Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 29 The Devil's 3rd Choice

Chapter 29 The Devil's Third Choice
"Wait, you don't like Shangyuan Feiwu, do you?"

Ophelia suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Ahem..." Lester suddenly seemed to be suffering from tuberculosis, and almost coughed up his lungs. After a long time, he blushed and whispered, "How do you know?"

I know your sister, I know!Just guess!Randomly guess where it shouldn't be!
"He is a man, and you are the only son of Prince Field, so don't think about it, there is absolutely no possibility between you."

Ophelia has the best experience in beating people, finding the fatal point and killing them, so as to dispel these men's perverted thoughts.

"I know that my family will definitely not accept us, but true love should not have any barriers! I can take him out of here, to a place where no one knows, and live together. I work to support the family and come home after a hard day. He opened the door to greet me and served me today's meal with a sunny smile..."

While Lester was talking, Ophelia unknowingly put herself into it.

Imagining that she came home, Yuan Feiwu had her beautiful black hair hanging loose, wearing nothing but an apron, revealing her beautiful collarbone and smooth white back, walking shyly in front of herself with a bowl of soup in her hand and asking: "My dear, you are back! Do you want to drink soup first, take a bath first, or... eat me first?"

"Wahhaha... No, no, it's too foul! This is absolutely not allowed! I really want to choose the third option, hahahaha..."

Ophelia's face turned into a liver color, and she felt that every inch of her body was heating up. While saying no, she raised her right hand and slapped Lester's back heavily, making a loud noise. People who didn't know thought that Someone was banging on the door frantically.

"You want my life!" Lester staggered away a few steps, he almost thought he was going to be beaten to death by Ophelia.

"Your thoughts are too dirty! You are a pervert!"

Ophelia took a few deep breaths before calming herself down, and then replaced the protagonist of her imaginary picture with Lester, and immediately yelled at Lester in anger.Absolutely not!It seems that in the future, we must keep a good distance between Lester and Yuan Feiwu, lest Yuan Feiwu will be murdered by this pervert!

"You are the pervert! Wipe your saliva first! And what the hell is the third item you mentioned just now, you keep giggling non-stop!"

Lester took a few deep breaths, and he found that his injury seemed to be more serious, and he was dizzy.

"No! You absolutely cannot choose the third option!" Ophelia said in an ultimatum tone.

"That's why I asked what the hell is the third option!" Lester said almost with the last of his strength, "Forget it, I can't communicate with you, and now I know that I don't get along with you at all, I have something to do. Go back and deal with it first, let's go."

Lester said something was wrong, he had to go back and cancel the commission to deal with Yuan Feiwu, who knows when those guys will make another move for the reward?Therefore, we must quickly cancel the entrustment and send them away with money.

"Get out!" Ophelia hated Leicester from head to toe. She was annoyed whenever she saw him. She wished this guy would get away.

But it seems to be so annoying before, is there a difference?
When Leicester was far away, Ophelia quickly ran towards the library. As soon as she entered the library, she was so scared by the crowd that it was even more turbulent than yesterday that she almost retreated.

"You're coming too, Miss Ophelia!"

A girl from class 3 of the fourth year of the samurai greeted Ophelia warmly when she saw Ophelia.

There are only ten female students in the fourth grade, and the relationship with Ophelia is not bad, and they will chat a little when they meet.

Ophelia was taken aback when she was called out. Looking carefully, it was no wonder that there were more people in the library, including many students from the fourth grade warrior class!The guy with feelings has gained fans again!
"Yeah, I'm just here to return the book, you're busy, you're busy." Ophelia took out the book she borrowed yesterday from her backpack, shook it, and pretended to be in the middle of the bookshelf as if nothing had happened.

This time Ophelia was unlucky, and after traveling between the bookshelves for a long time, she found Yuan Feiwu where the books were placed.

"Hey! Where are you running to be lazy, and you haven't seen anyone for a long time!"

Ophelia grabbed Yuan Feiwu's back collar, fearing that he would disappear into the stack of bookshelves as soon as he turned around. Now she casts a shadow on each row of bookshelves that look the same.

