Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 214 Divine Beast Cubs Reborn Cubs

Chapter 214 Divine Beast Cubs Reborn Cubs

"I don't want anything, I just want to exchange information." Yuan Feiwu laughed.


Murphy wasn't the only one who was muttering in his heart, and there was no one present who didn't feel baffled.

But Murphy was faintly uneasy, and guessed something.

"I want to know who are the members of Tolan Viper?" Yuan Feiwu continued.

Knew it!
Murphy found that he was always very sensitive to bad premonitions!
It's the Lanto Viper again, how eager Nima is to find that Lanto Viper!He actually took the bloodthirsty poisonous dragon cub as the price!

This is definitely an insult and belittlement to the beasts all over the world, hurry up and apologize to them!
"What, what Tolan Viper?"

"I haven't heard of it, is it a gang?"

"Why haven't I heard of the Tolan Viper? Am I going to miss out on the cub of the beast because I haven't heard of the Tolan Viper? I'm so unwilling!"

Hearing the discussion of the black magicians in the audience, Murphy sighed. It turned out that not only had he never heard of it, but he thought it was a super powerful organization, but he didn't know about it.

Come to think of it, Pete is one of them, how can he be so good?I've never heard him mention that he used to have this number.

"I know."

Following the sound, a small black magician walked slowly to the high platform, and the expression on the face under the cloak was unknown.

"If the information is true, the bloodthirsty poisonous dragon cub will be handed over to you."

Yuan Feiwu pinched the tail of the little four-legged snake and let it hang in the air, so that everyone could see it more clearly swinging its body and limbs in a non-rhythmic rhythm, which was so lively that it almost made people crazy.

No way, Demon Venerable Hades would really just hand over the cub of the bloodthirsty poisonous dragon in exchange for some inexplicable information?It's a pity that no matter how much Murphy doesn't want to believe it, this will be the truth, because he has never heard of Demon Lord Hades talking nonsense, no matter how exaggerated what he said.

"Of course, the elders will confirm the authenticity of the information." The black magician laughed.

"Let's listen first, let's see how the elders prove it." Yuan Feiwu said.

"There are four Tolan Vipers, namely Dennis, Char, Pate, and Patrick." The black magician laughed even louder.

All the black magicians present were listening attentively to his information, but unexpectedly, one of the five elders, the host of today's auction, Patrick's name appeared in the name!

"No wonder you said that the elders will verify the authenticity of the information. It turns out that Elder Patrick is also a member of the Tolan Viper!" Yuan Feiwu smiled.

"That's right." Patrick said with a sinister smile on his lips, "I can confirm that the information he said is not half false."

"Then where are they?" Yuan Feiwu continued to ask.

"Oh, I'm sorry, the information you're asking for is only about the members of the Tolan Viper." The black mage said proudly, "So please give me the cub you're holding."

"He's right." Patrick nodded.

Yuan Feiwu didn't say anything, just smiled lightly, and threw the little four-legged snake towards the other party neatly.

The black magician caught the four-legged snake, and immediately pinched its tail with his hands like Yuan Feiwu to prevent it from running around, and laughed out loud wantonly: "Hahaha... By the way, I will send you an extra message privately." , I am Dennis! You never thought that you would be so stupid, you actually gave the cub of the beast to your enemy! Hahaha..."

Dennis' hoarse laughter echoed in Noda's auction house, but everyone listened quietly without saying a word.

So far, who still can't understand what happened?

They all mourned for the beautiful woman.

From the information that the beautiful woman actually exchanged the cubs of the divine beast for the Tolan Viper, there must be a deep blood feud between them, and the Tolan Viper has long been anonymous, which is why they made such a bad move.

It's just that I didn't expect that my enemy would deceive the cubs of the beast like this. Someone with a weaker mental capacity would probably be driven mad!
But this beautiful woman is probably also crazy, and she is still smiling, like a crazy person.

Murphy felt a little heartbroken. He didn't expect that Demon Venerable Minghuo had been soloing all night, but in the end he was turned back by his enemy.

But this is nothing, now that the elder Patrick is involved, is it possible for Patrick to let his enemy leave alive?
This hole is a bit big, even if Demon Lord Minghuo is powerful in magic, can use grudges and is also a master of formations, he can't survive it!

Because, I heard that the five elders have all broken through the realm of the great magister!Murphy didn't think that Demon Lord Hades would be Patrick's opponent. He thought Demon Lord Hades was at most the strength of a magister. Judging by his age, this level was already a unparalleled super genius.But compared with the great magister, it is still several streets away.

"Pate, I have seen it. I know you are the snake of Tolan. Patrick is the snake of Tolan, I also know. Only Char is left?" Yuan Feiwu laughed, "How can he come out? ?”

Everyone was startled when they heard the words.

How did he seem to know that this person was Tolan Viper?Is it putting on airs so that I don't look so ashamed!

Murphy didn't think so. As he said, the Demon Lord of the Underworld Fire actually spoke too much!Since he said it was one, it was definitely one, and he never pretended to be B!

Suddenly, Murphy thought of Pete's death, and everything was figured out!

This is reverse thinking!

If the Tolan Viper is a well-known organization, then many people will know it when asked; if it is hidden in the early morning and no one knows, then the person who can tell the information about the Tolan Viper can only be one of the members of the Tolan Viper!

Obviously, Demon Venerable Hades already judged from the performance of several of them early in the morning that Tolan Viper was the latter!
So when Pate finally announced that he was the Tolan Viper, Demon Lord Hades was not surprised at all!That's because he had already guessed it!
It's the same now, this one who walked out alone, who else is not a member of the Tolan Viper!

Then Murphy was very sure that it was impossible for Demon Lord Hades to hand over the bloodthirsty poisonous dragon cub to the other party for nothing, and there was definitely someone behind him!
"Then I have to offer another prize in exchange for another piece of information." Yuan Feiwu did exactly as Murphy expected, fascinated all beings with a slight smile, and then stretched out his hand into his arms.

Come on, let me see the backhand of Demon Venerable Netherfire!Murphy's eyes were full of expectation.

I saw Yuan Feiwu digging inside the clothes for a long time, and then made out a familiar figure.

The dark yellow slender body, the weird little lizard head without eyes, the swaying body, and the indefinable limb movements between strokes and cramps all brought the scene into silence again.

Nima is a cub of a bloodthirsty poisonous dragon again!How many articles does Nima have!
Murphy's heart was roaring and maddened, how many cubs of divine beasts did this crazy TM hide in his clothes!
Dare you not to go too far!
What's more, the electric beep—the thing that swings non-stop is always hidden in the bosom, one hides two, the forehead is wrong, one hides and two, doesn't it feel uncomfortable!Murphy couldn't help thinking about the sweet smile he had been showing all the time!

I really want to borrow one from him and put it in my clothes, to see if it will produce a honey smile!Is this the transformation of becoming infected and becoming neurotic?Murphy doesn't want to know!

(End of this chapter)

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