Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 200 The Black Mage

Chapter 200 The Black Mage
The blood rain of the two sky warriors was not clean, Yuan Feiwu picked up one of them neatly with one hand, carrying Eddie on his back, his slightly thin body looked very small.But this guy is a demon king, so it's not like playing around with a few people!

The most urgent task is to settle them down first. Even if they are brought back to the cliff now, they may still be hunted down.It is safe to disperse or arrest the killer until the king's men find out what is wrong.

Yuan Feiwu cleared his mind, and quickly moved at the bottom of the cliff. After a while, he found a natural cave.

This kind of cave is most suitable for bears or other ferocious beasts to use as lairs. Yuan Feiwu probed inside to make sure there were no ferocious beasts inside, and then found some leaves to pave the ground before placing the three of them on the ground.

"Zhu Jiuyin, the most poisonous and yin thing, its Lin should be able to solve the poison of the mortal world, right?"

Yuan Feiwu took out an object that looked like bath mud again. He didn’t actually do any clinical tests on this thing. The efficacy of the medicine was all based on his own deduction. Now he can only pray for Eddie to be lucky and save his life.

Put some bath mud into his mouth, and after taking out the arrow, apply some bath mud to the wound.However, if Zhu Jiuyin knew that the medicine Yuan Feiwu made from its scales was temporarily named bath mud, and he didn't intend to correct it, I wonder if he would be in a bad mood.

But the name is not too outrageous, after all, the crumbs of Zhu Jiuyin's scales were rubbed off by Yuan Feiwu on Zhu Jiuyin's body.

Zhu Jiuyin's name is really not for nothing, and Eddie's complexion immediately improved a lot.Yuan Feiwu immediately felt relieved, went out to find some dry branches, and lit a fire.Then I found a few coats from the storage space. Although they were very thin, they were better than nothing, and covered each of them with one.He began to think about whether he should stuff some quilts into the storage space in case of emergencies.

The sun outside had already slanted to the west, and it would still be cool at night in the wild. Having this fire should ensure that they would spend the night warmly.

After doing all this, Yuan Feiwu walked out of the cave, looked at the endless swamp forest in front of him, and unpreparedly showed a smile that was alluring.

"Molot swamp forest... Hehe, interesting." Yuan Feiwu raised his feet and walked towards the swamp forest. After walking a few steps, he suddenly thought of something and slapped his head, "Oh, I forgot."

Whispering, Yuan Feiwu stretched out his hand and pulled out a huge monster from the small space crack.After a few orders, the guy obediently swept all the corpses of sky warriors into pieces into his stomach.

This time Yuan Feiwu's figure walked into the depths of the swamp forest without any hesitation.

The reason why swamp forests are called swamp forests is that there are swamps of different shades everywhere.You never know if your next step will be knee deep or a swamp that swallows you whole.

Yuan Feiwu didn't have such worries, and walked lightly on the swamp without even a trace of mud sticking to the soles of his shoes.He took one step forward, which seemed to be a very ordinary step, but the person floated tens of meters away, and he came to the middle of the swamp forest after a while.

It should be starting to get dark outside.

But in the swamp forest, it doesn't matter whether it's dark or white outside, it's all the same inside.The lush branches and leaves above the head can block all the sunlight, and the forest maintains darkness all year round.Combined with the dark swamp and the smell of rotting leaves, it is simply a purgatory on earth.

"Huh? There is such a large shielding space?"

Yuan Feiwu suddenly stopped still, and stretched out his hand to reach forward, the air in front of him produced waves of ripples out of thin air.

"The magic circle that automatically recognizes the dark attribute, if it is not a dark attribute person, I am afraid that if you walk in, you will not be able to get out." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

Then the whole person walked forward, the ripples in the air shook violently, and it didn't take long for it to slowly return to calm.

In one part of the swamp forest, two huge trees were lying on the ground.It can be seen from the black and dry bark that these big trees have been dead for a long time.However, it is very strange that it did not rot in the swamp with a lot of microorganisms.

Four people covered in cloaks sat quietly on these tree trunks.They were silent, as if they did not know each other.It's just that from their protruding eyes, you can find vaguely intersecting eyes from time to time.

A black figure, as far as the color is concerned, is almost the same as them, and it is very suitable.But it appeared so abruptly that they almost rolled off the giant log in fright.

I'll go, why didn't I notice this guy coming in front of me!If this person wants to be unfavorable to him, he may die without knowing what's going on if he wipes his neck behind his back!

Several guys in black cloaks suddenly broke out in cold sweat. Living in the Molot swamp forest, they are very vigilant. Such a huge negligence is like letting them die once.

"Who are you?!" One of the black cloaks couldn't help asking.

"Passerby." Yuan Feiwu said sincerely.

People here never trust others easily.But even though their hearts were like a rock, their minds were slightly shaken by Yuan Feiwu unconsciously, and they were stunned for a while.

It was Yuan Feiwu's face that was so sincere!

But can there be passers-by in Nima Molot Forest!
"Passers-by? Can passers-by come in here? Humph!" the cloaked man on the far side sneered.

"Murphy, you are too vigilant. Since you can come in, you are one of your own." The cloaked man in the middle came out and nodded towards Yuan Feiwu, "My name is Pete. You are also a black magician who fled here. Teacher?"

A black mage, also known as a dark mage, refers to a mage who is gifted with the dark element.

Black Mage?

Yuan Feiwu smiled even brighter. Of course he is a black magician, the kind that can't be darker.

"Yes, I am a black mage."

"Haha, how dare a young brat call himself a black mage? I think you can't even fart a dark element!" The man called Murphy continued to sneer.

"Murphy, please show some respect!" Pete said immediately.

The atmosphere between the two gradually became dignified, as if they were about to strike at any moment.The other two cloaked men who have been silent have no intention of persuading a fight at all, and can only see indifference from their exposed eyes.

"I really can't fart the fart of the dark element, but I still know a few magics of the dark element." Yuan Feiwu seemed to be unable to see the tension between them, stretched out a hand, and made up a chant spell casually, "Endless darkness, please turn into a silent flame and destroy everything!"

A mass of dark flames suddenly emerged from Yuan Feiwu's outstretched palm, seemingly floating docilely, but the powerful magic power contained in it made the surrounding people couldn't help standing up and taking a few steps back.

This is an instinctive fear, who knows if this beautiful girl will suddenly get nervous and throw this fire over!Most people with dark element talent are eroded by the dark element's disposition and become dark and perverted. Many people will go crazy for no reason.There are basically people like this around them, so of course they should be more careful!
(End of this chapter)

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