Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 302 Shameless Adam Wins

Chapter 302 Shameless Adam Wins
The rumors about Adam Kun among the girls are good. He is handsome, wealthy and very romantic. Every girl who has been in contact with Adam Kun feels like a princess who is infinitely spoiled.

But his reputation among men is terrible, and titles like scumbag and playboy are almost exclusive to him.

But no matter whether everyone likes him or hates him, he is the son of Marens Kun, the head of the Northway First Army, and he is not something that ordinary people can come into contact with casually.

How he appeared here, Sabo didn't wonder, the college exchange competition is a major event in the entire human continent, and it is a matter of course for anyone to appear here.And he is from Northway, so it is only natural for him to stand up for the students of Northway College.

"You're actually more famous than your father, Adam Kun, even I've heard of it, a man with a flirtatious heart everywhere. When you come here this time, which beautiful woman are you planning to harm?" Sabo simply stopped playing with him to become famous. It's not a big game, just say it straight, with a contemptuous attitude without embellishment.

"Hehe, what's so strange about men and women being in love with each other? Every beauty has every beauty's goodness, and I don't want to miss it if I want to kiss her." Sabo's ridicule, Adam openly admitted Come down, he doesn't think it's shameful to be a good woman at all, "It's the chief disciple of the great magister, I heard that you are also quite lecherous. I had the honor to share with a beautiful woman from Tost. Chunxiao, she often said bad things about you, saying that you liked the new and hated the old, and when you got tired of playing, she dumped her and went after the princess of some country?"

"Nonsense!" Sabo's face immediately turned cold, uncertain.

"I didn't believe it at first, but seeing your expression now, I believe it. But the beauty said that you failed to pursue the princess, and then fell in love with a young beauty from an unknown academy. The beauty seems to have just grown up Well, you are too hungry, right?"

Although Adam used accusatory adjectives when he said this, his tone revealed endless envy, which made everyone despise him infinitely.

But his envious tone made Sabo feel even more embarrassed.

Originally, everyone didn't really believe Adam's nonsense, but seeing Sabo's face getting more and more livid, they felt a little bit more convinced.Otherwise, the chief disciple of the dignified great magister should not have his face changed drastically by a few casual words from a very silver-looking guy.

"You...very good, I, Sabo Fengsha, propose a duel to you, Adam Kun!" Sabo was so annoyed that he suddenly pulled out his staff and pointed at Adam.

Sabo was deflated continuously, and it was very clear that this seemingly inconspicuous guy was actually quite sharp-tongued, and he was not his opponent.And if he keeps talking nonsense, who knows how many bad things he will use the mouth of his so-called old lover to say about himself!How could he talk nonsense about his own nonsense, it would be embarrassing for his master!
If it wasn't for being in public now, Sabo would have already planned to kill this playboy directly!Now I can only hope that the other party's head is hot and accepts his duel, then he will kill him by "wrong hand" in the duel!
The son of the commander of the mere army, he killed a bird or two in a duel!The sky is falling and his master is still carrying it!
Seeing the flash of killing intent in Sabo's eyes, Adam sneered in his heart, put on an exaggerated expression and said in surprise: "Are you sick? You are the chief disciple of the great magister. Is it interesting to challenge a senior warrior like me?" Don’t you lose your status? It’s interesting to find an opponent with the same status in a fight. I recommend you to find Douglas’s chief disciple, that fierce old woman Livia. You are both the chief disciple of the great magister, and your status is equal , it must be interesting!"

It sounds reasonable for Sabo to be seated by Adam, but in fact it is simply nonsense and he is so angry!

Does Duel have such a set identity!Then wouldn't he be unable to initiate a duel in the face of most people in the world? !
Besides, although my talent is not bad, but given my age and experience, Livia has already broken through the high-level strength of the great magister in minutes, and I have just stepped into the elementary strength of the magister level. That's not a duel, it's torture!

"Are you afraid of me?" Sabo challenged unwillingly.

"Of course I'm afraid of your magister's strength!" Adam looked at Sabo with a look of insanity, and he was so confident that he couldn't help but laugh, "You go to Principal Livia to fight Go, aren't you afraid of her?"

Sabo was blocked by Adam this time and had nothing to say.

People are so shameless, what else can they do?People are shameless, but Sabo is still shameless, snorted coldly, "We'll see!" and left with a flick of his sleeves.Gently he left, without taking away a snicker.

"Hello, thank you for your help, or your help, Mr. Adam."

Although this Adam didn't look like a good person, Nangongfeng still stepped forward and shook hands with him.

"It's easy to say, even if I don't show up, I believe you can handle it well. And don't call me so distant, call me Senior Adam, I am also a student from Landis Magic Academy, but just graduated."

Nangongfeng was a little surprised by Adam's vicious eyes that didn't match his appearance at all.This guy is really not as useless as he looks on the surface.

"Don't shake hands with him, your hands will rot!"

At this time, a voice that was deeply familiar to Nangong Feng and the others came out. Looking around, a beautiful woman with back hair squeezed out of the crowd, shouting with her hips on her hips.

It was her, Ophelia!
"Why are you here, sister-in-law?" Nangong Feng laughed first.

Ophelia would come here, she didn't sneak here, she begged her father to agree to let her represent the First Legion to attend this exchange match.Each exchange competition is a stage for excellent young people who have just fledgling in the past four years. As the head of the first army of Northway, of course, we have to send people to investigate. If there are any special talents, we must find a way to contact them. drawn over.

Originally, Marens Kun had already decided to send a representative, but he didn't expect that his precious daughter rarely asked him to do things. This time, she even used it to act like a baby. up.

But just before departure, Ophelia discovered that the representative sent by her father was actually her bastard brother Adam Kun!Just thinking about it makes people feel sick, how can they get along for several days together! ?
It's a pity that it's time to set off, and it's too late for my father to change his candidate or assassinate his elder brother, so I can only make do with it.

Just now his elder brother couldn't sit still and ran out to relax, Ophelia didn't want to pay attention to it, but when he thought that this guy might be wobbling, he would go to the representative of Landis Magic Academy to find Yuan Feiwu, so he had to follow keep up.

Because she had warned that if she dared to harass Yuan Feiwu in Landis School of Magic, she would definitely speak ill of Yuan Feiwu's "sister", so Adam resisted not to talk to Yuan Feiwu about marrying his "sister" desire.But now it's out of the scope of the Lantis Academy of Magic, and Adam has long known that the representative team of the Lantis Academy of Magic is actively flying, and he is likely to come to harass others!
Unexpectedly, not long after he came out, he met Nangong Feng and the others who had a dispute with that Sabo, and Adam went up without saying a word and used his eloquence to help, which made Ophelia treat his brother a little bit better. The impression is a little bit better.

But just now he confidently admitted the image of a scumbag who likes women, and Ophelia immediately subtracted the impression score that had just increased a little, and reduced it to a negative number.

(End of this chapter)

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