"Miss Ophelia, are you looking for me? But I'm not lazy!"

Yuan Feiwu stopped immediately after being caught, like a cat being pinched by the back of its neck.

"I've almost finished browsing the entire first floor of the bookshelf, and I haven't even seen your shadow. How dare you deny being lazy!"

Ophelia was furious at the thought of this, the first time she wandered among the bookshelves in the library for an hour for no reason, and now she didn't even eat dinner.But this statement revealed the fact that she took the initiative to find Yuan Feiwu. Originally, she wanted to meet Yuan Feiwu just by wandering around the bookshelf area.As a result, I wandered around for so long, I was so anxious that I forgot that I came to "encounter" by chance!

"Oh, the library still has the second, third, and fourth floors. The books on the upper floors must be put back in their original places. Otherwise, what if the students who borrowed books can't find the books they want to borrow?" Yuan Feiwu laughed.

Ophelia was stunned when she heard that, so the books on the second, third, and fourth floors also belonged to Feiwuguan?She always thought that Yuan Feiwu was only responsible for resetting the books on the first floor!In this way, it is equivalent to resetting all the books in the entire library. Curator Jin is going to be exhausting!
Thinking of this, Yuan Feiwu's smile appeared quite strong in Ophelia's eyes, and she could still smile after such a busy job.

"Hey, have you eaten yet?" Ophelia's tone softened unknowingly.

"Eat, Director Jin will take care of the food." Yuan Feiwu continued to laugh, "Is there nothing else I need to do?"

After Yuan Feiwu finished speaking, he wanted to run away, but Ophelia grabbed the collar again, so he could only continue to stay still.Now Ophelia is a little upset, what does it mean to want to run when she sees herself, does someone admire herself but doesn't want to stay with her for a second!
"Did Lester do something to you just now? Or were you captured by four masked men?" Ophelia finally got back to the topic.

"Lester? No! There are masked men, and they took me into the woods and tied me up without saying why. How do you know?"

Ophelia frowned, he was really caught just now!She always thought it was Lester who was making some kind of plane!

"And then!" Ophelia asked quickly.

"Then? Then something seemed to attract their attention, so I took the opportunity to escape!" Yuan Feiwu continued to smile.

Just tied a few times with rope casually, Yuan Feiwu has dozens of ways to escape without any fighting spirit magic.These escape methods were also learned secretly from Ying Ying, the guard of the second head of the Yuan family. Without such basic escape skills, how could Yuan Feiwu live to be 18 in the Yuan family?
It turned out that he and Lester appeared suddenly, giving him a chance to escape!Thinking of this, Ophelia was a little scared, if she and Lester didn't show up in time, maybe those people had done something dangerous to Yuan Feiwu.

No, we must find those guys. They dared to commit crimes in Lantis Academy of Magic, under the eyes of the great magister Douglas. They are definitely thugs!

Although Ophelia was 1 unwilling, but I'm afraid I still have to ask that person for help, for Yuan Feiwu's safety.

"Ahem, it's me who attracted their attention, how can you say I don't know! So you have to remember, I am your savior!" Ophelia turned her face to the other side, showing a He looked very disdainful of himself becoming Yuan Feiwu's savior.

"It's too dangerous, remember not to do this next time." Yuan Feiwu didn't mean to thank, but said seriously.

"Hey, what does it mean to look disgusted after saving you?" Ophelia said angrily.

"Okay, thank you for saving your life. But remember, don't put yourself in danger next time, I can handle it myself. I don't dislike you, but I'm worried about you." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

The guy standing in front of Ophelia is the devil, how could this little problem be settled!
"Cut, I don't need you to worry!"

It turned out that I was worried about myself!

Ofelia loosened Feiwu's collar, blushed, deliberately ignored Yuan Feiwu and walked out of the library quickly.

Staying with this guy is always easy to make people feel overwhelmed, so let's go back to the dormitory early.That's right, I've been blushing a lot lately, that guy must be so angry!Ophelia was complaining while walking, when Yuan Feiwu's words just now appeared in her heart, "I don't dislike you, but I'm worried about you", and couldn't help speeding up her pace again.


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(End of this chapter)

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