to protect his body.

Maybe it's better to bet on luck that one in ten thousand chance of not falling to death is better than being shot into a hedgehog right now!

The scenery around him continued to rise, and Eddie knew it was a picture of a high-speed fall.

The moment he jumped off the cliff and looked back, he saw countless arrows flying out of the place where he was just now, mixed with fighting spirit.If he hadn't jumped down just now, he might have died.

But he won't be happy for long, he hasn't landed yet, and he doesn't know whether he will live or die when the time comes.And above him, two black figures quickly appeared in his sight.

The opponent also jumped off the cliff and chased after him!

How dare you jump off a cliff, at least above the level of Sky Warrior!

Eddie's heart was ashamed at the moment, and the venom had seeped into his heart, and he fainted from the poisonous gas.

Yuan Feiwu lightly landed on the ground. Although this is the Molot swamp forest, the place where the cliff goes straight down is still at the outermost edge of the swamp forest.The ground is muddy and relatively wet, with a little softness, but it is not a swamp yet.

The height of the cliff is very high, if a person who cannot fly falls, even an earth warrior fighting spirit will fall half to death.Eddie is a warrior of the earth, but he is almost half dead, and he has to give up the remaining half of his life when he falls; not to mention Ophelia and Athena, they will be smashed to pieces.

Yuan Feiwu took his time, looked at the surrounding environment clearly, and waved his hands lightly twice.Almost at the same time, Eddie Athena and Ophelia fell down.

Everything sounds slow, but in fact it is just a blink of an eye.

When the three were about to fall to the ground, a strange scene happened. They suddenly entered the slow-motion replay screen, and the falling speed decreased sharply, slowly falling to the ground.

If you observe carefully, you can see that they are entangled by countless extremely slender black silk threads, supporting them to land.

Seeing this from a distance, the two black shadows who jumped down were extremely surprised, and drew out their long swords one after another, their fighting spirit shining brightly, and they were always ready for a possible sudden battle.

There are only two people here, and it is preliminarily judged that the sky warriors are below the middle level.

The battle must be resolved as quickly as possible, otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble!Yuan Feiwu looked up and had already made a judgment.

The two men who came down were the two men in black who had discussed above the cliff just now, and they were the two most powerful in this operation.

When they were about to reach the bottom of the cliff, their fighting spirit was running to the extreme, slowing down their falling speed.At this time, they were surprised to see the weak and gentle black-haired maid mentioned in the information standing on the ground.She was smiling at them with her fists folded across her chest.

That smile makes people feel creepy in this swampy forest where life is hard to find.

"The height is almost the same." Yuan Feiwu smiled lightly.

About the same height?What height is about the same?So what about the height?
The question marks on the heads of the two black shadows were puzzling.

But soon they didn't need to worry anymore, they saw Yuan Feiwu's fists tightly crossed on his chest suddenly swung to both sides, they didn't even have time to feel the pain, they turned into pieces of flesh.

The black threads supporting Athena and the others fell to the ground, and the ends were all held in Yuan Feiwu's hands. Yuan Feiwu pulled them hard, and the stones wrapped around the edge of the cliff bounced back up with the help of levers, and the Sky Warrior-level The two masters killed on the spot!

In Yuan Feiwu's hands, the filaments kneaded with dark element magic energy are stronger and more concealed than fighting qi!It can be soft and strong, but also sharp and sharp. It can be a hammock for saving lives, or it can be a silent murder weapon!
It's a pity that the energy wave of the dark element magic energy fluctuates greatly, and if there are practitioners nearby, it is easy to be noticed.Once he can be noticed using the dark element demon, then the human race may not have a place for himself.

Yuan Feiwu felt that the leisure life in the human race was not enough, how could he be expelled so quickly! (or is it harem life? fog)
Now he doesn't have to worry about his identity being exposed, none of the people present are sober.

Needless to say, Eddie was extremely hot and poisonous, and he was unconscious in a coma.And Athena and Ophelia, when Yuan Feiwu hugged them and jumped off the cliff, they were already fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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