Chapter 303
"One of the sister-in-laws? When did Ophelia become your sister-in-law? And why is she one of the sister-in-laws?" Adam had a lot of question marks in his mind just because of Nangong Feng's words, "Ophelia, you have found a boyfriend. Why? Why don’t I know? Why don’t I know? Is that boy as philandering as I am? Is he handsomer than me? Otherwise, why are you willing to be one of them? Didn’t you say that you want to be Yuan Xiaowu’s sister and protect her for the rest of her life? , won’t it be enough to marry her brother?”

"you shut up!"

Ophelia kicked out quickly, almost breaking Adam's calf. Adam was caught off guard and tripped, rolling around on the ground in pain.The students of Xuefeng Academy who were watching were terrified. Even though there was a competitive relationship among them, they felt extremely pity in their hearts, and considered whether to call him a school doctor or something.

From sister-in-law to one of sister-in-law, Ophelia also heard the difference, she stared beautifully, and wanted to know something from Nangongfeng, there must be a reason for Nangongfeng's change of name.

"Before I asked him, is it a pity that my sister-in-law didn't come to watch the snow scene here together? He said that it was a pity that 'you' didn't come, that is, you were not the only one, so there are more candidates for sister-in-law. If you don't believe me, you asked them both. They heard it too, hehe..." Nangongfeng said.

Coleridge squinted at Nangongfeng, this Nangongfeng is really serious!Obviously Yuan Feiwu didn't mean that!

"Did he really say that? Does he regret not being able to watch the snow scene with me?" Ophelia turned to look at Silas and Coleridge.

"I fell asleep, I don't know." Silas said truthfully, he was immediately kicked by Ophelia, fell to the ground and rolled around with Adam Hongchen.

"Yes... I said that, I have a little regret..." Coleridge looked at the two lying on the ground, his voice trembling.

I'm sorry, Junior Fei Wu, let this misunderstanding get deeper and deeper!Although what you said should be relatively simple... Coleridge confessed in his heart with tears streaming down his face.

"Cut, who cares!" Ophelia said so, but she couldn't stop raising her mouth to reveal her small thoughts.

She would not believe all of Nangongfeng's nonsense, but she was satisfied knowing that Yuan Feiwu had thought of her when she saw the beautiful snow scene.When she came up in the carriage, she also wondered if Yuan Feiwu would smile sweeter if she saw such a beautiful scenery.

"Let's go, you guys go back quickly, don't cause trouble to the Landis Academy of Magic!"

After Ophelia finished speaking, she dragged Adam's collar away, leaving a deep drag mark on the snow.

"Let's go, don't pretend anymore." Nangongfeng said unhappily.


Silas was worried, and squinted his eyes to scan around before getting up.During this period of time, he had a lot of discussions with Nangong Feng, and his reaction in actual combat was much faster than that of Adam. As soon as Ophelia kicked, he was ready, and he dropped the power of Ophelia's kick and fell to the ground. Play dead.

It was only then that Coleridge realized that Silas was pretending. There were so many students from Xuefeng College present, and he could be so shameless. Coleridge admired this cheeky man!
The three of them naturally shut up when they went back and didn't talk about the little episode that happened when they went out for a stroll, but every time they met Yuan Feiwu's eyes, their eyes were a little dodged, and they felt guilty for no reason.

In the early morning of the next day, Livia came to the residence of the representative team early.

But the representative team put on their uniforms early in the morning, stretched their bodies outside the building, and waited lazily.

How early?It's too early for the scheduled wake-up time!
Livia was a little surprised, but also deeply worried about the representatives. Could it be that she was so nervous that she couldn't sleep?

"Good morning."

When everyone saw Livia coming, they all greeted Livia energetically, but Livia didn't see any signs of them sleeping well.

Instead, Nangongfeng complained that Yuan Feiwu woke him up too early.

"Get in early so you don't have to squeeze your seat with others, and you shouldn't make the team leader wait." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

Sure enough, he was the one who woke up the players in advance, Livia sneered.

"Good flattery, I hope you can win the game well."

"That depends on Nangong Feng's performance."

"Okay, look at me!"

Yuan Feiwu didn't care about Livia's sarcasm, and blamed Nangongfeng openly, and was so angry that Livia wanted to practice magic early in the morning!

She has led so many teams in exchange competitions, and this time the captain is the most f*cking out of tune!Let him take up the role of captain properly, but he will be blamed immediately!

In the end, Livia led the team into the venue with a dark face.

The venue was a huge open space, with a big competition platform like the one seen at Landis School of Magic placed in the middle, surrounded by auditoriums from high to low.

There are several rows of chairs beside the arena, and the name of the representative team is written on the area of ​​each row of chairs.

As Yuan Feiwu said, the seats were empty when they came early, and there were few people, so they quickly found their seats.

Livia is not used to arriving so early, she always likes to arrive on time.The reason why I arrived at the representative team downstairs early was because I had to reserve time for them to dawdle and gather. Counting those times before entering the venue, the time should be very punctual.

Just as Livia was staring at the empty venue in a daze, there was a particularly beautiful row of seats where the auditorium was facing the competition stage, and people had already slowly entered the seats there.

When these people were sitting, although there were not many people on the field, they all cast respectful glances towards that end.

The seats here are specially reserved for the chairmen of the academy exchange competition.

Who are the chairpersons?

The founder of the college exchange competition, Douglas, the great magister of light, the principal of Landis School of Magic, Pullman, the great magister of Gale, the principal of Xuefeng College, and Ze Zeze, the sword saint of water, the principal of St. Wen College.

The rows of positions in front of the rostrum have been carefully arranged. These rows of positions are for representatives sent by other academies to watch the game, as well as important figures from various parties.

For example, Adam and Ophelia were arranged to sit here, and there was a young man who looked very gentle with them, quietly.Of course, Sabo was also arranged to sit not far away. After taking his seat, he quietly looked at Ophelia's figure from time to time. He couldn't believe that the scumbag Adam had such a beautiful sister, and his imagination was running wild.

Douglas also slowly took the seat, and there were already two chairmen sitting next to the chair he was sitting on. Seeing Douglas sitting down slowly with a dignified appearance, they all rolled their eyes.

The world-renowned Great Magister of Light is so glorious and sacred in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of old friends and old opponents like them, they all know what is going on.

Douglas pretended not to see them, and deliberately ignored them for a while, and smiled at the few people who greeted him one by one in front: "Adam, Ophelia, hello. Haha, I didn't expect that little girl Athena to come to such a lively place. You didn't come, but you came!"

Douglas, the young man who appeared here on behalf of Alexander, was also very familiar with him. He was Alexander's son and Athena's brother, Argonne Northway!
He has blond hair that is lighter and more golden than Athena's, and his facial features are three points similar to Athena's, giving him a refined and scholarly temperament.

Anyone who knows these two brothers and sisters knows that Athena and Yalongjing are like a pair of antonyms. One is dignified and has a lively and lively personality, while the other is quiet and elegant and easy-going. They are at the extremes of their personalities.

Although Ya Rongjing had a good character and was very popular with others, Alexander was not very satisfied with him. He had only one son left, and he had to inherit the throne in the future.If you look at it as the emperor of a country, Ya Nongjing's character is too gentle and not domineering enough.

Alexander often thought that it would be great if the personalities of the two siblings, Athena and Arongjing, could be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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