Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 30 There will be an outdoor practice class next week!

Chapter 30 There will be an outdoor practice class next week!

Lester was seriously injured and had to rest for several days before going to school.

Douglas and several principals knew the reason for Leicester's injury. Lester himself said that he would not pursue it at all. In the end, Principal Douglas gave Gree a symbolic training, and the matter was over.

But something happened on his first day of class.

"Yuan Feiwu, you are my angel! Oh, no, you are an unforgivable devil, quietly taking my soul away! May I, Lester Northway, be lucky enough to accompany you through the rest of my life , otherwise I will spend a dark and lonely time..."


Ofelia raised her heavy booted foot and strengthened it with grudge, and then kicked Lester who was kneeling in front of Yuan Feiwu and talking nonsense, causing Lester to roll like a gourd until he reached the podium before stopping.

"What's wrong with Leicester?" Yuan Feiwu said with a stiff smile.

"The head that was smashed before seems to be seriously injured, people are stupid!"

Ofelia impatiently explained to Yuan Feiwu casually, walked to the podium and stared at Lester.

"As I said, I will never let you have a third option..." Ofelia looked at Leicester with eyes like watching someone die.

"So I said, what the hell is the third option!"

Lester's growls sounded in the classroom, and he was sent to the school infirmary again.

But since then, Yuan Feiwu has an extra security guard when changing clothes in the training class, which is also good.As soon as he entered the men's locker room, Lester must have been waiting there and reserved a single room for Yuan Feiwu.

"Yuan Feiwu's naked body must not be seen by others!" Lester said to himself.

Except for occasionally closing the private room door for Yuan Feiwu and swallowing himself in the private room, Yuan Feiwu is quite satisfied at other times.There were two people crowded in the small single room, Yuan Feiwu felt that it would be better to change outside, so he had to invite him out.Usually, if Ophelia knew about this problem, the two would fight again, and it would be on the competition stage.

Without them knowing it, there were too many fights, and the strength of both of them has improved by leaps and bounds. It can be regarded as a windfall to throw their classmates in the same grade down a few streets.The devil himself looked at all this and felt that he seemed to have done some good deeds unintentionally, so he kept nodding. He really is a qualified big devil!

Yuan Feiwu spent nearly a month in the ordinary and leisurely days. He was almost used to the life in Landis Academy of Magic and fully integrated into the academy.But this is just his self-feeling. In the mainland, he is already a man of the hour. A handsome boy with black hair and black pupils. His personality is as gentle as a spring breeze. I don’t know how many people secretly come to the library every day just to take a look at him. Ofili Ya and Lester were often troubled by this situation, as if Yuan Feiwu would be undervalued.

The most frightening thing was that the people who came here were divided into two factions, one group supported Yuan Feiwu as the school girl, and the other group supported Yuan Feiwu as the school flower, and the two sides were at a stalemate, which was very embarrassing.

"Next Monday, we will have a field practice course for all grades in the fourth grade, mainly to promote the friendship between the students in each class, and to give everyone a chance to feel the rich elements in nature. Our destination is A specially circled area for low-level monsters, where everyone can hunt monsters to increase their actual combat experience, and at the same time learn some characteristics of low-level monsters." Gree said in class on Friday afternoon.

The calendar algorithm of the other world is similar to that of the earth. Yuan Feiwu also converts the days into Monday to Sunday for the convenience of distinction.Monday to Friday is the normal class time, and teachers and students are off on Saturdays and Sundays. Many students or teachers living in the city will choose to go home on weekends.

According to the familiar algorithm, the field practice class will be on the first day of school next week after two days off on weekends.

What Gree said about promoting friendship among classmates is not empty talk. Many of the students who come out of the college are the second generation of officials and the second generation of wealth, and friendship with each other can promote their own families.Even if they are not second-generation officials and rich second-generations, most of the students will join the Magician Association or join the army after graduation, and they will still help each other in the future, and increasing friendship will be of great help to their future development.Gree is to give some kind reminders to students to get involved in the society in the future.

"Teacher, why do we feel the rich elements?" A naughty male student in the class asked with a smile.

"Anderson, listen carefully, I said 'all grades in fourth grade', and the feeling element does not refer to you." Gree severely criticized.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't hear clearly! Maybe it's because you spoke too softly, teacher!"

Anderson's apology was very insincere, but Gree wouldn't bother with him either.After all, this is the first off-campus practical activity since the fourth grade entered the school. It is normal for everyone to be excited.

Those who feel the elements in nature, of course, refer to magicians.

The outdoor activities arranged by Landis School of Magic will go to some areas in the wild where low-level monsters exist. Although low-level monsters can be dealt with by ordinary mid-level warriors, there is still a risk of injury, so all students Outdoor practice is carried out at the end of the fourth grade. Students in this period already have the basic ability to protect themselves.

"The field practice lasts for two days and one night. There will be free time for activities. You have to go in two groups. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, there are exactly two days of rest. Make good use of it. During the period, find teammates to form a team and prepare the necessities for field life. I will give you the list, and don’t bring any extra things. There are relatively few students in the magician class and they need our protection. Therefore, the requirement for the magician class in this field practice is to seek a partner from the warrior class. If you receive a request to form a team from a magician class student, give me priority! Do you understand!"

"Understood!" Ophelia took the lead in responding.

Until the two or two teams, Ophelia understands everything very well!What Gree said later, she basically didn't listen to a single word!
Exactly like her, there is also Lester in the other corner of the classroom, looking at the other end of the classroom with bright eyes, the guy who is listening to the class with a smile on his face.

Two or two teams, this guy must come to find himself to form a team, right?Ophelia immediately calmed down after a brief moment of excitement.

Wei Wei glanced sideways, and saw that guy sitting quietly and listening to the class carefully, without any thought at all.Well, Yuan Feiwu has always been a well-behaved student who listens carefully to the class, and probably won't act until after school.

I'd better figure out how to refuse it first, after all, I can't accept free activities in two groups with a smelly boy.But maybe it is possible, after being begged hard, there is still a chance to soften his heart, it depends on Yuan Feiwu's attitude.

Accidentally, Ophelia saw Yuan Feiwu lowering his head, biting his lips and tears in his eyes, begging himself to form a team, and his heart suddenly jumped violently, as if a wild horse was running out of control.

Well, seeing how cute you are... cute, I will forcefully form a team with you once, this is the opportunity that all boys dream of, you should cherish it!

"Wa hahaha……"

"Ophelia, what are you laughing at?" Gree finally couldn't help but slapped the table.


Ophelia quickly sat upright, turned her face to the left, and turned her embarrassingly deformed face to the astonished Eunice.Anyway, you can't turn to Yuan Feiwu, laugh like a lunatic in class, you can't let that guy see such an embarrassing appearance!absolute!
When the afternoon class was over, Gree regretted that he announced the field practice too early. Almost none of the students under him were listening carefully throughout the afternoon class!Here I have to praise Yuan Feiwu again, every student is very excited about the upcoming event and looks around, only this guy listens to his lecture calmly.

How wonderful the world would be if every student was as well-behaved as Yuan Feiwu!
If Gree knows that the guy he thinks is well-behaved is the great demon king of the demon world, who is discolored by human beings, would he wish every student to be like Yuan Feiwu?
"Cough cough!"

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and Ophelia finally couldn't help making a noise, she was afraid that Yuan Feiwu had been in class all afternoon and would forget about forming a team.

It's all the teacher's fault, Gree, who announced the event too early, and many people forgot to find someone to form a team after school, okay?

Gree lay innocently in the gun.

(End of this chapter)

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