Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 215 I'm Finally Alright

Chapter 215 I'm Finally Alright
Another baby beast!
Patrick's eyes changed complicatedly, and his smile also disappeared.

This guy is really not simple!
"How do you want to auction this time?" Patrick asked.

"Tell me where Char is." Yuan Feiwu still had an unchanged smile, but now in Murphy's eyes, he couldn't help but wonder if there were several electric beeps in his clothes—"Or , give me the heads of Tolan Vipers Patrick, Dennis, and Char."

"Pfft ha ha ha... Beauty, you are very kind!" Patrick no longer concealed his anger, and his tone became manic.

"Don't call me beautiful, I'm Minghuo Mozun." Yuan Feiwu couldn't help it anymore, after listening to beautiful women all night, he finally reached his limit.

Minghuo Mozun, everyone laughed after hearing this name.

Is there a need to remember?How long can the guy who directly challenged Patrick live?

Another black mage came to the high platform. He was of medium build, and his cloak was gray and old, which was very inconspicuous.

He spoke very succinctly, and said directly to Yuanfei: "Char is here, and now you can give me the cub of the beast in your hand."


There was a uniform exclamation at the scene.

Charle is here!Doesn't this beauty have to lose the enemies given to her by the two divine beast cubs?

They couldn't believe that they could see such a sad tragedy!In the past, children whose parents died only to find out that their wives are biological brothers and sisters after they got married, can't compare to the tragedy that this beauty has experienced!The two divine beast cubs were sent to the white wolves empty-handed by the bloody enemy!

Without further ado, Yuan Feiwu threw the little four-legged snake in his hand, still smiling, as if he was very satisfied with the result.

Satisfied with your sister!Since you are so indifferent, why not give me one!At least I have led the way for you, please buy the tickets for the auction!Murphy said sadly.

"As the host tonight, I approve everyone's fight with Patrick, Dennis and Char." Patrick said suddenly at this time.


Once again there was a uniform exclamation at the scene,
This Patrick seems to want to wipe out his enemies by the way!They have clearly completed the transaction, and they even opened another auction requirement for them!

You are Patrick, one of the five elders, who dares to do anything to you!
It seems that the beauty's idea of ​​using benefits to lure others to help this time seems too naive. Even if she pulls out another four-legged snake, no one dares to die.

Of course, except for the few who are also the five great elders!

The two elders beside Patrick really hesitated whether to make a move.But because of such a stranger, without knowing whether his good things are still left, it is very irrational to turn against Patrick rashly.

The most important thing is that Patrick has recently successfully advanced to the middle level of a great magister!The strength is already higher than them!
"Come on, let's settle our personal grievances first before continuing with the auction."

Patrick stood up slowly, and the huge air pressure swept out.

The two elders next to each other looked at each other, and finally decided not to interfere in this matter, and walked aside silently.

Even the elders didn't have the courage to intervene, what else could the other little fish and shrimp do, and ran away in a hurry, fearing that they would be regarded as being with the guy who claimed to be the Demon Lord of the Underworld Fire, and be brought to harm by the fish in the pond!
Suddenly, a large area was vacated under the high platform, leaving Murphy sitting beside Yuan Feiwu.

It's not that he doesn't want to leave, but that Patrick's aura is mostly on Yuan Feiwu's side. He is very affected by being close, his feet are as soft as soft-footed shrimps, and he can't even stand up. How can he walk? ah!

At this time, there was another person beside Yuan Feiwu. Murphy turned his stiff head to take a closer look, only to find that this person looked familiar!
"The life-saving grace of Demon Lord Minghuo is something I will never forget, Chris! Let me help you!"

It's the tall cloaked man! !Murphy finally recognized it. After all, the tree hole was a little far away, and he couldn't see it very clearly!

What kind of life-saving grace?Didn't he just take the medicine of Minghuo Mozun to improve his cultivation?
"The grace of saving lives is too heavy." Yuan Feiwu said.

Yuan Feiwu didn't know about Chris' situation either.

His recent cultivation level has improved quite well, and he has a faint tendency to break through the magister and catch up with the man in the red cloak.How could the man in the red cloak let this guy who has been trampled on to surpass himself? Even if there was no such thing as Yuan Feiwu pushing him out to eat it this time, he would find another opportunity to let him die.

Unexpectedly, this time it was a blessing in disguise. After taking Yuan Feiwu's medicine, he had reached the peak of the elementary level of a magister, a little bit more powerful than the man in the red cloak.Now the man in the red cloak can't do anything about him, and he won't continue to be respectful to the man in the red cloak.

So it is not an exaggeration to say that Yuan Feiwu saved his life.

"It's not serious, I don't want to thank you for saving your life, let me repay you for helping you through this difficult time!" Chris said solemnly.

Murphy looked at Chris with disbelief in his eyes. It's too late to escape at a time like this, why the fuck are you sending him up to die!If you want to repay your kindness, it's better to save your own life, wouldn't it be better to come over to help your benefactor clean up the whole body later!Of course, it would be even better to collect your own by the way!
"It's inconvenient for you to participate in our battle, so you go to the side and cut off the heads and hearts of those two dead people and give them to me as repayment for your kindness." Yuan Feiwu dismissed in a perfunctory tone that anyone with a discerning eye could see.

Chris was reluctant, but had to do it.

two dead people?

Murphy followed Yuan Feiwu's gaze, and there were indeed two people lying there.

Take a closer look, it's Dennis and Charle!
Damn it, when did the Underworld Fire Demon Lord make a move!It's too scary to settle those two without anyone noticing it!
Of course people were not killed by Yuan Feiwu.Since the four-legged snake threw them both, the two of them were destined to become dead.

The bloodthirsty poisonous dragon is extremely poisonous, even if it is a cub, a casual bite would kill it, and it would be a waste to even call for help.

The two of them saw Yuan Feiwu pinching the little four-legged snake very simply and easily, so they underestimated it, and also learned to pinch it with their hands.

But what the devil does, can human beings learn it casually?
Just like the instinctive reverence of ordinary monsters for the cub of the bloodthirsty poisonous dragon, the cub of the bloodthirsty poisonous dragon also instinctively fears Yuan Feiwu!As an ordinary person, getting close to its attack range will definitely not give face, so bite it!
The reason is very simple, if you want to sign a blood contract with a cub, you must at least be stronger than the cub to do it. Everyone is crazy when they hear that the cubs are divine beasts, and they don't think about their own strength.So from the very beginning, Yuan Feiwu was very assured that the bloodthirsty poisonous dragon would not be signed by anyone as a blood contract, and no one here had the strength above the Dharma Saint.

Yuan Feiwu stretched out his right hand to grab, and the two little four-legged snakes who planned to go to the outside world because they were free to fly were wrapped back into his hands by the invisible black silk and retracted into his arms.These two little guys can be said to be disaster-level existences for the mortal world, and they must be recovered properly to prevent foreign species from disrupting the balance of the mortal world.

(End of this chapter)

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