Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 301 Small twists and turns

Chapter 301 Small twists and turns

The representatives from Landis School of Magic arrived two days early, but they didn't practice any more these two days. At most, they were meditating in their residences to practice fighting qi or magic.

Yuan Feiwu didn't have the idea of ​​going out for a stroll, Lester didn't leave when he saw Yuan Feiwu didn't leave, and circled around Yuan Feiwu all day long.Instead, Nangongfeng took Coleridge and Silas out for a few laps, admiring the snowy scenery of Xuefeng College and admiring the girls of Xuefeng College at the same time.

Needless to say, the girls here are hotter than the girls in the Northway Empire, and none of them lose to Tarena, all of them are tall and plump.But most of the girls are practicing fighting spirit and have a slightly stronger body. Nangongfeng watched with relish, and Coleridge kept lamenting that he was not blessed to endure it.

He still prefers the type of little bird and person.

Just thinking about it, Yuan Feiwu's smiling face appeared in his mind, and he was so scared that he slapped himself twice without saying a word.

Damn, what a man he is, he looks so handsome and knitting!It's easy for normal people to be abnormal if you get mixed up with Yuan Feiwu!Because my eyes are used to this kind of beauty, when I look at other girls, I feel so fucking bad!
Silas doesn't care, his character is indifferent, and more importantly, he and Feiyue are currently in an ambiguous state, and there is only Feiyue's beautiful image in his heart, and he doesn't feel anything when he looks at it.

"Look, the representative of Landis School of Magic!" "It's so handsome, look at that brown-haired one!" "Yes, it's mine!" "The thin monkey-like guy next to him looks like a psycho, just now Suddenly I slapped myself twice..."

The three of them were walking on campus, attracting more and more discussions. Silas felt that something would happen sooner or later, so he suggested going back.Nangongfeng and Coleridge agreed, and it was a bit uncomfortable to be watched like monkeys.Especially Coleridge, he was really regarded as a monkey, wow!

"Heh, isn't this the representative of Landis Academy of Magic?"

A voice that sounded polite but a little mocking came, and the three of them looked at it quickly.

But they saw a man wearing a special red mage robe walking towards them, and a group of students from Xuefeng Academy around him stared at him with admiration.

Sabo Beacon, magister Sabo Beacon!One of the four major magisters, the chief disciple of the great magister Arnold, Sabo Beacon!
Coleridge himself was a magician, and he was familiar with celebrities in the world of magicians. He had also heard of Sabo's name.This person was picked up by Arnold as a disciple at a very young age, with amazing talent, he reached the strength of a magister in his 30s, even stronger than Livia, who was also called a genius back then!
Such a big man running out of nowhere really made him a little flustered!
It was because of his high talent that Arnold made up for the regret of not being able to accept Livia as his apprentice.It's a pity that Sabo's cultivation has started to stagnate again recently. Arnold knows the reason very well, so he had to let him suspend his cultivation first.
This time he was going to come to the academy to watch the exchange game, and Arnold also silently agreed. The young man's temperament is unstable, and it would be better if he can calm down after playing enough and continue to concentrate on cultivation.

"Yeah, you don't look like a school uniform, are you a teacher?" Seeing someone greet them, Silas stopped and responded politely.

"Teacher?" Sabo's voice raised an octave, and he looked around, as if trying to find resonance, but unfortunately everyone didn't respond, "I'm a teacher? You don't know me?"

"I don't know, who are you, big brother?" Silas said helplessly.

He really didn't know, but Sabo thought he pretended not to know on purpose!
He immediately felt that the people at Landis Academy of Magic were very attractive, as expected of the academy led by the Great Magister of Light!

Coleridge knew it was going to be bad as soon as he heard Silas's words, and Sabo's expression changed!
This offended the chief disciple of the great magister Arnold just by wandering around. It's really not ordinary bad luck!
"Hahaha! They don't know me? Students of Xuefeng Academy, please introduce them to them. It seems that the students of Landis Academy of Magic like to concentrate on cultivation and don't pay much attention to the outside world!" Sabo It's almost to say that Silas and the others are ignorant.

The students of Xuefeng Academy already had a certain amount of hostility towards the students of Landis Academy of Magic. This hostility came from the competition between the two colleges with similar strengths. Now this hostility was vented under the guidance of Sabo.

"Magiister Sabo is the chief disciple of Arnold, one of the four major magisters!" "I don't even know the name of Magister Sabo, how ridiculous!" "

Sabo smiled smugly when he heard the ridicule everywhere, enjoying the feeling of being surrounded.

The more Silas heard it, the more disturbed his face became. He was already very low-key, but he didn't expect to cause trouble.Sure enough, he shouldn't have come out with Nangongfeng in the first place, it's better to go to Yuan Feiwu and Leicester, plus he can at least play cards or something!

When the booing gradually stopped, Nangongfeng took a step forward and asked with a smile, "Are you the chief disciple of the four great magisters Arnold?"

"Yes, have you learned a lot now?"

Sabo quietly turned his body to face Nangongfeng. He found that this guy's aura was different from the other two. Sabo had to take it seriously so as not to be overwhelmed.

"The great magister Arnold's name resounds throughout the Star Luo Continent...but I really don't know you, the disciple of the great magister Arnold." Nangong Feng spread his hands.

Naked irony!

Sabo got angry, this man was mocking himself for just using his master's name to make a name for himself!
The disciple of Arnold's great magister, this person only calls himself this name from the beginning to the end!

"Hahaha... Well said! Mr. Arnold's great magister disciple, your master is very famous. Fortunately, your master is very famous, otherwise I would have no way of knowing that there is such a person as you."

The owner of this sudden voice didn't have the slightest tact, and directly despised Sabo.

Sabo angrily turned his head to look, and saw a foolish guy wearing a uniform of the young general of the First Army of the Northway Empire, with red hair, he looked pretty good, if it wasn't for a trace of silver on his face His smile is dignified.

"Hmph, I thought who it was. It turned out to be the son of Marens Kun, the head of Northway's First Army. What's your name? I can't remember, forget it, but fortunately your father is very famous, otherwise I wouldn't know There is you." Sabo snorted coldly, and responded with the words of the other party.

"So you know my father's name? I'm flattered to be known by the disciples of Grand Magister Arnold!" the man in military uniform laughed.

Sabo was stunned for a moment. He was the chief disciple of the great magister, and his status was equal to that of the king. Under this status, he expressed his acquaintance with Marens Kun, but in fact he was looking good for Marens Kun!

If you made a mistake, you should directly say that you don't know this person, and you shouldn't even mention his father!
This playboy Adam Kun is really not as famous as meeting him, and he is even more annoying than rumored!
(End of this chapter)

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